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- Mar 7 2013, 10:23 AM (625 w, 4 d)
Jul 1 2016
May 10 2016
found the other entry....
Problem is, blue-for can use their AI to search for enemy...where op-for get a foreign language that is worthless. I'd would expect that if I was Iranian I would understand what my comrades were saying..
the ability to add multiple way-points, to allow you to set up a racetrack around the area of interest. Then you can lock you camera to one area or have it sweep, would be fantastic. eg..
Tested again with latest dev and I now die after 1:30. Before, I could leave, make coffee, came back and was still alive. I am however able to keep driving forward for those 90 secs whilst underwater. ie
- connect to stomper
- get in to the stomper
- take control of the stomper
- drive it into the ocean.
- the engine becomes damaged but you can still move forward very slowly for 90 secs until death. Don't turn at all, just hold W down. If you stop it will not move again, but if you don't stop or turn it will continue.
OK.. now if I host a MP game... make someone else sit in the stomper... drive them into the sea... they will not drown.. 5 mins and counting.... this is also the case in a hunter. IE if I drive ( I drown), and the guy sitting next to me will not drown. Also the car keeps moving with W pressed until I drown..
yet to test other vehicles, but the Oxy gum mod is not going to be out until 2135... so it is a little early.. :p
not all pip screens flicker... IE some vehicles (transport) they works OK. very strange.
the way I read it.... the flight model is staying the same as in arma2
yep.. trackir is now broken :(
ability to silence entire channels would be great. IE side/group.. etc
please put back like arma 2.... make it 6 dof as side gunner... I used to use this feature to help pilots land in forest and watch the tail rotor.
yes it would.. it is the key to making this feature usable.
custom voip channel still does not work when ppl get in vehicles, but group voip does. This proves this bug is fixable...
ability to bind a specific key would be very handy.. as well as the ability to mute players on the fly.
looks like all momentum and all lift is lost..instantly.. looks weird
stance indicator looks good now... thanks.
I see the HUD fades now... great... but it does not reappear for stance change. It does for a reload. Can this be adjusted. Thanks
I found what is causing the crashes. It is my oculus rift being connected to my video card. Although it is not turned on, windows stills sees it and adds it as a second screen. By removing the HDMI cable that feeds my oculus rift, I can now ALT TAB freely with no crashing. Before it would crash when I ALT TAB once and if I was lucky twice.
alt tab..crash.. alt tab crash... very hard to bug check. well time for a break from this game. it seems to have stalled. good luck..
I was playing around with another bug and found that, with SLI disabled, I am able to ALT TAB out of the game and back in successfully.
alt tab was working for the last two dev patches. The lastes one has broken the alt tab for me again. see new crash files.
If I ALT TAB out, don't click anything and then ALT TAB back in, it works ok. But if I ALT TAB out, then either click on the desktop and then ALT TAB back in, it will crash..... other file supplied...
still present
the chopper also stops in mid-air after getting shot down and falls straight down. There seems to be no inertia
YES please... I had to disable the mic in steam as the control is crap. please give us the ability control input source.
yes, the nightsky atmosphere definitely needs improving. It is nice the stars are in the correct locations. (I am yet to spot a planet or the odd meteors) I would be nice to see some have some atmosphere distortion (twinkle) and their correct spectral class (colour). I am guessing it is a texture rather and light points so the shape may be a tad tougher.. thanks.
they have made moves in the right direction with the 10 custom channels. But I still can not mute other players with a script/command. That would give the basic building blocks for an ACRE type mod.
May 9 2016
No worries... good luck at keeping up with the tickets.. :)
the only workaround is to run the dev version, it is currently fixed there. So BIS are all over this one...
? why is it at need more info ? this is not hard to replicate..
eg make a desktop shortcut that connects to a passworded server.. it will be refused even though the same setup works for ARMA2.
eg:- short cut "F:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" -connect= -port=2302 -password=abc -nosplash
I would like to add to this request... or I can make another
I have found these commands very handy..
I am after a command to automatically set the players VOIP channel to the custom channel selected. eg. Once the channel is created the player has to use the <> keys to cycle to the new custom channels. I am trying to make that process automated. Also, I am trying to locate the command to Mute specific players. A command to allow this would be very handy.
I see you can now make ten extra comms channels..thanks heaps.. it just needs to be tired to the radio that you carry and does not do a lot... I am still trying to work out how to mute people/channels using a script. Any word on that one ?
prefer to have a basic non-acre version that is ingame.. saves having to explain to ppl how to setup ts.. it is the old thing of KISS
yes this would be nice.. I was taught in the military to keep both eyes open when aiming... with or without optical sight it was the same.. it gives better battlefield awareness..
queue is a must.. especially with full servers.... The ability to add a White List so that paying members are moved to the top of the queue would also be nice...
allow to move.... maybe toggle the four corners
add the speed of sound in water is not modeled correctly.. Currently the sound is directional which it should not be due to the increase speed and less attenuation of sound in water. Also the pitch should increase. thanks
Also can not map joystick keys higher than 16. Please more keys.