The server browser is lacking some features:
- Favorite servers
- Queue to join server
- Blacklist option
and that's just a short list
The server browser is lacking some features:
and that's just a short list
I was under the impression that the server browser in ARMA3 would use a steam implementation and not the horrible one from Gamespy?
From the top of my head I'd like to see:
Arma 3 is still Alpha and we are currently still working on the server browser UI. Stay tuned ;)
Thanks for the update. Fingers crossed :)
Suggestion regarding favourites:
queue is a must.. especially with full servers.... The ability to add a White List so that paying members are moved to the top of the queue would also be nice...
I have fingers crossed that the game will use Steam server list in future to stop the piracy and CD key thefts and furthermore decrease the number of script kiddies dramatically because they wouldn't have endless supply of CD keys anymore, that would render the anticheat program(s) useless again...
Yes! Im getting tired of UP DOWN UP DOWN UP DOWN free spot! ooh missed it UP DOWN...
So yes, imo queue and favorite servers are really important. Addon filter.. that would be really nice!
will it be integrated to steam or steam works? so i can join friends from the friendlist itself? .. that would be great.. neverless.. this game needs a better serverbrowser at all insted of using tons of old code from arma 2 :D
no option to show all servers without password- only thos with password- thi sis stupid
There is an option in Launcher's Server's filters - No password required, You are welcome