At the moment we have mainly side, groupe, direct, command channels in regular games available which can by cycled through by pressing . or by binding to specific keys. There are also 10 additional channels available that can be added to the list of channels. There is also a basic script already available
What doesent seem to be possible so yet is to select a specific channel by command, however it is possible to do so by pressing a bound key. It would be great if these routines would be accessible on editor/script level. For example it would allow us to make GUIs that allow switching to specific channels without the need of binding additional keys or cyceling through channels and also make the extra 10 VON channels more useable.
The function could be something like
player setRadioChannel Channel with Channel beeing a number or a string
player setRadioChannel 1 goes to coustom channel 1
player setRadioChannel "global" goes to global channel
player setRadioChannel "side" // goes to side channel
could return true when selection was sucsessful or false when channel isnt active/ or has not been created.
Additional Ideas (9.7.2013)
Checking the status of any channel could also be useful. For finding out what channel is currently selected for communication there could be somthing like
player getRadioChannel (returns ID or String)
for finding out if channel is active
player RadioChannelOn ID (or string) return 0 not selected 1 if selected 2 if Channel has not been created or has ben deactived by Mission parameter