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- Mar 11 2013, 10:45 PM (627 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
Shooting rabbits was really hard in ARMA 2 and it should be in ARMA 3!
Upvoted! :-)
Oh my god. Cannot unsee.
I have always felt like the texture composition was somewhat off but now that you explained the problem the issue has become 100x more noticeable for me.
I really really hope they do something about it, the potential gains in graphical quality through better textures are enormous.
The ragdoll Idea is good. Though I hope it doesn't glitch too much. Also it would need a lot of tweaking. Not every kind of bullet would bring you down, at least not immediately.
There would have to be a delay of some sort and a consideration of projectile calibers. Otherwise, especially cqc could be very frustrating if even a single bullet could make you drop to the ground. It would be reasonable to expect that a soldier has the possibility to return fire when hit, unless if the injury was fatal of course.
However one could expect to be thrown off target by a bullet impact.
But those are very complex features on their own, which should be considered in a different ticket, I think. Kind of annoying that 0004977 got closed for no good reason.
Ruthberg, I understand that the stopping power of pistols is very limited but ingame even the impacts of 7,62mm bullets are hardly noticeable. The kinetic power of projectiles like that should be noticeable in some way.
Yet ingame I often only hear the impacts of the other bullets around me or the bullets breaking the sound barrier over my head. And once the view begins to get blurry due to low health it is usally to late.
This would solve the problem, that snipers virtually have xray-vision because grass layers and bushes aren't displayed the same way at high distances.
Question is how hard is this to implement?
Haha, BI will be very sad about this one.
They were so proud of their muzzle flashes in the showcase videos.
Kind of funny but definitely a problem. ^^ Upvoted.
May 9 2016
Correct. I guess the middle eastern skins will be added at some later time.
Hopefully there will also be some skins with beards. :)
This was possible in Operation Flashpoint too.
Great Idea. The curren "sinking into the ground" camouflage makes it extremely hard to identify uniforms at high distances, since most of the body is completely invisible.
With this method it should be reasonably easy to identify friendlies/enemies without sacrificing the camouflage function entirely.
God I hate the motion blur. It makes me nauseous and makes the game look like it's stuttering even though it has 40-50 fps.
Would be cool.
Already works with some of the ARMA 2 ACE scopes.
Great Work DisorderedMind. I can reproduce that.
Some time after 21:00 all lights in the game start to get dimmer and dimmer, by 21:20 it is almost completely dark.
Afterwards the lighting returns to normal.
Definitely a bug.
Maybe we should change the issue description or create a new one?
Again: The moon is clearly visible but doesn't throw any light.
I don't think it is because of the set date. I can even see the full moon in the sky but it is very faint and doesn't throw any light.
Even in the villages it is almost completely dark. There should be street lights visible, shouldn't there?
Gamma/Brightness doesn't help either, even if set to 100% all it does is create a washed out blackness.
Weirdest thing is that the issue isn't persistent, sometimes I start a game and everything is fine.
I still don't think it is because the eyes have to adjust. I waited quite a while and nothing changed. I will try again tomorrow.
Have this bug as well spontaneously. Everything is unnaturally dark. Sometimes everything is normal though, no idea why.
Make sure to set your editor time to something after 21:30 and test again.
All dynamic light sources get completely crazy between 21:00 and 21:30.
This is described in issue 0003119 and 0002929.
This is the same issue as issue 0003119.
Between 21:00 and 21:30 lighting gets kind of crazy.
All dynamic lights lose virtually all brightness. Even the moon stops throwing light.
I think this isn't necessary as a silent takedown alternative because you rarely have the possibility to do that and it would take some AI tweaking.
I think using your rifle butt for melee would be much more usefull, especially if you run out of ammo in CQC. No one would take the time to reload in a situation like that, when the enemy is standing 3m away.
That mockup is close to my preference.
But I think the scope is a bit too small. When aiming it should be in the middle of the picture and closer to the eye but the rest of the picture should still be at 0% zoom.
The 3D ingame scopes of course still have the problem that the entire picture is zoomed.
I don't think armapirx understands that the ingame field of view is mostly black when looking through a scope.
This feature would replace the black parts with the actual background without decreasing the fov of the scope.
Red Orchestra's optics are very impressive. It would be awesome if it was possible in ArmA 3. I'd be willing to wait quite a while longer if it would allow them to implement this feature.
The recoil management of all weapons needs to be tweaked slightly in my opinion. The point of ARMA isn't being hard but to be realistic.
Some have a little too much muzzle climb (MX 6.5mm) some have too little (TRG-21)
and some have a recoil that is completely uncharacteristic for the weapons type and uncontrollable (Automatic Rifles).
No matter what though, I would expect the muzzle climb to at least somewhat reset after firing, the way it is now is rather unrealistic and makes it harder than in real life to give off multiple shots.
Not to mention that the AI doesn't seem to have any problems at all firing full auto even at large distances.
Yep, snipers have virtually xray vision because of the missing grass layer.
Sadly this would be the only way to prevent it.
Perhaps this could be set on a per-server basis?
This is a realistic, complex game. Any kind of choice is good. Period.
PS: And if you're afraid of childish behaviour, stop playing on public servers.
They don't even need to put the models into the campaign or standard missions. It would be sufficient if they exist in the editor and were availabe in multiplayer missions if people want to use them.
No on HAS to use this.
Implementing female bodies would be sensible in any case, even if only to use them for female civilians.
And once that is done, modifying the existing uniforms so that they fit them almost seems trivial.
Please stay civil or you drop down onto their level.
The game is set in 2035. So why not? Maybe women will be common place in all NATO armies by then?
And even if not, what if I want to make a scenario with kurdish freedom fighters fighting iranian troops in the turkish mountains? Those units are full of women.
And if female models are already in the game, all it would take would be new uniforms for the respective army, since the female bodies are already done. -> Less modding work.
By the way ARMA 2 already had female civilian models but their animations were incomplete, so they couldn't go prone or carry weapons for example.
In ARMA 3 the whole thing would be much easier. They could just put in the base body, and that body could then be equipped with either civilian clothes or combat gear.
Since the bulk of the Arma scene is playing in communities anyway it would be the choice of those communities and/or server admins to make female models accessible or not.
God, the number of doubleposting sexists and ignorant dimwits on this thread is staggering.
This would definitely be something they could look into. I support it.
Sad truth is though that other issues are more important than this.
So it's sadly not a "must have" but rather a "nice to have".
Recoil on the Automatic Rifles is definitely much too high,even when standing.
It's not that bad with Assault Rifles but the balancing between the weapons is pretty extreme. The American standard Assault Rifle has a much higher recoil than the Opfor counterpart or any other AR for that matter.
I always stop and try to pick up an Opfor weapon when I get the chance.
A better balancing would be nice.
Recoil on the Automatic Rifles is definitely much too high,even when standing.
It's not that bad with Assault Rifles but the balancing between the weapons is pretty extreme. The American standard Assault Rifle has a much higher recoil than the Opfor counterpart or any other AR for that matter.
I always stop and try to pick up an Opfor weapon when I get the chance.
A better balancing would be nice.
ArmA 2 ACE had a much lower, more realistic recoil.
Make sure to set your editor time to something after 21:30 and test again.
All dynamic light sources get completely crazy between 21:00 and 21:30.
This is described in issue 0003119 and 0002929.
Yep, deadzone is unusable in current state.
What is it with all these people downvoting all the recoil issues? Realism doesn't mean "harder to hit anything".
Even the combat veterans here complain about the recoil being unrealistic.
Recoil on the Automatic Rifles is definitely much too high,even when standing.
It's not that bad with Assault Rifles but the balancing between the weapons is pretty extreme. The American standard Assault Rifle has a much higher recoil than the Opfor counterpart or any other AR for that matter.
I always stop and try to pick up an Opfor weapon when I get the chance.
A better balancing would be nice.
ArmA 2 ACE had a much lower, more realistic recoil.
I think many people here don't understand that this feature has nothing to do with stances to look over objects and through windows.
It would mainly help reduce recoil because the weapon could be stabilized on objects like a bipod, sandbags or on window frames, etc.
Great feature. ACE did this really well.
Very weird issue. I have it too. View changes with ctrl+mouse movement.
Seems like ctrl is hardbound to some change-view function, same issue as with the E key which is hardbound to "fast forward".
Something is wrong with these helicopter controls.