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- User Since
- May 28 2019, 7:33 PM (303 w, 3 d)
Fri, Mar 7
most common? must be berezino.
i love my svetlo spawns - or even up north in the fisher camp. its a great loot route, passing kamensk military onward to tisy.
Jan 5 2025
this is a weird and quite old bug.
if u actually CRAFT the fireplace and place it, and then built the stoneoven - all slots can be used on it.
Dec 28 2024
Nov 25 2024
Nov 22 2024
Sakhal is such a beautiful map, u can tell a lot of work for detail went into it.
But then seeing all this very ugly snowy squares all over the whole map..... what's going on? Is this scheduled for a fix?
Nov 16 2024
It seems this is still a thing. I died to a single landmine, while I had full health, but no protection (no ballistic vest or helmet). No other explosives were involved.
Nov 15 2024
Nov 14 2024
User error. The wheel goes right to the engine on the Lada; standing in front of it gave me the option. Sorry for any confusion and this ticket can be closed.
Nov 13 2024
Nov 8 2024
Nov 6 2024
im against this. it shouldnt be a continous action. starting with the bandages: its a package of 4 single bandages. u use one and then the next one. i found it very generous from the devs doing that change. if u have 4 cuts - u should struggle a bit i guess - not just holding LMB down for a few seconds and all is well.
i second this. people managed to meet up in the game for 10 years already with different spawns - i dunno why it had to change.
theres also a lot of "meta" going on with the new spawnsystem - yea well, this was all pointed out already, here and elsewhere.
Oct 31 2024
@OneShot: u used different naming for your preset.
in the cfgspawnabletypes.xml: <cargo preset="ZedLoot" />
but then in the cfgrandompresets.xml: name="ZombieLoot">
make sure to use the same name both files.
Oct 30 2024
This also happens to the wellies you receive from fishing.
Oct 25 2024
@MilesDownshur maybe open a separate ticket for that :)
with "enableCfgGameplayFile = 1" in the server config
"disablePersonalLight": true,
"lightingConfig": 1, in the cfggameplay file i get the dark nights and no magic light surrounding your body on sakhal.
Aug 5 2024
i'm very very fine with reducing inventory slots. when u dont want to use a backpack, but a ghillie - well u should be punished with way less inventory space.
and ofc backpacks slots should be reduced too. i dont see the reason to be able to carry a bag full of assault rifles.
i agree with Luke. the headdress shouldnt just drop and be ready to use after u skinned a wolf. maybe not as complicated as suggested, but it should take at least a little effort to actually craft the piece.
Apr 16 2024
the bear ruined that gear and it despawned.
Mar 25 2024
Thank you <3
Did u mean 1.25 or is sth bigger happening with the game HUD with 1.26?
Mar 21 2024
still present in 1.24
Mar 4 2024
i dont know if this would be a good game mechanic. the engine has to be ruined to have a vehicle despawn - i think thats fair enough.
Jan 23 2024
this monstrous vehicle hud..... please get rid it of it finally with 1.24.
Jan 11 2024
this is ongoing for at least a year and still present in 1.23.
Jan 7 2024
yup, i noticed that too. no matter what size the fish, it might be the most tiny one, it will always be a minimum of 80% u will receive from cutting them.
Jan 4 2024
thank you for looking into it, geez.
i removed the "lunapark" and "historical" usageflags from the mapgroupproto again, but many things are edited to my liking in the missionfiles - dunno if that created a weird conflict...
Jan 3 2024
all i did was using the "lunapark" flag for its designed locations instead of village, town and hunting. (results in prison gear spawning at lunaparks).
and for the castle ruins i added the "historical" flag (resulting in items spawning in tagged as "contaminated").
Jan 2 2024
glad its solved for you geez. but im still super clueless what is happening.
Dec 24 2023
thank you, sileed. they work kinda if u use the vanilla settings without using the correct tags in mapgrupproto.
i would like to see a public solution, instead of another thing being hidden behind discord.
Dec 23 2023
it seems the lastly added usageflags "lunapark" and also "historical" are not working correctly. they are not used in the vanilla mapgroupproto.xml.
if the "lunapark" tag is used in the mapgroupproto.xml it will spawn items tagged as "prison" and even better - "historical" will spawn items tagged as "contaminated".
so i had a look at the file and the lunaparks usageflags are set correctly.
i dunno why this happens to me for several patches and countless wipes already. this items tagged as "prison" keep coming back to all lunaparks.
im at a point to pay money to anyone who solves this.....
Dec 19 2023
i always had the impression further inland and on hills its colder already anyway. u might be on "white" temperature in elektro with medium insulation clothing, but in tisy it goes to "lightblue" with the same weather conditions. its probably "feels" like the same conditions, but people have way better insulation clothes in general by the time they reached tisy than they had on the coast.
and even if this isnt the case, character progress is a big part in this game, so i find it very reasonable to have the "best" clothes deeper in the map.
Dec 18 2023
i want this problem solved for official servers. be sure i edited this values for my personal server too (75% chance for doors, 20% for the wheels and 10% for the engine parts).
sorry but this doesnt convince me. if i drive into a wall with my car, the char would make the same movement.
Dec 16 2023
"The car always stop immediately if you die"
hmm must be a new weird feature i missed then.
i second this.
other high/best insulation clothes should be considered to be moved to higher tier zones and have a lowered spawnrate too.
Dec 15 2023
thanks for your reply sileed.
if they use the correct usageflag in the file (which i didnt edit and i dont want to really), why isnt its tag used in the mapgroupproto?
it would be good to seperate loot and assign it to certain areas - well like it is with all other locations in the game. the lunapark only spawns items in the vanilla game, because all items assigned to it use the "village" and "town" usageflag aswell..... . if u want exclusive loot at the lunapark, it just seems not possible (as written in the first post).
this is very confusing.
yea it seems u hit sth on the road, as the car immidiately stopped with your death. it would drive on a bit if u would got shot.
Dec 13 2023
my edited mapgroupproto file as reference.
the correct type for the bandages is "BandageDressing" and it isn't listed in the cfgignorelist.xml.
there's only the coupled stanag ("Mag_STANAGCoupled_30Rnd") in the ignorelist; just delete the line from that file and it will use the provided lifetime from the types.xml.
Nov 16 2023
Nov 15 2023
"Oh no the labcoat spawns in pristine only, noone wears it anyway"
Yes, sure... this is a tiny bug, but...
1.23 stable ongoing.
It's just falling from anywhere really. If u don't break your leg, u won't receive any damage at all, no matter what height.
And after nearly a year of this "feature", everyone uses it to their advantage.
Are there any plans to fix this in the near future?
Oct 25 2023
Every device that uses a 9v battery can be repaired.
Still happening on 1.23 Experimental.
Oct 11 2023
Sep 7 2023
everyone wants realism in the game, but only if it comes to hunger/thirst :)
everything is accelerated in the game. everything:
- u can jog endless without ever resting, no matter how much weight u carry
- broken legs heal within minutes, even without a splint
- any sickness can be cured within minutes
- u can skin and quarter animals within seconds
- u can fix/repair anything from nearly ruined to worn within seconds
- etc pp
well, noone complaints there that this isnt close enough to realism, right ;)
Aug 10 2023
whats with the nailed baseballbat? was this configured too? might use the same values as the barbed one.
Aug 4 2023
then the assault vest is too small too.
i doubt a radarcap would take as much space as a vest.
Jul 27 2023
"A decrease in the amount of military clothing that spawns across the board" and "A rebalance to their spawn points within the world (perhaps push the good stuff more into higher tiers)"
yes. this should also count for the hunting jackets/pants. its numbers should be decreased and also removed from low tier zones.
why have high/best insulation clothing (any kind) anyway in tier1 zones? higher tier zones provide better weapons, the same should appear with clothes, bags and vests.
character progression is a huge part in dayz, so give us some more use of the "not-so-great-clothing", at least in the early stages of a char.
Jul 14 2023
its the trailer on steam running in the background. im sure theres a way to disable it thru steam settings.
Feb 8 2023
Feb 2 2023
this only happen when u drop the crafted fireplace.
place it instead, build the oven and it will work.
Dec 21 2022
i agree. it was maybe a bit slow before the update, i guess some people complained about it here, but with 1.19 u changed it to a ridiculous fast speed, filling up this jerrycans. in fact it takes now longer to fill a cooking pot than the jerrycan from the fuelstation.
same for emptying that things.
this happens on the pc version as well since like ever. fill up a jerrycan at the fuels and u will be stuck in this weird crouch walk. easy to fix by just tapping the "crouch/stand up" key. still a little annoyance :)
this seems to be just a mod conflict. the location names are displayed fine in the vanilla game!
apologies for the false report.
Nov 21 2022
Oct 27 2022
u gotta use the recently added blowtorch to fix the engine now. the pipewrench doesnt do the job anymore.
Sep 14 2022
the broom and torch are super op.
clearly needs some balancing. holding a broom/torch on fire should give a little heat boost, but once dropped, there shouldnt be a heatbuff remaining at all.
of course the broom/torch should go out instantly when swimming and also shouldnt last long in the rain.
Jun 27 2022
Well, this happened on a modded Deerisle server (more than once). I edited the missionfiles myself with the release of 1.18 to stable, as Deerisle itself didn't receive an update yet. There is nothing in the sml files to configure what is happening. I put the chemnades into the cfgignorelist.xml to stop them spawning at all for now. i still had the impression that it might be related to some mods or the Deerisle map in general, but then the DayZ Underground server received a mod update with the following change notes:
"Prevent pox grenades from spawning in dynamic contaminated zones."
So I guees there's really something wrong.
Jun 26 2022
I think many people would like too see both options:
- a complete disabled HUD including all widgets
- a disabled HUD, but the action prompts and loot for example is still visible (as it is now on stable, even if it was implied by accident, I really like that way (maybe remove the "check pulse" widget too) and I have nomore the need to constantly switch the HUD on and off.).
Feb 19 2022
wow dude. sounds like a rough day... jeez
i can confirm that just opening the menu without doin any changes the game asks if u want to discard the changes.
happening to the assault boots too and its knive slot.
intentional, but not helpful.
quick looting infected now takes like double the time.
on a server with doubled infected to vanilla, with every 2nd wearing some trash clothing item and maybe only 1 of 20 infected carry some loot only - well, now i gotta check the other 19 too, even i can see already from a mile away the orange hard hat (example) on it.
please revert. we got eyes to see.
Feb 18 2022
to be honest this sounds more like an admin or mod issue.
experimental was out for like 3 weeks and an exact date for stable was announced about 5 days before. that should be enough time to prepare your server.
Feb 16 2022
i second this. it was fine as it was. now it feels we are some robots with laser eyes^^
Jan 13 2022
Dec 8 2021
good to know. wasnt a vanilla server, so i guess some mod breaks that.
Nov 28 2021
seems u use hardcore.namalsk where basebuilding and vehicles are disbaled.
make sure u use the regular.namalsk files.
for the food: its a game. imagine a survival game where u only would have to eat every 72 hours. and surely u dont want to heal your broken legs only after months of playing with a character^^
Nov 16 2021
u simply don't have wound infection - u used disinfected bandages.
u catched salmonella, which give the grunting sound too now. since 1.13?
so tetra won't do shit there, but charcoal.
however: any sickness: its best cure is a maxed out immune system.
Nov 9 2021
i agree. uncon times, specially when received by bullets, should be waaay longer.
could decrease the blood loss to compensate.
u simply cant disinfect clothes, gear, whatever.
and u wont get sick from those as this isnt a feature at the moment.
im sure this comes back once food poisoning makes a return.
Nov 7 2021
thanks for the reply.
i tested it your way and yes, it worked then.
however by now there came up a 3rd thread with that issue on the steam forums and i suggest reworking on that feature as xmas is coming.
Oct 29 2021
Sep 27 2021
imagine NOT having watched that video....
i havent seen the video until your comment and a bloodbag cured the poisoning for me too ...and yea i dunno if that is intentional, cos thats a very easy cure for some heavy poisoning.
Sep 8 2021
they could just remove the softskill-bar from the hud.
i cant remember it ever worked proper. the skills always get reset at some point.