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- User Since
- Aug 26 2024, 6:04 AM (26 w, 4 h)
Thu, Feb 6
All good, it was an extreme edge case and pretty unlikely to ever effect almost any players anyway. Cheers for looking into it though.
Wed, Feb 5
This no longer appears to be an issue as of the update
This no longer appears to be an issue as of the update
Fri, Jan 31
Same situation with both the US and soviet non camo net machinegun nests. Seems to only effect the built weapon systems from my testing, the armed vehicles appear to still fire correctly as do the standalone non emplaced weapons.
I think this issue may be related to the issues with the machinegun nest I found in T188889
This issue seems to be related to the dug in mortar position as the mortar itself is able to fire continuously without this issue
Game master, cant remember if the character survived or not but the helicopter landed completely vertical as seen in the picture, I was using US HE mortar rounds, no idea how many rings of propellant. I placed the door gunner in after and then chose to control them, the door gunner wasnt originally in the helicopter when it was hit and subsequently crashed. I doubt the position of the map has any impact on this but it occurred in the north western portion of simons wood. If you need any other info let me know and ill try and share if I remember any more details.
I tested this in a conflict gamemode as opposed to gamemaster with smoke rounds and the same thing happened, after 5 or so rounds the mortar destroyed itself.
Thu, Jan 30
Watching the video and reading your comment I have a theory, it could be completely incorrect but worth testing.
The map compass may be linked to your bodies position as opposed to where you are looking, if this is the case looking through the compass while standing might change the orientation of the character model itself as it turns to line up the target in question, making the map compass direction reflect that. In addition, the orientation of the map compass while seated in a vehicle would reflect the orientation of the vehicle itself as opposed to where the character is looking, given that the seated character model remains facing in the same direction regardless of where the player looks.
Jan 23 2025
Jan 18 2025
Jan 15 2025
Experimental is currently trialing rank requirement for equipment from arsenal, it may require tweaking in future but it will most likely be implemented to vanilla conflict in the next major update. Supply heavy loadouts are and will likely always be an issue but it is being curbed through this new system by ensuring that at the very least if players wish to run loadouts with high supply costs they must first contribute something to the team. Finding a balance between player freedom and realistic/practical loadouts can be challenging but dedicated classes are antithetical to the sandbox concept and there has been no indication that i have seen from the developer that such a system will likely be implemented in the future.
Jan 10 2025
No longer an issue as of
Jan 9 2025
This task can be closed as it is no longer relevant
Jan 7 2025
Probably needs its own ticket but considering it relates to FPS dropping ill add it here as a comment. Driving through more than 3 or so sandbags in quick succession in a truck massively reduces fps aswell. For some reason the destruction of sandbags really takes a toll on the system.
Good suggestion although I feel I should have made it clear that im not averse to using the notepad on my phone, I just like the idea of having an ingame notepad more and would personally appreciate the feature being introduced. Ive used the map markers in the past to note land nav directions when attempting to dead reckon my way behind enemy lines at night and it is definitely the better way of noting that information.
Jan 5 2025
Jan 4 2025
Jan 3 2025
This is no longer an issue with the new changes to razor wire in
This appears to have been fixed as of
This no longer appears to be an issue as of
Dec 31 2024
This seems like a good addition, you could have photos be an item in inventory and take pictures of the exact spot you want an ambush set up, then give that photo to another player. Add in the function that maps have to place markers and you suddenly have the ability to do aerial reconnaissance from a helicopter, marking exact positions of enemy mortars or minefields, possible routes of attack, etc.
Did some testing and on the rocket huey in experimental, healing the helicopter in gamemaster will not fix the cockpit display if it has been damaged, however healing the helicopter will not break the cockpit display if it has not been damaged already. I was fairly confident this would be the case but had to test it regardless, the issue is with the healing function not effecting the cockpit display at all as opposed to some sort of bug concerning the interaction between the heal function and the cockpit display.
Dec 29 2024
Was going to suggest making disassembly take alot longer on enemy structures but I prefer rustycaddys suggestion, either way ability to remove map generated roadblocks and checkpoints would be very appreciated
Dec 28 2024
Dec 27 2024
Valid point and needed fix. For what its worth you can make these steep inclines by instead reversing up the hill. Not ideal but a work around that should be known until they fix it.
Dec 23 2024
I may sound jaded here but hasnt that always been the case? In my experience of the 24 people in a faction its usually 2-6 who actually make the moves to allow the faction to win. Im not saying they carry or they do all the work but from what ive seen its generally a small group of experienced players who each individually make space for the rest of the team to win. The best way to get players to go where they are most needed is to drive or fly into a base, tell people to get in and then take them straight to where you know they need to be. If you are about to lose connection to a side of the map because you can see the enemy is pushing the last base that connects radio coverage from east to west you can call it out on radio all you want, the people who stop that from happening are the people who can go to a random group and say ive got a car get in. The 2 chopper pilots who ferry troops from MOB to the enemy backline bases that are in range, the guys who setup machinegun nests and roadblocks, the people who drive the mobile command trucks into position, its always a small handful who control the way the game is played and it allows space for the more casual minded to play as they wish. The only difference I see between this new system and the old is that the experienced players will have more opportunities to effect the battlefield. I was a new player not too long ago, ive put alot of time and practice into understanding and improving my tactics and strategies and the reason I did is beacause there are facets of this game that make your choices actually impactful to the overall success of your team. There are 50,000 new players, many will not stick around, thats just the reality of gamers. Of the portion of players that do stick with reforger most will be casual, but not all. This game attracts a certain type of player at much higher rates than other games, the type of player who is happy to run logistics, build FOBs, drive MCTs, setup ambushes and land nav across the map in the dead of night. Ive only been playing reforger for 4 months, not so long ago I was that casual player that drained supply and ran headfirst into the same base over and over. I have faith that there are players out there that will make this new respawn system work because ive seen players make every other system work. It will force the meta to change and players will adapt, just as they did when helicopters or AI or radio backpacks were introduced. I dont want to come across as dismissive of your concerns, I see how often you are posting in the bug reports and more importantly how often you help out other players with their issues, you clearly want the game to succeed. However in this specific case I dont think that what were looking at is the first steps towards the death of conflict, I think we are about to experience the same thing weve always experienced, a handful of players adapting to the new meta, integrating it into their play style and using it to influence the battlefield in a strategic manner while everyone else sends themselves in waves towards monty, coastal morton, coastal chotain and milbase levie. The only difference is now the defenders wont be spawning in, theyll be driving and flying in.
Strong disagree. The new mechanic forces teamwork and coordination to quckly react to enemy presence rather than the minigame that was respawn on command tent and fight. It needs tweaking and possibly AI need a rank and supply reduction to make it easier to defend bases to counter the strat of flying in with a chopper full of AI and dropping one at each base but the new system is 100% the right direction to be going. Most players ive talked to are in favour of the new system, its more realistic, it promotes teamwork, its more fun and it doesnt punish attackers for successfully killing enemies at the base. Its not a perfect system but to regress into the previous system would be an incredible mistake.
Dec 22 2024
Dec 21 2024
This is a good suggestion
Dec 19 2024
If you havent already please put in a private bug report with the steps to dupe supply, also thankyou for not putting the steps to reproduce on the public bug report. Supply duping has ruined this game for a long time now, the less people that know how to do this on the new release the better.
Dec 17 2024
Interesting suggestion but id personally prefer a human to be ultimately in charge of the faction. Create a voting system that allows a player to become leader of their faction. Have the vote on a timer so after every vote people can put their name forward and offer to lead the faction while the current leader is active, then every fifteen minutes or so a new vote can occur to either oust the current leader if they are making poor decisions or keep them. Give the leader the ability to give preset commands that show up in text on screen for everyone in a particular squad or the faction as a whole. That way if other players are out of radio range or cant communicate via radio they can still receive orders. Give the faction leader the ability to change the platoon channel and have it as something on other players screen (current platoon channel is: X). Attempting to change platoon channels when the enemy has your comms is very difficult at the moment as people are constantly leaving and entering the game, missing the text chats regarding it, etc. With this system people can choose to ignore orders and carry on playing how they want or they can follow orders but not have to interact with other faction members or have a working microphone to do it. With the new changes to spawning and the threat of mortars easy communication and coordination is going to be essential.
Dec 5 2024
Dec 3 2024
Thats not a bug, that is the preset zero for weapons, if you want to go higher or lower than that you can generally zero the weapon in the opposite direction. Keep in mind some weapons cannot be zeroed down to 100m and there is an upper limit aswell. Look up caracals video on youtube about zeroing for further information.
Nov 25 2024
Hey geez i know the team has alot on its plate but soo many people have raised this issue repeatedly for over a year now, can we please get some sort of fix for this. It leads to so many other issues when it comes to gameplay, i cant even describe the number of times ive gone to contest the enemy taking a FIA base and by the time ive arrived have been faced with a full complement of freshly made AI that i need to fight through. My own team mates who enjoy the supply and logistic side of the game are consistently finding that in the 10 minutes that they have spent finding a vehicle, travelling to a supply depot and driving to a base in need of supply someone has spawned in and glitched the needed supply. Its not fun to watch someone drive a truck into a base only to find they are not needed and call out on the radio if some other base does. Trying to take coastal morton becomes damn near impossible despite its many sightlines to the command tent when there is 3000 supplies worth of sandbags and bunkers between you and the enemy. If people want to build that base up than more power to them, it is extremely useful and very helpful to their team, but seeing 2 50cal humvees standing idle incase of helicopters with layers of sandbags for defence is something that should be earned through organisation and hard work not exploits. I get that this is an issue with server latency and that the underlying issues run deep, but even a stop gap measure would do at this point. We all understand the game isnt finished and there are ongoing issues that need addressing, its why we take time to raise concerns here, we want the game to improve and we want to help the team to achieve it, but this has been destroying game balance for a long time now and something has to be done. Is it not possible to add a timer that stops people from repeatedly dropping supplies? If it took two seconds to drop more supplies if you have already dropped supplies this issue would be solved for gameplay, there isnt a server latency high enough to be exploited at that point. This would completely solve all the issues to gameplay and would be far easier to achieve than fixing the server side issues. A simple update that changes the game on the players end making it impossible to drop supplies quickly and all these ancillary issues are resolved. No more game balance problems, no more skies full of hueys half an hour into a game, no more inpenetrable bases, no more game crashes due to a hundred AI troops that the server has to account for, no more teams of players running around with 300+ supply loadouts, no more players feeling like they wasted their time just because they wanted to do a supply run and play the game the way it was mechanically meant to be played. There have been so many tasks posted over the past year raising this exact issue and no one expects miracles on your behalf, but surely something can be done to if not fix it then atleast mitigate the worst of it. Maybe my suggestion is not possible due to the way the game is coded but something else might be possible and it doesnt necessarily need to be fixing the issues with the servers. There is a very specific series of steps that need to be done to achieve this exploit, any change to those steps would solve it.
Oct 31 2024
Oct 13 2024
This remains an issue and i cannot for the life of me fathom why. Make it so that a player has a 3 second cooldown between each time they drop supplies, not even the lowest latency server would be effected then. You dont even have to fix the underlying issue just make it impossible to drop supplies without waiting a few seconds inbetween and this exploit will be fixed.
Worth having a look at your gpu drivers, the game started crashing on me every like 15 minutes recently, turns out the drivers werent downloading automatically anymore.
Sep 20 2024
Sep 19 2024
Sep 13 2024
I continued to encounter this issue when I tested the same spot with the new experimental build version on an official game master eden lobby [13481319 (US-LA)]
This continues to be an issue on version
I tested both the soviet and US heavy machinegun nests earlier on an official game master lobby
Im not sure if there is a more up to date version but the current version on official lobbies still suffers from this issue
Aug 26 2024
This is a constant issue on every game I play on official servers. I also have a suspicion that the reason so many games crash so often is directly related to this, whether it be because the server freaks out directly due to this glitch or if the abundance of supplies allows people to make far more vehicles and AI than they would otherwise be able to, putting strain on the servers that would be almost impossible if supplies were being generated and transported the way that is intended and not easily replicated at will.