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Anti tank mines can be placed inside of vehicle wheels
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic

No mods
It is possible to place anti tank mines inside of the wheels of stationary vehicles. If placed correctly the mines are almost impossible to spot and can act as a booby trap/car bomb. Characters can enter and exit the vehicle, sit in the drivers seat, etc. As long as the engine isnt started the mine will not activate.
I have tested this on both the official base game servers and experimental servers and in both cases this is possible.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Approach a vehicle with an antitank mine and place the mine underneath/inside the wheel of the vehicle. Enter the vehicles drivers seat and start the engine. When the engine starts the mine usually explodes.

Additional Information

This is possible with both the US and soviet land mines. Occasionally the landmine does not explode when the vehicle starts, in these cases the mine that has been placed inside the wheel of the vehicle has not been armed correctly. If you move the vehicle away from the anti tank mine and then approach it on foot you will see options appear to arm or carry the placed mine. The majority of the time the placed landmine will arm correctly and this tactic will work.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Thu, Sep 19, 1:39 PM