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Floodlights seem to cast less light than they should
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The floodlight casts a very shallow beam in comparison to carheadlights, highbeams and searchlights. Obviously the point of floodlights is to throw light over a broader area than more focused light sources like search lights and maybe the floodlights used by the military during the 80s were designed to throw a much shallower beam than the floodlights of today but having worked on many construction sights at night using similar trailer mounted non tower metal halide bulbed floodlights I find it hard to believe that it wouldnt throw light at least as far as equivelent headlights of the era considering how far ive witnessed a similar setup throw light.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Line up the different vehicles and floodlights at night, compare the difference in width and length of beam between the headlights, highbeams, searchlights and floodlight.

Additional Information

The two pictures above show the results of soviet vehicles compared to the floodlight. From left to right on the second picture we have:
The searchlight on the ambulance
The searchlight on the brdm2
The highbeams on a uaz
The headlights on a transport truck
The soviet floodlight

Event Timeline

meuhey added a subscriber: meuhey.Wed, Jan 15, 1:54 AM

nobody uses them because of this, same with flares they dont like up a large enough area, most likely a compromise for optimization...