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Add a Camera item
Feedback, NormalPublic


I was talking to someone about the new training scenario trailer that came out today and they mentioned how they wanted a megaphone item in the game. It reminded me of an item I used to love in Post Scriptum, which was a camera item in everyone's inventory that allowed you to take screenshots with a black and white filter. something about the ability to use a camera in an FPS is just so much fun to me and I haven't seen t replicated since.

I think a camera would be a great addition to the game both for the roleplay opportunities it adds and the fun factor of capturing in-game moments with a real item instead of just a screenshot key. It doesn't necessarily need to be a black and white photo like PS, but a simple Woodstock/film grain filter should fit the 80's aesthetic of Reforger really well. It would make sense to restrict it to the civilian faction, but being able to run around with a camera as an infantryman is so much fun. If you were looking for trade-offs to it, it could be required to use the binocular slot since it also hangs around the character's neck (would also give it the ability to appear on a player's character)


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Hi :)

Additional Information

I honestly might try to learn modding just for this if it doesn't get implemented, although I'm sure screenshots on Xbox/PlayStation are vastly different than PC so I'd rather not lol

Event Timeline

danmur15 created this task.Dec 30 2024, 6:31 PM

This seems like a good addition, you could have photos be an item in inventory and take pictures of the exact spot you want an ambush set up, then give that photo to another player. Add in the function that maps have to place markers and you suddenly have the ability to do aerial reconnaissance from a helicopter, marking exact positions of enemy mortars or minefields, possible routes of attack, etc.

you could have photos be an item in inventory and take pictures of the exact spot you want an ambush set up, then give that photo to another player.

Damn now I'm torn, I meant it for screenshots but that would also be amazing for GM servers. Maybe different film rolls to load, or a Polaroid camera in addition to canister film camera?

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jan 3 2025, 4:08 PM