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Damage to players when driving into roadblocks unpredictable at best, US roadblocks unsuccessful at preventing trucks from passing
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic

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When driving into both soviet and US roadblocks damage to the player can occasionally be non existent. When driving at full speed with a truck head on into a soviet roadblock I was able to come to a complete stop when hitting it without the player character taking any damage, the truck itself managed with only a damaged gearbox, retrying the same test while probably hitting at a different point in the roadblock the truck immediately exploded on impact. The soviet roadblocks appear to be the better of the two however as atleast the hedgehogs are fairly consistent in stopping the vehicle from passing, the US roadblocks that employ the dragon teeth are consistently failing at preventing a full speed truck from passing. On every test I ran driving full speed with a truck into every roadblock that the US uses the truck managed to strike the dragons teeth and flip above and over the roadblock, often landing on its wheels. In every case where the truck flipped and landed on its wheels both the tuck and the player received no damage, in cases where the truck flipped and landed on its side or roof, often the damage was minimal and in some cases non existent to both player and vehicle. In every case where I drove the truck at full speed into the US roadblock, the truck, upon hitting the roadblock, flipped over the barrier and in every case despite occasionally receiving damage the player character survived. Im putting the reproducibility at sometimes because of the occasional success in stopping and severely damaging the player when hitting the soviet roadblock, however based on what I have found so far, it appears the US roadblocks can always be overcome by driving at full speed in a truck.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Place a truck at one end of the airstrip in the far north of everon
Place a line of any US or soviet roadblocks at the opposite end of the airstrip
Drive at full speed in the truck towards the line of roadblocks
Repeat test and note the difference in damage to the player character after every crash

Additional Information

Some damage must be dealt anytime a character suddenly decelerates in a crash when travelling at high speed, it is entirely unrealistic to go from 100km/h to a dead stop without being injured in some way. More importantly the US roadblocks are easily overcome via this method, making them essentially useless at denying certain roads to the enemy. The disparity between the relative effectiveness of soviet roadblocks at denying passage as opposed to the ineffectual nature of the US roadblocks is not only unrealistic but provides a marked advantage to the soviet team.

Event Timeline

Technicolourmatador renamed this task from Damage to players when driving into roadblocks unpredictable at best to Damage to players when driving into roadblocks unpredictable at best, US roadblocks unsuccessful at preventing trucks from passing.Dec 21 2024, 3:55 PM
Technicolourmatador updated the task description. (Show Details)
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 6 2025, 2:41 PM