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[Feature Request] Ability to lock loadouts between different matches and ability to lock multiple seperate loadouts
Feedback, NormalPublic


With the influx of new PS5 players I think the time is finally right for a feature I am pretty confident every player has wanted since the first time they played the game, the ability to lock loadouts between different matches and the ability to lock multiple different loadouts. This is a simple quality of life addition that would streamline gameplay immensely and massively decrease the amount of "tactical barbie" players crowding arsenals each match aswell as alleviate the time lost changing loadouts at the arsenal when you wish to begin playing a sapper or antitank role. I doubt its an easy or quick thing to implement but considering the massive influx of new players I think its finally the right time to begin addressing this as a feature.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce


Additional Information

Many of the feature requests posted to the bug reports are unlikely to ever make it into the game for one reason or another. However I have no doubt that at some point these features will be added as similar systems have been implemented in previous titles. This specific request I am making is intended as a call to action based on the opportunity afforded by the recent influx of players. Not only is it a good way of streamlining gameplay and eliminating the annoyance of wasting a few minutes every game setting up the exact same loadout, it is also a great opportunity to show the massive amount of new players that the game is constantly being improved and optimised via a feature that will undoubtedly be received positively and appreciated by players new and old alike.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jan 6 2025, 2:14 PM