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[Feedback] Conflict Game Mode
Feedback, NormalPublic


Hello, Just providing general feedback for the conflict game mode, this is not a bug. Could not find a form to provide a general feedback.

One issue I see in the conflict game mode is the unfettered access to items in the Arsenal. This often leads to many players with supply heavy load outs, causing bases to be depleted of resources quickly.

one way to potentially solve this as well as incentivize players to "squad up" is to add a class system which gates what equipment you can get from the arsenal and what classes are available depend on the number of players in the squad. Each class dictates what equipment you can get from the Arsenal.

A player that creates the group must be squad leader
2: players: unlocks rifleman and medic
3: "radio"
4: anti-tank, machine gunner, grenadier
5: marksman, sapper

max classes per squad:
1 squad lead
2 medic
1 radio
unlimited riflemen
2 anti tank
2 grenadier
1 Marksman
1 sapper


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Please include reproduction steps here!!!!

Event Timeline

Experimental is currently trialing rank requirement for equipment from arsenal, it may require tweaking in future but it will most likely be implemented to vanilla conflict in the next major update. Supply heavy loadouts are and will likely always be an issue but it is being curbed through this new system by ensuring that at the very least if players wish to run loadouts with high supply costs they must first contribute something to the team. Finding a balance between player freedom and realistic/practical loadouts can be challenging but dedicated classes are antithetical to the sandbox concept and there has been no indication that i have seen from the developer that such a system will likely be implemented in the future.

Experimental is currently trialing rank requirement for equipment from arsenal, it may require tweaking in future but it will most likely be implemented to vanilla conflict in the next major update. Supply heavy loadouts are and will likely always be an issue but it is being curbed through this new system by ensuring that at the very least if players wish to run loadouts with high supply costs they must first contribute something to the team. Finding a balance between player freedom and realistic/practical loadouts can be challenging but dedicated classes are antithetical to the sandbox concept and there has been no indication that i have seen from the developer that such a system will likely be implemented in the future.

makes sense, thanks for the reply

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jan 15 2025, 11:07 AM