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Leaving and then rejoining match cancels vote to kick
Reviewed, NormalPublic

No mods
It is possible for someone to leave a game when a vote has started to kick them from the server and then immediately rejoin the match. When this happens the vote is cancelled and after the player returns the timer that prevents you from starting another vote is still running. This is constantly used by team killers and trolls on official servers to avoid being voted out of the match so they can continue to disrupt the game.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Have someone start a vote to kick you from an official match. Leave the match and immediately rejoin. Wait until someone starts another vote to kick you and repeat.

Additional Information

This is a major issues in official lobbies and often completely derails whatever team is dealing with it. Currently the only solution is to coordinate with other members of your team to press F9 as soon as the vote begins and hopefully vote the person out successfully rather than continue to deal with them leaving and returning. This works but as you can imagine it takes alot of communication and watching the person you are trying to vote kick leave and return a few times before the team succeeds in kicking the troll. In addition if you are trying to coordinate this over platoon chat or in text chat the person you are trying to kick becomes aware of the plan and will attempt to vote kick other people in the hopes that enough people on the team will press F9 as quickly as they can and not realise who they are voting on.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Fri, Sep 20, 2:03 PM