No mods
Request for an item to be added that allows players to write information in an easy to access in game notepad. At the moment when doing calculations for the mortar or plotting out a route on the map that requires following multiple compass bearings from point to point for land navigation, I am either alt tabbing into notepad on the computer to note relevant information or writing this information down on my phones notepad. Having an in game item would be an easy addition and keep players in the game itself instead of using apps outside of the game. This could be useful for intelligence and espionage purposes for people making scenarios or be useful for players in conflict mode as if you kill an enemy with a notepad you might find important information that could help your team and add depth to the game through organic and emergent gameplay. By adding something similar to what the new documents system has (information on the character who took the notepad, their faction, etc.) and making it so that only the person who starts with the notepad can ever write in it, you will have the ability to know which player wrote what and still have an easy way to identify and report people who misuse this form of communication.