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- User Since
- Feb 10 2014, 6:18 PM (580 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
May 10 2016
Confirmed: had this happen to me in .48 on stable also.
Threw main weapon (AKM) onto a grass field and it disappeared.
Why not simply filter servers by click the top of the "Mode" column in the server list. That way you can filter it so the regular servers at the top of the list and the hardcore servers at the bottom.
The one drawback to this is that you have to filter the column each time you use the list to connect to a server.
I don't have DayZ installed on the computer I am using so cannot check, but it may also be possible to use the "filter" settnigs (bottom left of the server list window) and choose the mode here. These filter settings are saved.
Confirmed: I have also encountered this issue happening a lot recently
I agree with rgobeli1, a button to clear your history would also be very welcome.
Hi Guys, this is a duplicate of
Vote up the original
I am happy to say I was able to get out again by running and jumping at a wall.
This issue can be closed. Thank you for the speedy response!
Confirmed. I have also seen this error msg.
I can confirm this issue.
It seems that there is a very specific way that the binoculars can to be used.
You have to be standing with your hands raised.
When trying to use them in a crouched position your view is pointed at the ground and cannot be moved from there.
The video that huidube has posted shows the difficulty in getting them to work correctly.
I was only able to find them in hardcore so cannot say what it is like using them third person.
I can confirm ANOXIA's statement that the FNX45 sight will NOT function with a pistol flashlight attached. Removing the flashlight from the pistol will enable the red dot sight to function again.
I have tried with both an unpainted fireaxe and splitting axe. Both required a significantly higher number of hits to kill the zombies than the usual 1 and 2 hits, respectively.
The fireaxe took somewhere around 5-10 and the splitting axe around 10-15 hits to kill civilian zombies.
Ah, I see that's why the msg in battleEye did not display any name.
Then I agree 100% they should be kick when supplying no name.
Interesting, as I saw a user today getting kicked for an invalid name.
It looked like they started trying to use nothing, was kicked by battleEye, then proceeded to try things like ~ and a couple of other chars and battleEye kicked them each time.
Please note I have not tried this myself, I am only going off of the battleEye msgs I received during gameplay today.
Not meaning to be rude, but have you played the mod?
Most likey thing someone with a vehicle is going to do is run you over.
Vehicles are on the roadmap for release (q3 I think is the plan) but we may get bicycles and atvs earlier.
If the implementation in standalone is at all like the mod then vehicles will require repairing, so team work to gather the parts, fuel, etc will help.
I also understand that the plan is to limit the number of vehicles (some?, all?, not sure, the example was helis) accross all hives, so there may only be a handfull of helicopters scatter accross all servers in the game. Meaning, if you want one you have to find out where it is and raid the server to obtain it. This will be where teaming up will really needed.
One point to note here is that there is a bug with the ballistic helmet.
In its current implementation the ballistic helmet does not provide any shock protection.
I don't think it has been fixed yet as the status is still "assigned". see issue
So even if you think your head is nicely protected, against a blow from a zombie, it's not.
I have also found the long ranges scope, including in the latest patch, on hardcore servers. As teapot says they are rare, very rare.
Same here. One hit from a zombie ruined my TTsKO jacket and all items in it, including a pristine CZ75, which I feel is a little extreme.
I am quite happy that the zombies are now an actual threat and need to be taken into account when you're out looting. People are now being forced to deal with them rather than just running around them and this has brought in a whole new aspect to the game.
That said, I believe they are still working on the balancing of this component so I hope they will revisit the damage given to items when hit by a zombie.
I am not 100% sure but I think unless you take the sks to your hands it will disappear after a time.
As you mention it is very difficult, if not impossible, to keep the sks there if you want to swap weapons. Once you have swapped to any other weapon this gun will drop to the ground and you have effectively lost any way to pick it up again unless you drop one of the other two guns.
I have experienced and reported the same issue here: 0009709
I can confirm this issue.
When in the elevator shaft, by the ladder heading to the roof of the building, above the rubble on the stairs (Shown in image attached to this issue) the character will not perform the "Jump" or "Step Over" action.
I tried adding an additional mapping for the "Step Over" action and still the character will not perform it while standing here. I was finally able to get out after about 15 mins of trying different actions such as running at the opening etc, but the fact that the action "Step Over" does not work here needs to be addressed.
Same issue here. I have received this message 2 twice now.
I did not realize they had included the gas mask/ballistic helmet combination as part of the fix. This must be a bug as this combination is designed to be worn together.
Any mask and full faced motorcycle helmet not being able to wear together I fully understand.
This issue has also happened to me recently. I went to kneel in front a window of one of the highrise buildings in Chapaevsk (looking down towards Belotta) and as I knelt I was suddenly through the wall and fell to my death. I wasn't quick enough to try exploit the "sprinting avoids falling damage" bug :P
Can you please confirm that pain meds will not help with removal of the shaking associated with taking damage?
This is a duplicate of issue 0008972: Authentication Timeout then connecting to another server results in 280sec wait.
I would like to see that something similar to the mod where you could gather firewood from the trees in the forest using a hatchet. When approaching a tree in the forest with an axe it would be great (and realistic) if you had the option to...
A: Collect Firewood.
B: Collect Wooden Sticks.
Confirmed: Happened to me also. Body was visible but could not be interacted with.
Agreed, what is the point in sunglasses if they do not stop the glare from the sun.
huidube, I wear sunglasses whilst also wearing my motorcyle helmet on a daily basis so I can't agree that you should not be able to do that.
Also, in this stage of the early alpha with no other form of transport I think that having infinite stamina is warrented. When we start getting vehicles in the game then I would agree that gas masks could reduce your stamina for added realism.
Will a dev please acknowledge this issue so it is not missed in the "to be fixed list".
This includes the smaller barns, sheds, vehicles (around vehicles, etc), deer stands....
With this limitation to the high(er) end loot areas it is just making the already dangerous places, such as, barracks, hangers and prisons a bit like shooting ducks in a barrel.
I have also had this issue. On top of this authentication timeout I then had to wait 280sec to rejoin the server.
I find this to particularly an issue with GATES, such as around the power plant in electro or military compounds. Finding exactly the right spot to open or close the gate can be very tricky.
I agree that there needs to be a visual indicator to let you know which mode has been selected.
I managed to get the toggling working by changing the default configuration from T to 2xT. This allows the firing to toggle between full and semi auto, and seems to work consistently.
I am not sure about standalone but a suppressed M4A1 does significantly less blood damage than the non silenced version in the mod. So if you are only hitting your opponent in the chest, arms or legs, you may not bring their blood low enough to knock them out in 4 or 5 hits.
As the suppressors are not working (not suppressing the sound) currently I would not bother using one for now.
As already stated above, the amount of damage received also depends on the quality of the gear they are wearing. A pristine ballistic helmet can save you from a shot to the head from a m4a1 at almost point blank range!
Also I note that you seem to expect a bullet to knock an opponent back. While in the movies you see this all the time, in reality this never happens, at best it would stop a person in their tracks from the shock of the impact.
Sitting is step in the right direction.....but.....this does not let you know definitively that the player is logging out. He could have simply chosen to sit using the f3 key.
I have had 2 players (on different occasions) combat log right in front of me while I was being patient, thinking they were just mixing up which key to press.
Conversely, I have also shot someone thinking they were combat logging when he accidently hit f3 instead of f2 when meaning to surrender.
I really feel there needs to be UNIQUE animation as in its current implementation this can lead to much confusion.
Zombies attacking the air can be because they have been following a player who has then logged out. This leaves the zombie attacking the area the player was during logout.
I have seen this on a number of occasions when I have also been tracking players and they have attempted to combat log.
I would agree with Snake_Doc
The current limitations of no loot spawning in high(er) value loot locations (i.e. military tents, barns, sheds, deer hide..etc, etc) and that loot is only respawned after server restart makes finding enough equipment to survive very difficult if you have logged into a full(ish) server.
As I have also reported the fact that if kicked from the game for any reason (authentication timeout, game crash, or just connecting to wrong server...list goes on) you will be treated to the same delay in when attempting to connect to a new server as would someone who really was server hopping.
This means the current implementation meant to punishing server hopping tends to punish every player, whether server hopping or not.