An animation has been added to indicate when a player is logging out, however it is the sitting animation that can also be performed by players using F3.
There needs to be a unique animation for logging out.
An animation has been added to indicate when a player is logging out, however it is the sitting animation that can also be performed by players using F3.
There needs to be a unique animation for logging out.
This has been resolved with the addition of the sitting animation performed when logging out
Sitting is step in the right direction.....but.....this does not let you know definitively that the player is logging out. He could have simply chosen to sit using the f3 key.
I have had 2 players (on different occasions) combat log right in front of me while I was being patient, thinking they were just mixing up which key to press.
Conversely, I have also shot someone thinking they were combat logging when he accidently hit f3 instead of f2 when meaning to surrender.
I really feel there needs to be UNIQUE animation as in its current implementation this can lead to much confusion.
@privatryan amen to that
also you cant perform sitting animation when handcuffed i think