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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 1:09 PM (628 w, 6 d)
Dec 19 2024
Hmm.. I think it would troublesome because your trackIR sensitivity can make you lose track what you want to focus on when using bino. In Arma 3 when using bino trackIR doesn't track I believe. You use mouse to turn around.
Dec 18 2024
Dec 14 2024
May 31 2024
May 25 2024
Dec 5 2023
Yes, still present. Especially roadblock composition. Sometime you have to run then jump over it. If you simply stand beside it, then jump, it may not work.
Dec 4 2023
BI said it is on AMD side and they have in communication with each other.
Nov 28 2023
Nov 27 2023
Oct 14 2023
I see you use AMD. What driver are you using, I have almost similar what to you are experiencing since 23.9.2 driver. Work around for now is use 23.9.1. Hope BI/AMD will fix this issue.
I am using RX 5700 XT btw
Sep 25 2023
I can shoot at someone's face no problem. Only 1 shot required. Both using 5.45 and 5.56.
Sep 19 2023
I tested this also, cannot reproduce. Here's what I did:
Sep 15 2023
Hi. Nothing really changed on my end really. I just open up stable build then record the fps. After that exit game, and run the experimental build, and record the fps. Nothing major changed except running different build.
Interestingly, on current stable build I have good fps just like the previous stable build. Only on experimental build I got performance hit. Strange indeed...
Sep 2 2023
I also noticed that my GPU get hotter faster in stable build than in experimental one...
Sep 1 2023
Aug 31 2023
Can confirm. Happens on my machine too.
I think it kinda realistic, but then again, if we assume the center screen is where the eyes are focusing, then the center screen (doorways/windows) should be in-focus/correct exposure and the rest of the screen (indoors) should appear dark.
Aug 27 2023
Aug 26 2023
Aug 23 2023
You press Left Ctrl + mouse wheel up/down to tune to your desired frequency. That should be the default keybind.
Aug 21 2023
A video fromn someone else:
Example video
Aug 20 2023
Seems to be related to Game Master mode. I had this bug too in offline Game Master.
Repro steps:
- Spawn as US Squad Leader (because he has bino)
- Switch to bino and use it (right click)
- Un-use it then go back to Game Master.
- Delete previous character and spawn as Ru Squad Leader.
- The previous bino overlay will be displayed permanently.
Aug 12 2023
Nov 4 2022
Sep 16 2022
May 10 2016
I believe the AI should always obey the watch command, because most of the time the player will give the AI their sector of fire (watch command) so that there will be some kind of round defence and protect the flanks.
my guess is that after contact, the AI is aware of some enemy that the player cannot see, so they will always try to look at their target... I come to this theory because it usually happens after contact.
If you want the AI to run away fast, use move command. Select the AI and point somewhere far away. They will move there quite fast and reliably, since they wont do the bounding thing. They will engage the enemy from time to time (self defence) but they will move away from the battlefield. Just hope the enemy wont keep up with you
Yes, it is better. Thank you. I consider it resolved
Cannot reproduce on my end. No problem found
You have to send the AI to the target AI(the backpack wearing guy), once he's there, there will be an action Rearm at <whatever backpack>. Or you could send the backpack guy to the guy that needed ammo.
It's awkward yes, need more refinement. But for now this is how I've done it.
I believe it's to simulate incapacitation. If you got hit numerous time in the leg, your leg would probably disintegrated and be combat ineffective anymore. Though IRL you might be still be alive, but in game the easiest way is to let the character die.
I had the same issue, to be more specific, walk mode with gun lowered.
We also need landing from height animation
Something like this video would be nice:
May 9 2016
From ARMA 2 experience, you cannot use 'sleep' inside a trigger. So I guess this is by design.
If you need to use sleep, then in act field of the trigger, call for an external sqf instead. Or use something like spawn{sleep 1}... I dont know how to use spawn, but vaguely remember someone use it like that.
I also think the AI are to quick to detect at long range, (400-500m) behaviour set on AWARE. I think at that range, the AI should detect when they are stationary OR behaviour set on COMBAT. This kinda reflect more focus on combat/searching the surrounding and less things to think about. When moving about, people will usually focus on where to go, where to place the next step, etc, etc... so they shouldnt detect enemies at long ranges. But of course this should be affected by skill slider.
About accuracy, I kinda like the way they are... maybe tune it down by 5% - 10%
it would also be nice to have something like VBS3 suppression system - when it's finalize.
video here:
Careless does what it supposed to do. Usefull when doing a hot LZ insertion/extraction where the helo wont go and engage ground targets instead of inserting/extracting troops.
Thats why there is no Careless behaviour in command menu. Only Safe, Aware, Combat and Stealth
The issue in this ticket only for grenade launcher, so for bipod/foregrip maybe they can, but we are talking about GL here
UGL attachment are not like scope attachment that can be attach/detach at will on the field. They usually attached at base in the armory or maybe at the factory.
Maybe there are quick detach UGL around, but my experience is only with M16/M203 combo.