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Hard to see outside with new exposure effect
Acknowledged, NormalPublic


Since the mine update I think, an auto exposure effect has been added. When we're located inside a house for exemple and looking through a window, the exterior environment now appears so over exposed it's impossible to see clearly. This is a concern if you try to shoot from across a room, the only way to bring the exposure down is to get really close to the window and reveal yourself.

Impossible to see outside :

Closer to the window is fine :

Same things in vehicles like the BTR, super hard to see through the shutter because everything outside appears blown out by the sunlight.

When I zoom in the exposure goes back down :

Please fix this auto exposure effect in the future !


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

Lumix created this task.Jul 28 2023, 3:04 PM
Lumix updated the task description. (Show Details)
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Aug 1 2023, 12:03 PM
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Acknowledged.Aug 28 2023, 10:43 AM

I think it kinda realistic, but then again, if we assume the center screen is where the eyes are focusing, then the center screen (doorways/windows) should be in-focus/correct exposure and the rest of the screen (indoors) should appear dark.

Semi-realistic, but in concrete shore bunkers for example even with port-covers fully open it is impossible to see outside at all. IRL your eyes adjust based on what is in the centre of your FOV.

StevieB added a subscriber: StevieB.Oct 3 2023, 9:58 PM
This comment was removed by StevieB.

I agree, the light levels are too extreme. If inside a dark room it ramps up the outside light levels to a really excessive level. It effectively reacts how a digital camera would react, not how a human eye would. This doesn't happen like that in real life.
Outside, normal light levels

Inside, totally over exposed

I second that.

There are several house ruins (Arland - grid 014-031 or grid 016-023) where that exposure happens really extreme if you are trying to hide under the damaged roofs and try to spot and shoot the enemy.

Maybe it is the same issue that is causing that bug too: (weird brightness / eyes adaption behaviour while using 4x20 Carry Handle Scope on M16A2 / M16 Carabine)