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- User Since
- Feb 9 2014, 5:50 PM (579 w, 6 d)
Jun 22 2016
oh wow i can do it myself cool..
also merge this
Jun 20 2016
one thing just remembered i did was to the swap handgaurd after attaching bipod / flashlight trick... might be a case.. ill test it asap.
did every one happen to be dual carrying btw? maybe with a lot of attachments? duplicate i made before i found this.
Jun 19 2016
Looks like its fixed now. Thanks whoever got it running.
May 11 2016
mouse over the white dot on the top metal part of the gas lamp, and make sure u have space in inventory 2 slots verticle, you will get option to pick it up, gas lamps have always had a messed up collider. Although this should be fixed i geuss its not a priority.
Persistence is in tents and backpacks and weapons left on ground, individual items get wiped.. sorry mate.
ive lost two fully equipped m4's and a fully equipped mosin and 4 tents with tons of grenades and ammo, its part of the alpha process. were here to test. and u cant pack a tent if it has something in it (0% food example).
That server went down like a few days after i posted i think. Hasn't come back up since then. Guess i lost my tents and all the stuff i gathered :(
May 10 2016
I have a feeling that its related to pathfinding, three times ive noticed that a new zombie aggro starts and it freezes on me, but does that explain the freezes during login ? like in the please wait / timer screen.
It is intended, to give you an example of the volume you changed.
same in experimental 0.45
possible connecting mechanic to
Duplicate of
just go to the ladder and climb it
I am consistently able to dupe, steps:
- Log out
- Wait until you are sure you dont have a respawn timer. And note down the server you want to join.
- Put some kind of download / streaming to slow your connection / ping.
- Join said server and have your finger on escape key.
- When you see the "Ready!" at the bottom left text wait about 1-2 seconds and hit escape three times.
- You should have a permanent duplicate if the timing was right.
- log back in to noted server and profit?
i recommend keeping a default basic AI, where it checks for a controlling player, cause when we use "Check pulse" on the player it says unknown entity. Make all unknown entity wait 30 seconds and despawn if no player controls them?
Added picture.
ITS FIXED IN Experimental wait for an update do you not understand english. i said fixed in 0.45. and Kira stated NEXT patch.
fixed in 0.45
Confirmed, for the new engraved version of the 1911 too, it clips in backwards.
Confirmed (this is easy to exploit because everyone spawns with a flash light which can be used to do this, and survive on nothing), also i think the system should not be based on chance. Its not realistic if that is what the game design is going for. you should be able to:
- Stack berries (like ammo).
- certain bushes should have spawned a certain amount of berries over time.
- picking from those bushes should get berries 100% of the time. Until there are no more in that bush. (this is realistic)
- Over time that bush should automatically grow more berries (maybe over 1/2 nights)
roof of the air traffic control tower (the real top roof after climbing ladder) almost always spawns some kind of attachment for me. plus alot of ppl ignore to check it (even if it is risky)
Uploaded a screenshot of seeing through it.
Finally collected a good 11 containers, seems to be alot better in the new experimental, 0.45. Did you guys do some netcode changes?
Well i can confirm it has been fixed now, me and a friend gathered over 40 containers together, it looks like its fixed even nested protector cases down 4 levels without desync or anything.
Yes it does feel alot better, and network usage has dropped, ive collected 11 protector cases, 4 medkits and an ammo box so far. Seems good gonna try and meet up with some more people (anyone want to volunteer?) with more containers to let you know more.
Not having trouble dropping and picking things up, except for the rubberbanding causing things to drop outside the building instead sometimes.
Okay, thanks for keeping us informed.
Also confirmed happening in experimental 0.44
Still happening with yesterday's update on experimental, with the NetMsg update.
What i've noticed from my bandwidth usage, is a reduction in your server's "world update" frequency, but does not reduce the massive amount of data a single world update needs.
Confirmed still happening with latest .42 version. I will try on experimental soon. Getting a good amount of containers is Sky rocketing network usage STILL.the problem is recieving packets are huge, why are the developers not reqorking the netcode yet? this is such a vital thing , and your try to make 100 ppl servers when the desync is such and big problem. i was on an empty ALONE 1/40 server when this was happening ofcourse i had a lot of containers, (Assaults Vest, Protector Cases MedKits Ammo Box 6 Pocket Clothing) but this should not make 1.2 download speed choke like this makes absolutely no sense for your servers to be spend such a massive amount of data.
Please prioritize this, its a bit embarassing.
nice find, didnt notice my network usage, cause i have direct desync with the items leading to NO network usage. But this is potentially related to the game breaking desync bug.
Dev may want to consider not sending the whole inventory and keep everything server side? like instead of storing acopy of inventory locally, updating it then sending it back, you can do something like item slot #X moves to slot #Y and send that simple message over the network, minimizing network usage massively.
i believe its intended effect, you cant put something over the barrel of the rifle if something is attached to the barrel already, think of it as trying to fill a bottle of water with the cap on.
Still happening on the new experimental 36.115535, it mainly happens when you eat FROM the GROUND, while having space in your inventory.
Pick it up and move it? wtf... its normal for something that's in your Path to be blocking you..
Confirmed to still have this bug, i'm geussing it has to do with containers (or having too many of them, after which one of them glitches?) Can't find out which one with the server reconnecting timers anymore so easier solution is sacrifice all items and let them despawn.
Oh and developers try getting 6 containers or more in one bag, it might be the reason.
I dunno man, i think its fine personally, i once spawned in kamyshova, sprinted all the way to the new town in the north Svetlojarsk where a friend had stuff for me. On the way i only had 2 cans of soda and one can of tuna. I made it there in Dark Orange Hunger + Thirst and managed to survive.
I just had this happen to me, then i hopped servers for awhile, and got it back. I DID NOT SEE THE disconnected from hive warning i normally see. Dev's might want to check the server called "Scavenger", this one started the problem for me.
After a while it happened again, i considered if it could be related to backpack-ception. Because i had a bunch of mountain backpacks inside each other, for the extra storage on my heli-loot runs. Have not been able to get my save back this time... will keep trying. :(