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- User Since
- Mar 16 2014, 12:59 PM (572 w, 1 d)
May 29 2016
I really hoped that the lightning improvements from 1.60 would fix that, but it doesn't.
May 25 2016
Imo that's a must-have feature for a milsim!
May 10 2016
sorry I couldn't reply sooner!
I added my VR repro-mission + screenshots to demonstrate the current behavior for 1.22 (main) on listen and dedicated servers, and will add them for 1.24 / dev soon.
Repro-Mission Legend:
tanks: hideObject
hunters: enableSimulation
GREEN: no modifiers
BLUE: local command (+alt. syntax)
RED: global command (+alt. syntax)
PINK: hide-module
0-0-1 show / enable everything
0-0-2 show legend again
PS: It worked perfectly well on devbranch even before it was synchronized to 1.22 mainbranch (please see "Additional Information") for some very mysterious reason. :)
At the moment I cannot run nor have a dedicated server with dev/ RC, but will test it as soon as I can or the RC is released!
It's wheels vs chains / naval. :)
I know, I share your opinion.
I really prefer the analog steering, too! So I hope they can fix it soon.
This is an important issue, because when you map both controls (standard left+right AND analog left+right) to the gamepad, it will make the steering of cars really clunky, since the inputs interfere with each other.
So at the moment, you can either:
-use your gamepad for cars only (which would be a shame, because the gamepad was made for controlling vehicles in ArmA)
-or don't use analog steering at all (but it works so much better!)
-or change your configuration every time you use another vehicle (nope!)
Did some extensive testing, and this issue seems to be completely fixed since 1.20. It works like a charm now!
Thank you guys! :)
and thanks for the reply! I have created a new request here:
Have a nice day! :)
Just tested both commands again in the init of units in 1.22.125300, and hideObjectGlobal does _not_ work in MP (dedicated) now.
The hide-module is also affected: Simulation is off, but you can still see the unit on a dedicated server.
new ticket here:
I just checked with 124861, and everything works great there! All the issues mentioned above are gone. :)
I should have done that in the first place, but I was sure the fix was supposed to be included in 1.20 (124754) already.. I'm sorry for the confusion!
I just tested it on 124746, and it seems to be broken again. :/
enableSimulationGlobal and hideObjectGlobal both don't work in the editor/ SP.
Can anyone confirm?
additional info:
- "object hideObjectGlobal hidden" is also not working when used in the Init of the unit, even in MP on dedicated,...
-place a unit with "this hideObjectGlobal true" in the Init and run the mission on a dedicated server: no effect. (it works via debug console though)
- ...while enableSimulationGlobal does, though not from the very beginning of the mission, which may lead to unwanted side effects :
-place an empty car with "this enableSimulation false" and another one with "this enableSimulationGlobal false" in their Init fields
-add "setdamage 1" and an altitude of 10
-run the mission on a dedicated server:
-> both cars will hover in the air, so the simulation is disabled, but the car with the global-command will explode and burn (just like the command was entered a moment later) while the other one with "enableSimulation false" wont.
You can alternatively place a hidden flying helicopter with "enableSimulationGlobal false" in the Init, and the players will always hear the sound of the rotor.
Most likely related to
We experienced it too with 1.18 while playing Escape Altis on dedicated.
The Ifrits on the smaller airfield just hovered through the air, crashed into the roof of the hangar and exploded.
Can confirm this bug. No matter what you or the other players try, it is always nighttime.
BUT when all players exit to the lobby and reenter the same mission (continuing the very same session you just left!) you will magically have the correct daytime that was set before!
Problem is still present in 1.20.
Is it still the case in 1.14/ episode 3?
Good news it has been fixed, thank you! :)
I really hope it will be available for dedicated, too!
So there is absolutely no way to change the group names in the MP lobby yet? :/
For a military simulation, this should really be addressed somehow.
@KillZone Kid:
Sadly this doesn't work so well, the lantern will be stuck in the middle of the table board and some objects like dossiers just completely fall through it.
Another light source you can use atm is the camping light under tents, but yeah, we definitely need the lamps-section back!
Still the case in 1.18.
When you removeAllWeapons and only add a launcher (like in the repro steps) they will of course select it, but the main reason to use selectWeapon is when there are other weapons available too, and in that case it's not working so far.
Any info yet why it was disabled in the first place?
Very important for immersion and gameplay, upvoted!