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- User Since
- Apr 20 2015, 10:52 PM (519 w, 24 m)
Feb 4 2017
Jan 13 2017
May 11 2016
Thanks for reporting this. I don't know why I never thought to report it, but this has been bugging me since .55. Upvoted.
Sorry Geez. I didn't think it needed to be private since it was a client crash. My bad. I'm editing the video to show you the bug right now. Stand by for Youtube link.
Processing. Should be available in about 5 minutes or so.
Please close this ticket. I later found the car. I must be mistaken.
This should have been posted as private and making a public Youtube video about it is irresponsible at best.
Thanks for acknowledging the problem guys! I'm happy to help.
Upvoted. They also get stuck on fallen logs, fences, stumps, rocks, buildings, and so on.
I always thought that something like this was going to happen in beta when optimization and bug fixing becomes the primary focus for a large portion of the workforce.
This issue still exists on Experimental build 0.59.131005.
Upvoted. When vehicles first spawn, they can have doors, hoods, and trunks. Every time they respawn after that first instance, they have zero parts on them.
Can confirm on 0.59.131009. Upvoted. Having this problem only within proximity of another player who is also attempting to fish. While my buddy was sitting in the V3S, no problems, fishing worked as normal.
This bug has occurred in Experimental build 0.59.131005.
Still present in 0.59 Stable.
Tried again with a Magnum. Same issue. Duplicates until eventually the gun despawned. I actually ended up taking the pistol holster pouch off of the plate carrier and throwing it away so I wouldn't accidentally keep having the problem.
Aaaaaaand it's gone.
The M1911 has now despawned completely. After fixing it, the server gave the restart warning and we got kicked. Not sure if the hive didn't update or if this was another stage of the bug.
My friend and I got the bug to disappear by following these steps.
- Dropped Plate Carrier on the ground.
- Moved the M1911 from the Plate Carrier to the vicinity.
- I logged out.
- My friend put the M1911 in his hands.
- My friend logged out.
Upon both of us relogging, I put my Plate Carrier back on and then he dropped the M1911 on the ground. I picked it up, but it back into my Plate Carrier and now it works the way one would expect.
This issue, along with the iron sight bug, is still present on Experimental build 0.59.131005.
Hmmm. My Hunting Scope is damaged as well. Might be a good place to start looking for the cause. Perhaps a Worn or Pristine one would not be out of whack?
No I didn't. The thing is, the image itself isn't distorted or out of proportion. It's only the scope overlay. I will check the settings and see what it looks like under Aspect Ratio.
EDIT: I have no available options under Aspect Ratio. Definitely messed up there. It stands to reason that this issue may be tied with that, but my game is not producing weirdly proportioned images in any other circumstance that I can find thus far. Also, Tatanko said that his scope was rendering normally so I know that this issue is not universal.
UPDATE: Now the camp is working fine, as if nothing had ever been wrong in the first place. I'm going to try to make it happen again and see if I can figure out what's causing it.
I am no longer having this issue whatsoever in any of the Experimental or Stable 0.59 builds.
I will give it a try and report back, but I'd like you to know that your suggested cfg made me throw up in my mouth a little bit. I mean that in the nicest way possible. :)
Unfortunately, I haven't yet had much of a chance to test out the cfg you gave. I will try to get some time in on Stable this week and get back to guys. I apologize for making you wait.
Done. When I tried to upload DayZ.cfg, the site tells me that I am not allowed to upload that filetype. I made a copy, changed it to .txt, and there you go.
@zverus - I have Windows 10 Pro 64-bit.
And here is the Youtube link for the recording of this bug. I took the audio out as was suggested.
JStewart - I don't know. I don't generally change my graphics settings much. What would you like me to try?
zverus - I have a 64 bit CPU. Intel i5-4690k.
I just had it happen again. This time I switched Antialiasing from Very High to High, triggering the world to redraw, and then, before it finished loading, switched it back to Very High. It fixed it without me having to restart my client. Every single time this has happened, I was driving in a V3S Frame, not the cargo version.
EDIT: Scratch that last sentence. I had it happen the other night while I was on foot in Berezino.
EDIT: I just attempted to force the same thing to happen again with another black raincoat that I just found in a shed by ensuring that I had no free inventory space and my FNX in hand. Rather than going into the raincoat as the Makarov had, the FNX went to the ground. This would lend credibility to the idea that this bug has something to do with the V3S Cargo storage.
This issue still exists in Experimental 0.59, just so you know.
Happy I could help! Thanks for checking into it. :)
I don't think putting a barrel so that it is obscured by tree branches is a bug or an exploit. There is no collision box. You can even stand in the same location, and the devs must be aware of this already. There is literally no way that they could not be.
I don't care that I lost my gear. You have no idea who I am, why I play this game, or what I get out of the experience. The best stuff I found is still on my person as is the stuff I gathered for my buddy on his character. I probably won't even play much more of this zombie-less patch regardless. I have literally no motivation whatsoever other than trying to make the possibility of an issue known.
That said, this place is not the forums, this is not Reddit, this is not the comments section of some Youtube video. If you cannot refrain from trolling and trying to start an argument please do it elsewhere. This is completely inappropriate on your part.
I say again, if YOU think this is an issue, then YOU go report it. Please do not continue posting here.
@riktrik "Clearly" according to whom? I sincerely doubt that, but I'm not here to get into an argument with you. If YOU think it's an exploit, then YOU go report it.
I'm also not complaining. I'm making the devs aware that there is an issue.
@glockstopper - We wouldn't be posting here if it was even remotely possible that items were simply misplaced. This is not a platform for warrantless whining and emuthreat and I are both acutely aware of that fact.
I posted this issue. The gas containers also disappear from mountain backpacks. You don't even have to have a server restart. Just wait 15 minutes or so and they are gone.
May 10 2016
Was there ever a fix for this? It's been 11 months since the last post.