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- User Since
- Nov 1 2013, 5:08 PM (590 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
I have seen mod for this. I like it!
It is annoying that exiting a vehicle changes your fire rate to semi-auto. And some difficulty settings, enables/disables weapon status HUD.
Would be nice if weapon HUD where always visible.
give the left handed full-auto please
sometimes texture detail of high or veryhigh is removed because servers makes the rules.
I can not figure out what exact stance im in from 3rd person.
Please add stance HUD to 3rd person, very useful when using turbo stances in arma3.
If you ask me, all HUD elements should be visible at all times. (except for radar ext.)
why is this not in the game yet?
No person disliked this thread 03.11.2013
How can a car without ammo of fuel kill a player in an explosion from gunfire?
Very long scroll down here...
Suppression is Terrible, 1000bullets and still no kill. WTF MAN! this ain't COD.
Fix the game before messing with Oculus Rift.
The current step over is so slow that i thought i could actually shoot while doing it!
Toolkit should give this ability!
ACRE ruins game-play.
May 9 2016
I have seen mod for this. I like it!
Would be cool!
I think this grass rendering method looks great.
How tall is the grass in this example, and can you change it?
Will grass still be able to lay down?
Jump if obstacle is lower than waist, climb if higher. Jump should be fast, Climb should be slower.
would be cool!
IDEA: add a detonator in gear menu.
Repacking mags should have been in the game from day1
I like this, but fix the CPU/GPU utilization first. Do not want more Frame drop.
3D editor is a god idea. Placing stuff in 2D is hard when 2D icon does not represent the whole object. It takes also time to load Preview, then see the object, then adjusting, then checking it again...
I have heard about mod for this, but it should be implemented in Arma3.
When changing "normal" weapons (riffle and smaller), move speed should be normal/jog speed. same when reloading. But reload speed should take a hit. Pause reload/weapon-swap while sprinting.
Hangars would be so much more fun if Helicopters cam park in them and not blow up. Because of main rotor.
This would just make the game more complicated than it already is.. :(