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- Mar 6 2013, 6:40 PM (623 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
Add one more to the list. By any chance, did you two have the rest of Alpha get wiped out defending the pilot?
EDIT: I just uploaded a screenshot of the map. "James" was nowhere to be found, despite supposedly standing next to him.
Partial duplicate of
Some discussion of this in
Sea level vs ground level.
I took a look, and I can confirm what CGMH said. That said the HMD altitude and the HUD altitude should probably match.
I'll look at this, but I suspect one is ASL, and the other is AGL.
This is four separate issues.
IIRC, low settings does stuff on the cpu that would otherwise be sent to the gpu.
We already discussed this.
Would it be any worse than rear view mirrors on vehicles?
I don't think it's affected by time acceleration. I sprinted halfway across Stratis at 4x acceleration with a full AT load.
The only problem I see here is that the light and laser are both turned on by the same binding.
IIRC, the reason there aren't any underground structures in ARMA is related to how terrain is generated. Ground level is defined by a height map, and nothing can be below that. There are ways to get around it, but they have some significant flaws (one is thoroughly incompatible with the AI). I think the terrain system also places water based on "sea level," which is why there aren't any rivers or inland lakes.
The sight works, Uziyahu, it's just horribly placed relative to the center of the screen.
Not allowing you to fire while airborne could reduce bunny hoping, too.
I would give a set to, say, the SF fireteam leader, too.
Can a mod change this to a feature request to allow EMPTY objects to be place in the editor without a player present (low priority)?
Assuming you're reloading on a closed bolt if there's still a round in the chamber, racking the gun to load the first round from the magazine should eject the one in the chamber. If it doesn't, you've got bigger problems.
May 9 2016
Similar to 0001307.
Once shotguns are in, there could be a breaching round that deals extra damage to them.
Once the "crash on contract with water" bug is fixed, if like to be able to extract by driving a crrc into a Chinook or other large helicopter.
Duplicate of
I'm with SYSTEM on this one, though there should be a possibility to hit yourself when doing it.
Just a thought: terrainGrid may correspond to the size of the squares in the grid, meaning a lower number = smaller squares = more detail.
I spawned a skeleton in the editor (EMPTY->Objects (Dead Bodies)->Skeleton) and noticed this in the 4/25 dev build.
Maybe keep classes, but still allow non-specialists to perform the task slower and/or with a chance to fail (and possibly do more damage).
I think scoping-in automatically raises the weapon.
I discovered it with an HE grenade.
I've encountered this as well. I'll see if I can get some data when I get home.
I'll second getting thrown off.
I'm on a university network, so I don't know what the router setup is, but I am also encountering this problem (with ARMA2 as well).