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Jun 19 2023
Selected Audio Output: Øretelefon (6- Arctis Pro Wireless Chat) - Channels: 1, Freq: 48000
Thank you, it was bad remoteExec script code loadfile (fom\" + "ttt.txt")
and a missing check in diag_stackTrace
"EZFRD64" I don't know what that is, but its crashing you..
Its not part of our game, you can try googling that name, it will be some software you have installed.
This is a old crash that we've been tracking for a while. We have no idea why it happens and we cannot reproduce it, it seems to only happen randomly after a long time of playing. Which makes figuring out the cause extremely hard.
Crashed in Microsoft's XAudio2_7 code. Not much we can do about that
I know this bug and we've been tracking it for a long time, but we are unable to reproduce it or figure out why it happens.
It happened in this case during drawing map icons and loading their textures.
This seems to only occur rarely and randomly, very hard to track down.
Well the RPT spam is not new 😢 That code is atleast 5 years old.
GPUName was removed due to privacy concerns.
Arma units was offline on the weekend, that happens somewhat regularly.
Jun 13 2023
Issue 1 is fixed in 2.13/2.14 150692
Also next profiling branch build, probably early next week
Issue 1:
Issue 2:
Looks like you have a config error.
You have magazine both in "player" and "close/short/medium/far" modes of a weapon.
Just stop doing that?
Jun 8 2023
That sounds like you have ipv4 AND ipv6 available at the same time?
And for some reason DayZ in that case stops working on the IPv4 connection?
Jun 6 2023
I'm pretty sure scripting supports UTF8.. You can set UTF8 string to UI widget text.
And you get UTF8 string back from UI widget text input fields.
May 31 2023
You are on profilintg branch, this bug was fixed on v9 which was released on the 26th
May 26 2023
May 23 2023
Can you also add the person who deactivated the mine
May 22 2023
Throws RPT message
We can skip the config merge, but we cannot unload already loaded PBO's
So all the files of the addon, will still be present even if we skip its load. So like __has_include kind of checking may cause false results
cursorObject addEventhandler ["Deleted", {systemChat str [_thisEvent, _this];}];
cursorObject addEventhandler ["MineActivated", {systemChat str [_thisEvent, _this];}]
Ah when its deactivated, its supposed to switch to a deactivated state model, but for UXO's that model is empty.
So it just gets turned into a invisible model, but keeps laying there and keeps being simulated each frame
Uhh interesting engine bug. If it cannot spawn a new magazine into a ground holder, the original mine is never deleted, it just becomes invisible and.. stays there.
So the bug is UXO's not getting deleted when deactivated
Actually.. When you deactivate the mine, a new one is spawned in a weapon holder, and the old one gets deleted.
AND the deletion handler should be triggered.. So thats a bug
I guess I will add
"MineActivation" eventhandler with ["_projectile", "_activation"]
which will just throw a false for your case
Ok I see how that works.
In the same place we can also get activation.
But I don't know if mine activation is that different from just placement
map icon drawing, some older memory corruption bug that I've seen alot of times but I have no reliable repro
Known older thing, not ctab's faut, its just the map rendering with lots of icons on it
Actually pretty sure it should return the background color that you set
150638 dev branch
"ArmStalker online" is doing something weird that's crashing, something with "System_Management_ni" in a callExtension.
You have to talk to them
Freeze in nvidia graphics driver, crash trying to release VRAM memory during game shutdown
Something went wonky with graphics memory, not much I can do based on that
Well the dump is during terrain loading, and to me looks like, not a freeze but the game stopped responding for a while because it was busy loading terrain data from disk. So looks valid to me
It should be
Imagine A-B-C 3 addons as a dependency chain
How about naming it to what it actually does
worldASLToModel ?
"use on the server"
Server side doesn't need whitelisting
Put this into your basic.cfg
"Cloud file provider is not running"
Type that into google, and figure out how to disable your Microsoft OneDrive
should be Fixed on dev branch, maybe next build
This looks to be
Please check if this is fixed on profiling branch
the crash report tells me 0x0000DEAD
It has been abandoned
May 8 2023
No, often requested in the past.
Script error == everything explode and nothing is safe anymore
May 2 2023
Ok didn't realize this change didn't go to dev-branch yet so you cannot have tested this.
I just checked
configName should still keep returning empty string. Thats different thing.
str configNull should chage
configName configNull should not
May 1 2023
configHierarchy before
For performance reasons also, unsimulated objects probably shouldn't animate
I don't know what it is, but its something you have installed, its not part of our game.
A quick google shows other people that have the exact same crash (0x1681 vs at 10001681)
Maybe "Company: Padix Co., Ltd. Game Controlpanel Extender" helps you in finding what the cause is
That function apparently expects to be called in "unscheduled" code
That's a good question. I don't know what that error is and you didn't provide enough context.
Where does that error come from, any more details?
Mh... Interesting..
Hotfixed in next dev/profiling branch update (profiling branch update is planned for tomorrow)
Can you retest on profiling v5 whether its fixed?
I have seen this error before, its a crash in XAudio2, it was reported to microsoft 2 years ago and they said they'll fix it.
Seems like they didn't...
I don't see how this can happen because of profiling branch, there are no changes anywhere near audio code. I'd assume its just random luck that you're hitting the crashes
Something seems to be very wrong with your windows installation.
But I can't tell you how to fix it besides reinstalling windows.
I'd say a command to get all ladders in building, which returns array of start/end positions in model coordinates
And one command that returns building entity and ladder index and position on ladder in percent
(You can then calculate position in meters or entity position by getting that buildings ladders and grabbing by index
Go to audio options and press the refresh button.
Due to the way of how this works, this is VERY unlikely.
The color is usually stored in the texture, pre-calculated when it is converted to PAA.
For UIToTexture the CPU doesn't even have access to texture, so we would have to calculate the average color on the GPU.
I'm quite sure this won't happen
Please upload your RPT file, as described here as crashdump files
next dev, default value stays at 0
Apr 26 2023
The range is -pi to pi
I don't want to spam new anim sources. Any idea for a default that would work?
One weird thing.
waypointDirection takes the codriver first, and if codriver is empty, then takes the driver.
That feels weird to me, I'd just keep it the same for customWaypointDirection?
Apr 19 2023
Apr 18 2023
after having assembled drones disappear on me twice on a local server with 0 latency, I decided to make a repro for it.
Why is that related to locality? If I understand right, when you assemble a drone on your client it should spawn locally on your machine? So there should be no ownership transfer.