In T121232#1529769, @Christianjrp1997 wrote:that screenshot should be in the 0.61 far north east side of the map i believe
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Update from a few people on reddit and the forum that this also happened to them so not an isolated incident
Nov 6 2016
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Hey Sneaky
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Beav set Category to category:characters on T115204: Character decided to exit car by itself at 70kph.
Beav added a comment to T115199: [please close this ticket] [0.59 Exp] Ammunition in inventory reads '0' and is ruined upon relog..
Dam I just posted the same issue, should have checked first if a previous poster had submitted
Beav added a comment to T113786: Picking up a barrel with open lid causes it to be stuck in characters hands.
Does anyone think this problem is related to the problem when rifles become one handed entities and often locked onto you hand?
Beav edited Steps To Reproduce on T113786: Picking up a barrel with open lid causes it to be stuck in characters hands.
Turn off post processing if you dont like the effect. I believe its an in game way of showing you that either your blood or health is low (cant remember which).
From Svet to Cernaya Polana is the same. Some parts of the track are too high or too low and dont meet up and some parts are completely missing.
If the choppers couldnt despawn if someone was close, I guess clans could harvest the one chopper again and again for ages if someone is logged in all the time.
I believe crash sites now are on a timer and are supposed to despawn and respawn elsewhere.
Do you even realise what a VAC ban is?
It bans you from ALL steam VAC secured servers/games.
Sorry, but if you are such a low life scum of the earth who has CSGO cheats, you deserve what happened.
I placed a barrel behind my tent on experimental.
Server crashed and barrel and content (just a can of pop) disapeared.
Same happened to me and my friend at Svergino Car Park/Junk Yard
Wasn't sure if it was the server and was hoping to replicate elsewhere, but thought I should report here. Will update if affected again
Beav added a comment to T111833: When double carrying guns and jumping fences, the character will drop one gun before jumping..
And a relog is often required to pick the dropped weapon back up
To be honest, I dont think there should be fruit. We seem to be quite some time from the the infected outbreak. A banana or orange would be mush by now.
We should only be able to grow fruit and veg.
Also when you try and use the hotbar to equip an item (i tried a Hoe), it disappears from your back and returns to where you picked it up
Beav edited Steps To Reproduce on T109805: Pressing V results in a crouch befor vaulting over a fence and you are crouched when you get over the fence.
For me it was pitch black when looking at the fire with the sun at my back but when I looked at the sunset it returned to normal. The sun was just setting on the horizon (dusk)
I believe sitting next to a fire solves this issue. You are shivering due to being cold but may not have the icon showing this effect. Similar to the phantom fracture that can be cured with morphine/splint.
I wasnt cold either when it happened on 2 different characters. I believe its like the phantom arm break that gives you no status icon but still makes your characters aim sway.
Try the fire, worked for me.
So you mean the shakes (not the same as excess weapon sway from phantom fractures)?
Its solved by sitting by a fire.
Having this problem too. Lost 4 weapons now. I think it has something to do with the item still being at the place where you picked it up originally and you only ever had a phantom one on your body. Last time it happened to me I had a bow. It functioned as a bow but then glitched out with similar steps described by Neojeeoh above. When it finally disappeared, I managed to find it where I had dropped it previously to chop some trees down. It disappeared again later. I am very experienced at the phantom weapon pickup after eating (trained myself to always pick it up again) and its not the same.
Beav added a comment to T105128: more friends than players on this server (nobody from this list is my friend).
I have also had that bug
Beav added a comment to T105060: What the hell happened to all the tents. Also what happened to bipod and suppressor?.
I don't think he is calling you a cigarette. I think he is shortening the term for a collection of wooden sticks. He is trying to make you into an Improvised Backpack.
Seriously though, Soren, this is not appropriate behavior for the bugtracker. should be your home to complain and abuse folks whenever you want. You will have lots of similarly uneducated folks over there to bash your skulls together with.
We are not interested in your childish name calling, we want to report bugs.
There is a further issue with some items which you try to pick up off the ground. Sometimes no action will allow you to pick it up.
The solution is to use Tab and view the item that way. Then, instead of trying to drag it into your inventory, repeatedly try to drag it out of the vicinity to the left. It usually takes about 4 or 5 attempts, but the item will dispear and either be in another room or outside the building. The item can then be picked up.
Beav added a comment to T104788: [PRIMARY REPORT] Items dropped on ground during usage of another item are not returned into hands properly.
Wait a minute - are we talking about current experimental or stable?
There is a new system in experimental where it picks up what you dropped, but it doesnt work properly and it looks like you pick it up but you dont. I thought we were talking about experimental?
Beav added a comment to T104788: [PRIMARY REPORT] Items dropped on ground during usage of another item are not returned into hands properly.
It looks like you pick up your secondary rifle, but it doesn't actually pick it up. You have to manually pick it up on the floor. I don't know why someone down voted this. Its still a bug
Beav edited Steps To Reproduce on T104574: Friend set 2 fires (one above the other) and died to hypothermia instantly.
Hi Andy
Yeah Im quite sure they have moved on 0.50 (experimental)when it was released - lots in Novo last time I was there, but lots of them all over the map too. I will update with pics/grid locations when I get a chance to log on
There are scores of the smaller tin sheds (big enough for 2 or 3 people to stand in) all over the map which have moved location slightly, usually there is a fence thorough the middle of the shed.
Beav added a comment to T103794: PU-scope glitch when I spawn in with SKS in my hand and Mosin on my back.
Next time I get an SKS and PU scope I will check it out again and upload a clip to youtube.
Beav added a comment to T103794: PU-scope glitch when I spawn in with SKS in my hand and Mosin on my back.
Same issue here.
I solve the problem by logging out then back into another server. Seems to resolve most of the time
Beav edited Steps To Reproduce on T103758: Dropping items on 1st or second floors of a building fall through the floor.
I think the timer should be extended to 10 minutes once the servers are more stable.
That would allow the battle to be more or less over. The cheater side should not have the advantage. Leaving your team to ghost to another location isnt much of a risk and takes just a few minutes. If it was 10 minutes to join another server after you leave a server, then if you moved position then log off the ghost server, then a further 10 minute to rejoin the original server, I think that would stop ghosting completely as to ghost would take 20+ mins.
Found an M4 too at Heli crash a few days after the 0.49, perhaps the spawn rate was reduced like most other high value items in the game
This has happened to me since 0.48 when I started playing. Must have lost about 5 geared characters now. Its separate from the vybor spawning issue I believe
Beav added a comment to T103700: [Misconfigured 1st/3rd Person servers]: Spawned in 1st person server with my 3rd person character.
This happened to me too.
I play both 1st and 3rd person.
Joined my usual 1st person server and it was my 3rd person character. I couldn't press Enter to go into 3rd person viewing mode (did this to check I wasn't going mad).
I logged out quickly and went to a 3rd person server to check my character was ok, then went back to a 1st person server and proper character was back.
My pig I caught and gutted gave me 30-60% meat with a damaged knife
I have holding breath bound to a different key to the zoom scope.
Once I fully zoom, I have a little sway, press the bound hold breath key and I have less sway.
It still works, just you dont get the audio cue and its less effective.
Make sure you have used a splint before you snipe as random zombie attacks increase your sway even though you are not injured
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
For me its a variant of the old bug where you would pick up a double carry weapon automatically after eating and the old one would still be on the floor. You had to drop the one in your hands and pick up the one on the floor.
Seems to be linked to having the ability to have both weapons shouldered. When I try to bring out one of the weapons it can sometimes be bugged and unusable. If dropped it sometimes vanishes. Lost a few guns now.
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