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Hello Dear Support(s)!

Iam david and i got VAC bann for dayz. I can say dat i never ever cheated in dayz! I dont know why i got this. I do everything what u want from me to proof iam not cheated in dayz! Please its my fav game i never risk to get banned from this game! Steam show me dat i got vac bann from 1 day. So i got bann yesterday (07.16 today) but i wasnt even at home!! Itt started today i wanted to paly but i got session lost error every time i wanted to go to a server. so i go to google and started to find a fixw t it. i did everything, after i can see i got vac bann. I do EVERYTHING U WANT. U can go inside my pc . I got cheat only for csgo! (counter strike global offensive) But i dont think because of this i can et vac to dayz too. PLease help me. I SWEAR TO MY MOTHERS LIFE I NEVER CHEATED IN DAYZ! PLEASE help me----- Why i got this?


Legacy ID
No Bug
Have Not Tried
Additional Information

AFTER i got session lost every time i wanted to play i read on internet that if i delete battleye folder from %appdata% maybe its fix the prob. BUT I DO IT AFGTER SESSION LOST.

Event Timeline

lukyking94 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jul 15 2015, 9:43 PM
lukyking94 set Category to category:support.
lukyking94 set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
lukyking94 set Severity to None.
lukyking94 set Resolution to No Bug.
lukyking94 set Legacy ID to 637287071.May 8 2016, 11:15 PM
Beav added a subscriber: Beav.May 8 2016, 11:15 PM
Beav added a comment.Jul 16 2015, 12:44 PM

Do you even realise what a VAC ban is?

It bans you from ALL steam VAC secured servers/games.

Sorry, but if you are such a low life scum of the earth who has CSGO cheats, you deserve what happened.

dude this is not true. i got vac ban for csgo last december! and i palyed dayz with csgo vac bann. no, if u cheat on csgo u got vac bann for csgo not all vac protected games .

Hi lukyking94,

BattlEye bans need to be disputed with BattlEye. Please contact them directly by using the following email address: [email protected]

Alternatively you can visit their website at:
