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The same error occurs for him as well.
I can see from the console that the server crashes while spawning loot.
By the way, why does the MDP file need to be encrypted?
Thanks for helping make the game better
Not exactly sure, but the issue is either with extDB3 directly or with callExtension, as return value suggests some issues with getting the data. As there are no slow callExtension warnings in log, i guess its extDB3 issue so in that case Ticket could get closed.
Please help me resolve the situation.
Also, I don't blame the devs for this. They are just people doing their job that I believe most are very passionate about. Problems like these not getting fixed is mostly a managment and money hungry corporation/company issue.
This is absolutely unacceptable and has made me purchase another gpu. Hope it gets fixed soon for the people who cannot afford a switch like that.
You should use search function before making tickets
just kidding, expansion-ai is still overriding it which broke it again LOL
Duplicate ticket of a KNOWN ISSUE | Please Fix
Great article! Block Blast is definitely addictive. I find myself playing it on my breaks. Speaking of addictive block games, anyone tried combining Block Blast gameplay with match-3 mechanics? Something like clearing blocks to trigger blasts in a limited-space grid... Might be a fun variation on the original, or at least something to think about for a new game idea! Love the tips!
would be nice if this was fixed lol
I understand why you may think that but my internet is very good and there is no latency or connection warnings on screen. and if it was simply a network problem why would it persist indefinitely after relogs over different days? You can find posts about this issue over on steam forums, Reddit and other places as far back as 4 years ago and seem to pop up every few months all on console mostly Xbox.
also having this issue
0xC0000005 this the error code
i had tried evrything google and youtube said to do please helpppp
It is necessary to give the medic more opportunities in terms of medicine compared to other players.
More injuries, more medicine and interaction.
Medics should be a separate structure with their own uniform (like pilots and equipment crews) and separate features that are unique to them.
Allowing “any” customizations to server configurations “could” enable server owners to offer unfair advantages for profit and capitalize off said systems. The customization capabilities seem fine for the PC community, why is it an issue for the console community? Is the issue the features themselves or the way they are being achieved currently (scripting)?
Others seem to have experienced it too
New server crash method is making it's rounds. They plan on patching this specific one (hopefully) in the next update/hot fix.
As you know there is always another method to crash servers without ddos. Sometimes you just need to add lag while combining things lol
It's an AMD card issue. I used to have an Nvidia 1070 before my current build and never had this problem. Ironically my Nvidia 1070 is better suited for DayZ than my AMD 7800xt lol. I've been doing some research on it and apparently it has to do with how AMD cards handle something called "Alpha To Coverage" or ATOC for short. I've found forum threads about this issue going back as far as 2012 for Arma 2. Apparently how Bohemia Interactive do ATOC really messes with AMD cards unfortunately, but there has to be a way to fix it. Maybe they will fix it some day because the game really looks ugly with foliage smoothing turned off :(
It's the lack of transparency I'm disgusted by. They never know when anything will be fixed (literally) there is a server crash out right now from building a fireplace on a platform and dismantling the right stairs and they refuse to fix it until the next "hot fix/patch".
A zip of my profile, the setting must be changed to make it stop working.
Still an error for the version (Exp).
hey man cmon stay cool. i get your frustration, im frustrated too.
i dont know how its like to program a game and try to fix bugs etc. but i imagine that it is not an easy task.
yeah im annoyed by all the stuff that is not working properly in this game,really... but for the first time this particular bug makes it impossible to play right now.
Geez quit being fucking lazy and trying to blame other sources instead of fixing the game! Why the fuck is the dev team so lazy???
It's insane they keep asking for more info when the majority of the community is complaining about this issue. Why do they refuse to play the game and test it?
Worst dev team to exist. No wonder the community hates them.
T189318 linking
Please fix this!
ok, so i just tested it on an official chernarus server.
it still happened but it was not as bad as on namalsk. still very annoying, makes you fall off roofs or glitch off of edges.
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I almost never play official servers. i cant think of a mod that could cause this. the servers i play are basically "vanilla"
Thank you, do you experience this on an official servers or just community ones? If the latter, are there some mods possibly installed that could cause this?
I never play experimental. It started since i updated to the new 1.27 stable patch.
Hello Knolle56,
Has this occurred since 1.27 stable came out? Or has this started to occur since the recent experimental?