I think this issue may be related to the issues with the machinegun nest I found in T188889
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Thank you for the report.
This incident will be investigated by BattlEye.
Hello bokic1998.
All hacking incidents are investigated by BattlEye. Do you have the cheaters Steam ID by any chance? As that would help BE in investigation of that particular user. (If so, please post it to BE directly https://www.battleye.com/contact/)
This issue seems to be related to the dug in mortar position as the mortar itself is able to fire continuously without this issue
Game master, cant remember if the character survived or not but the helicopter landed completely vertical as seen in the picture, I was using US HE mortar rounds, no idea how many rings of propellant. I placed the door gunner in after and then chose to control them, the door gunner wasnt originally in the helicopter when it was hit and subsequently crashed. I doubt the position of the map has any impact on this but it occurred in the north western portion of simons wood. If you need any other info let me know and ill try and share if I remember any more details.
Hello Schrodinger.
Fresh server without mods starts without any issues?
Hello mma2811.
Please use English language only when reporting issues into the feedback tracker. Also there is no way for us to affect padlocks in the game and there is nothing we can do for you.
Resolved for upcoming experimental.
Resolved in current experimental
Hello sashabyson.
In case you come across a reliable repro steps can you please let us know?
Hello Technicolourmatador.
Can you please provide more details on this issue? We have been testing this on our end but we were unable to reproduce it since pilots/gunners do not survive the hit via mortar shell and subsequent fall from height of a helicopter (as helicopter doesn't survive in 95% of the cases as well). Which type of shells you were using and was this in SP or MP?
Resolved for and higher.
Please cannot add
Amin Tools for consoles
Car Lock
trader system?
I tested this in a conflict gamemode as opposed to gamemaster with smoke rounds and the same thing happened, after 5 or so rounds the mortar destroyed itself.
+ 1. This NEEDS to be in-game, like Squad, broadcasting messages from CLI will be much help.
@Geez This has been fixed for a while now. Repairing helicopters is not frustating now. Thank you!
@Geez This is fixed in the latest experimental version. Razor blades can now cut.
tried again today with no luck. ran from the single science hut to the windy road near the bigger science station, then back to the single then back to the windy road to the broken down hut made a fire to get heat buff then when back to the single scientist hut and no scientist spawned with a briefcase. 8003 ASIA-PASIFIC SY
fixed in latest exp as per patch notes
they will do absolutely nothing about it...official servers are flooded with them
Still empty, no loot respawns
Yes, I've seen that for some time. It's a real problem. I didn't want to open a topic about it.
4 mdmps from 4 different times it has happened. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is a video. It happens every time.
It seems that it doesn't matter what team or how even surface is.
Are you talking about the so-called auxiliary wheels? (Literature : In addition, two pairs of auxiliary wheels, each operated by a chain, can be lowered from the floor of the trough for extremely difficult terrain.)
I can confirm that. The animation is beautifully and perfectly executed. However, no sound is played.
I can confirm that. It is not possible to mount the optic via inspection. BUT via the usual drag and drop menu. This is not a serious error in my Eyes,
Bumping this, I've had to disable audio input devices so Reforger could use my appropiate microphone. It is a bit troublesome if you do need several input devices enabled.
I didn't know that. Anyways, what's their purpose in the game? You can't use them in any way (you have to lower them to use), so that's confusing.
This works great!
We'll try to test it further.
Because BRDM-2s have 8 wheels.
Resolved for the next update.
Hello Vized.
Please upload the .mdmp and .rt files to this ticket.