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- User Since
- Jun 28 2013, 2:52 PM (613 w, 1 d)
Jul 16 2016
This issue seems to have made a comeback(?). In missions using "custom" difficulty with autoReport=0; the players will still automatically call out spotted enemies.
Jun 22 2016
May 10 2016
I'd assume so. I guess your KotH version does still add the "150Rnd_762x51_Box" by script and not "150Rnd_762x54_Box".
Any news on this? This is going to affect a lot of mission using custom/script tailored gear.
Possibly related to
Try server-only exec:
test = (UnitVarName skillFinal "aimingShake"); publicVariable "test";
The value of "test" *will* be affected by the precisionAI value set on the server. The bug seems to be in the propagation, not in the setting itself.
This also seems to affect units which are not local to the server:
Place a unit in ZEUS and set it's skill to 0.5. Local SkillFinal monitoring for any value will not take the server's precisionAI into account. However, when PVing the value from the server to the client, the result will be as expected.
Which value in this case is the "right" one however needs further testing.
Possibly related to or caused by
Possibly related to
Will the fix be implemented in a hotfix for 1.32?
Are there any news on this?
Iceman, could I get an update whether this is working as intended or a bug? Thanks.
It is the description/in-game help which is broken.
It works by synchronizing the Curator game-logic (F7>Zeus>Game Master) to the attacking side. You can unpbo missions_f_curator.pbo in ARMA3\curator\addons to see how it's done.
Also the Defense module needs to be named "BIS_mission" and the triggers for the attacking side must be synced directly to the side logic, no Area logic in between.
Confirmed not working on 1.18.
Thanks a lot!
My bad, it's "B_IRStrobe". Missed it in the configs.
Edit: B_IRStrobe does work, it's just not in the SIX config browser. Thanks, closing ticket.
You can create Magazines using createVehicle and they'll display/fire correctly:
That said, I did try "IRStrobe" to be sure before I published the ticket and it doesn't work either.
Can confirm that this is still present in 1.38
Unless I've missed it the uniforms don't have armor or passthrough values.
My in-game tests didn't suggest that either.
Here's a spreadsheet that pulled all relevant values from the config (based on stable):
Clearified Title and updated description with config values.
Known issue, fixed in latest dev.
Confirmed, this is most likely related to my ticket:
Updated the ticket. It appears High Command does work when subordinate modules are used but it does not properly sync units of the same side when no subordinate modules were used (by default it should put all groups of the same side under command of the unit that is synched to the Commander Module).
is it possible to call the debug console via function?
Damage is calculated using the armor and passthrough values of the vest/rig. Check the config for those.
Your "test" is anecdote.
May 9 2016
Also they don't appear to register magazines on nearby corpses.