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- Apr 8 2014, 4:32 PM (571 w, 3 d)
Jun 16 2018
May 11 2016
FYI as the central economy was introduced firstly to the exp servers, the doors open or closed by themselves as loot was respawning. Maybe people reported this as bug and it was *fixed*. So now maybe the clients don't receive this doors updates. Happy bughunting!
And please don't push 0.58 to stable till this is fixed. People can't loot inside if they go trough a serverside closed door.
Got this, too. I think it is the realease of memory on the windows swap file. This causes a long time with harddisk i/o and causes for me even a completely halt of the client. I need to run an external memory cleaner trying to avoid this.
For computers with enough memory the client should not use the swapfile at all, once it will be 64-bit. It is really time to optionally use the 64 bit architecture. I hope this comes in Beta.
This helped me:
Not that bad after having swap file size managed by windows automatically. Before I had fixed 16 GB. FYI playing on experimental.
or it is outside at the entrance of the building, it is a desync bug with doors or something similar. Note to Devs: Please make close range-checks for "doing something" with all items, too.
Also there is a bug where containers/clothes stay invisible in vicinity and visual on the ground when you dropped them. When you re-log it will be there. Though, these are already known bugs.
When crafting a backpack with an backpack on your back already, the crafted one does not appear. I can confirm this.
The second case could have been desync, your original backpack dropped where the server saved your last position.
But yes,there are visual glitches like invisible fireplaces and invisible stuff in your backpack and trouble with swapping stuff directly with drag and drop. I hope they sort it out before this goes to stable.
can confirm this.
North east airstrip on concrete, too.
You could check your internet quality. Especially for packet loss to the server you play on.
This can do a quick test.
To test to your server you can do a ping or a traceroute test with the commands ping or tracert in windows.
run -> cmd to open a console window and use
ping [ip to the server] -n 20 or
tracert [ip to the server]
A other problem could be that your character animations don't run fluent and it is stuttering for some reason. Try to close every non-system processes which do not need to run to play dayz in your windows task manager and try to disable live protection anti virus and check if it gets better.
Good Luck.
Same for me. No launch parameters.
Do you get these freezes while moving around?
These freezes often happen for me when players login/logout...
The zombies in DayZ are supposed to be sick humans, not undead and not super stupid.
The "zombies" in the film I am Legend maybe gives you an idea.
But it is true That zombies immediately go to the next available path.
I would like to see 'em move around the house and searching for an entrance a little slower.
I wait till the zombies can open unlocked doors, climb ladders and jump over obstacles and climb trough big enough windows and also don't have a unsexy respawn mechanism :P
And when they will be able to make facial expressions, gestures and whisper crazy stuff, call other zombies to help I gonna be happy to have a full magazine and a lot of bullets in my inventory!
Nice report. Also there is sometimes loot in a wall and objects, which you don't see anywhere because it is in ovens, televisions,and maybe other places.
Also with persistence I saw loot(probably dropped by players) which was there before changing positions slightly after restarting in houses. Which may cause them to get "invisible",too.
Also loot is often inaccessible on those wardrobes. Looks like my Character is too small :P
Items on the ground, anywhere, get deleted after some time. You need to put stuff into backpacks, yellow boxes or tents. These do stay longer.
Also someone may have removed your plants during that time.
And, yes, garden plots do not survive a server restart. This could be indeed a bug.
look what google has found maybe it helps:
"Display adapter does not support format D24S8 for X8R8G8B8"
Go to your display properties, open the troubleshooting tab, and set the Hardware acceleration to "Full".
Maybe your gfx drivers are outdated could be a cause, too.
I hope this helps!
Are you forcing something over the standard video driver settings? Like forced anti-aliasing modes the game does not support?
Would be nice. Maybe connected to stance crouched = silenced door opening
It would be nice if you could put the disassembled parts of a gas stove into a cooking pot. So you have a cooking set. Or if yo can't do this because of fail object design, the assembled gas stove + pot gets the size of the cooking pot :)
I hope the new Inventory System will be better (weight/inner+outer shape of items) So yeah I could fill my Dry-Bag with 50 liters of water if I want to.
I've reported similar to this on 2015-01-24 11:19. With normal Canteens.
+ seeing if it is actually a persistence on/off server
+ able to disable auto loading/refresh of the server list
+ manual refresh
+ able to refresh a single server from the list
+ able to see if a server is really online and working in all tabs
+ combined filter + sort options
+ drag & drop functionality
+ colors to filters
+ able to add notes
This can happen, zombie damage is maybe randomized, sometimes they can break your arm,too...Not sure if this is as designed or a bug ;)
I think the new anti-cheat and stuff isn't even in or activated. Maybe only observing, and that's what experimental builds are there for:
collect data, finding exploits, testing new and retesting old features as it is evolving.
Also Hicks has never said "there will be no hacks...
I remember he was saying they fixed a lot of exploits and security stuff and disabled the hacks they could find.
And 0.53 isn't out yet...
It's true, that we customers cannot do much directly, but we can show BI exploits and reporting hacking software, privately.
Ropemaking, woodcrafting, textil crafting would all be a nice additions to see in DayZ. I think Ropes are a key element to survival. A Leather sling and bola would be nice, too. Growing herbs and harvesting roots,mushrooms,medical plants to craft medicine or poisons.....
Currently we can use guts to make fishing pole and bows. To get guts, we need to find a corpse and craft a stone knife. Soon we can make fire with natural resources and hopefully craft a stone axe.
I am off to punch a chicken to start my woodlander life!
I had a bugged compass today, too. In the picture you see I am at the woodden long barn south of Krastnostav looking north. My Compass shows west.
server Experimental UK-006 1stPerson. This server crash/restarts like every hour.
Client version 051.125716
different fps can cause this. At low fps your character is definetly slower. I think it's because movement is somehow tied to animation speed.
I have one, too.
Day Z game? What are you writing about? Typeerror?
This is the bugreporting and feedback site of "DayZ" available on steam here:
If you bought this game on steam contact steam support.
If you bought the game elsewhere you should get help from that vendor support. No one can help you here.
Invisible zombie on experimental swe-01, too.
Build 0.48.124737
This problem does not happen for me anymore on 0.49 exp, since there were steamclient updates, too. Can be closed.
Still happens in 0.48.124737
Problematic Launchoptions :
maxVRAM=1024 -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -maxMem=1536
This works:
-maxVRAM=1024 -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -maxMem=1536
Comparison: the - is missing in the first line at the beginning. Thanks.
I have found what causes this: A small typeerror in the launchoptions. Though it is still a bad behavior of the client. Please review how the client handles launchoptions.
0.49.124860 same
0.49.124857 same
Yes it messes it up, removing this launchoption does not help.
still a problem in 0.48.124737
May 10 2016
Still in
still on 0.48. Hitting the default in video option is enough to trigger this.
Has this been addressed?