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- Jan 3 2014, 2:12 AM (586 w, 3 h)
May 11 2016
Heh... I'll be honest, I love these Loot-Splosions. But if it's a bug, it should be fixed.
Now, I'm not sure if they're implemented by Server Admins, and if this is the case, then I think it should stay. I've seen servers that choose to have very low loot yeilds, and frankly I don't mind if some servers choose to have Loot-Splosions.
But, if it IS INFACT a bug, then the bug should be fixed; and admins should retain the right to adjust how much loot is spawned.
I'm sorry to add an indecisive answer here, but:
I DO like the idea of non ruined loot staying after a body despawns, but, I also like that regardless of condition loot despawns, which makes finding loot harder. Certainly, a high-pop server would soon be littered with un-ruined loot, thus making things easier.
In which, if loot that wasn't un-ruined, finding it would soon become an easter-egg hunt, you'd find it eventually.
Even the prospect of Freshspawn gear despawning I have mixed feelings, because:
Pro: If despawn ---> = better server performance (maybe.)
Con: If despawn ---> = less realism.
To recap: un-ruined loot stays:
Pro: Saves gear. Makes hiding gear challenging.
Con: Potentially makes survival easier.
So, I feel that I can only give rationale for both sides. I want to vote up, but I also want to vote down. Perhaps a continued debate is in order before I choose a side. All in all, I do agree with Dean that there must be a balance of Realism and Funfactor. And Funfactor doesn't always have to mean make it easier nor harder for the player.
Perhaps this is something that should be tested in an experimental server...
When .55 was released to stable, the newly implemented CLE (Central Loot Economy) was glitched forcing nearly all the loot the be in the High-Northern region. The devs then turned off CLE and reimplemented the old method of spawning loot.
If your still having issues, then I reccomend going to a very-very small populated server and getting loot/food there. 0-5 players if you must. Going to a high pop server looking for food does add a sense of realism, but you always have the choice to go to a smaller pop server.
You can also go to a server that has increased loot. Usually that is implied in the server title. You can go to "Change Server" / Filter and type in "Loot" in the server title. I have found that the "prision island" can have lots of food in bottom floor storage near the cells; not in the cells, but a blue door.
All in all, I haven't had an issue with the reimplementation of the old-method of loot spawn. And the only reason why I had difficulty with .55 is because CLE was broken. Fishing might yeild better results. Check the coastline for boats, they often have Fishing Hooks, Raincoats and Wellies; both forms of cloating are good for keeping you warm too.
May 10 2016
In addition, I do agree with Termin8rSmurfs logic, though to make a counter-argument, since we're dealing with the re-animated/un-dead (lawl, whatever you wanna call it) perhaps some of this decay to the senses and muscles aren't decaying at the usual rate. Certainly, after you killed them they'd decay rapidly.
@ The author: I can understand that you'd prefer walker/slow zombies, I for one ceased to be a fan of those since 28 Days/Weeks later, slow zombies just don't seem threatening. Heh, I recall watching the Resident Evil movie and thinking to myself, "people, just run away from them, save your ammo!"
I mean, maybe they could throw in a slow zombie in there if their legs are damaged, but otherwise I really don't think they'd fit in this game. Now... IF they coudl make Zeds crawl if their legs are missing or broken THAT would be cool, even L4D2 doesn't do that.
Fast Zombies = Fear, concern, altertness at all times, even as a fresh spawn, even for decked out survior. These emotions are apart of the DayZ game, between the PvP AND the Zeds.
If anything, I'd be fine with this new speed adjustment if the Zeds didn't clip through solid objects, cause there's now more of them, and a variety (ie army-zeds.) So, I'd prefer to have this new feature disabled/turned off until their Clipping/collusion issues are solved.
I mean, as it is, Zeds can hit you 10-15ft away while running, hit you when their back is turned to you, kill you with one hit, hit you through solid objects (walls, stairs,) and they spawn out of thin air (often when your bandaging yourself up. Right now, the Zeds have an enviable amount of power, and most of it is attributed to their issues, giving them more speed compounds the issue exponentially.
Keep the speed adjustment, just turn it off and revert to the old setting for now until the main Zed issues are solved =)
You got my vote.
Though it may take a while, chances are this will happen.
You got my vote.
Though it may take a while, chances are this will happen.
I agree with this. However it should have limites, like you can't select everything cause you can only fit so much in your hands.
Ehhh... I highly doubt your gonna get a refund. =L
The game is in Alpha state, that's a state that's worse than Beta... Now, if you were asking for a refund for the FINAL release, that would be more probable, but still highly unlikely. (=o
It's MUCH too soon to be asking for a refund being that this IS Alpha... >_>
Stick with the game, provide bug reports, or simply don't play and wait for the Final release. When the final comes out, it'll be better than the Mod.
I agree with this.
I have a variety of accented letters, infact my whole steam name comprises of accented letters and symbols, but I only get one of those letters showing up; even if that 1 letter shows up accented.
The game got patched on Dec 31st 2013, and I have recently found it.
In fact I've been finding it a lot more frequently.
Rejoice that this bug has been solved =)
Um... Really? (=o
K... I understand your predicament, but this is apart of the balancing with going Prone. in grass = more camo, out of grass while prone = you stick out like a sore thumb.
There are palces across the world where the grass grows over 1ft high. While you may have never seen it, it IS a fact. I live in the West coast, and during long rainy seasons and without cuttingthe grass for weeks, it'll get so high and thick that it's impossible to cut with the lawn mover. If you go prone in THAT... You won't see ANYTHING. You can see stuff in the in-game grass..
The grass is fine. Adapt.
I FULLY support this idea.
More people need to vote on this. I voted "up."
While I'm not colorblind, the first two friends I played with (via steam buddy list) were BOTH colorblind. And if that's the case then this means the probably of there being a LOT of C.B. players must significant.
This needs to be a Moderate priority, if not higher. Clearly, there are other bugs that of higher priority (hacks, zombies walking through walls,) but this is fairly high regardless.
This is news to me, cause in FPS mode it seems like our footsteps are ALWAYS loud, but now you say otherwise. I trust your judgement, but I feel like the sounds of the footsteps needs to be solved both in FPS and when dealing with other players.
FPS: seems loud
Hearing other players: too quiet.
There needs to be a middle ground.
This is INDEED a bug. Cause it affects multiple medkits as well.
I've seen this before on the wrecked ship.
I was on the top-deck, looked up and there were items suspended 12-15ft in the air.
I've had this happen for the Black Female as well.