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User Since
May 14 2015, 8:15 PM (511 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

Dec 17 2018

kradarak created T135421: Tent Placement.
Dec 17 2018, 11:19 PM · DayZ

Apr 4 2018

kradarak added a comment to T113240: Eating Glitch.

The glitch is really simple. People are calling it's cruder form the Apple Glitch. You hold down w or s, and hit f for the first animation...then when it is done, you keep holding down w or s and spam f for multiple attempts and the animation is stuck, so you get multiple attempts in seconds. Works with cutting branches, gathering apples, drinking water from bottles, eating from cans, eating apples, and just about everything.

Apr 4 2018, 5:42 PM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T113240: Eating Glitch.

I'd really like to see this fixed someday.

Apr 4 2018, 5:40 PM · DayZ

May 11 2016

kradarak added a comment to T115706: Carbine Clips too rare.

Thank you whoever upped the amount. I'm finding them now. One at a lighthouse, then one day I logged on and I could find them. I mean, I could really find them like someone out there actually owned a carbine. I'm happy.

May 11 2016, 2:05 PM · DayZ
kradarak edited Steps To Reproduce on T115706: Carbine Clips too rare.
May 11 2016, 2:05 PM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T115580: Carbine Clip.

Nope, not finding anything on the coast either...guess I'm sticking to the model 70 instead for a while. I don't see how a clip for a better gun should be easier to find than a carbine clip. I'm going to re-submit this ticket as an imbalance...cause I still haven't found one. LOL

May 11 2016, 2:01 PM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T115580: Carbine Clip.

Nevermind. I stay in the north west to mid range part of the map...I bet if I go to the coast I'll find it. All the good gear is still on the coast...

May 11 2016, 2:01 PM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T115580: Carbine Clip.

I'll continue trying... I wanted to give the carbine a real try this time, but the gun is only as useful as the clip is to find.

May 11 2016, 2:01 PM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T115580: Carbine Clip.

Is there any way you can tell me what city you found them in? Loot seems to spawn different from city to city and I find myself in the north western part of the map most of the time.

May 11 2016, 2:01 PM · DayZ
kradarak edited Steps To Reproduce on T115580: Carbine Clip.
May 11 2016, 2:01 PM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T115257: No Netting.

I forgot why this is important. I like to play a recluse who is always wearing a ghillie. I've gotten pretty good at living without a backpack and a full ghillie suit and I like it's naturally the first thing I make.

May 11 2016, 1:50 PM · DayZ
kradarak edited Steps To Reproduce on T115257: No Netting.
May 11 2016, 1:50 PM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T115119: Fishing Net.

I am the kind of guy who has a full ghillie within 2-4 hours of play because I work hard for it. I'm not finding any netting whatsoever. I've spend hours upon hours on different servers trying to find it, but all I'm finding is these quilted coats mostly.

May 11 2016, 1:44 PM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T115072: Netting is way too rare.

I am the kind of guy who has a full ghillie within 2-4 hours of play because I work hard for it. I'm not finding any netting whatsoever. I've spend hours upon hours on different servers trying to find it, but all I'm finding is these quilted coats mostly.

May 11 2016, 1:43 PM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T113773: Player stays sick no matter what i do on 0.59 stable.

I got the same thing...but I got to healing, now healthy...color is good now..charcoal made the color come back....but still says sick. It was after I ate pristine cow steaks I cooked over an open fire. I don't get how I got sick in the first place...

May 11 2016, 7:08 AM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T113613: Oil barrels with Water Cannot Fill out of it.

I got a barrel that has 14 l in it, can't empty the barrel or take any out. I'd like to use that barrel as a source of water for my camp.

May 11 2016, 7:03 AM · DayZ
kradarak edited Steps To Reproduce on T113240: Eating Glitch.
May 11 2016, 6:51 AM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T113240: Eating Glitch.

The w key seems to keep my right hand stuck or something. This works on zucchini and fish too btw. Anything with drink all or eat all. I think it just cuts the animation for anything. I use it for fast eating, but I wonder if I could do something that takes a serious amount of time...

May 11 2016, 6:51 AM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T113237: Apple Glitch.

A funny side effect of this glitch, is if I don't pay attention and keep pounding the 'f' key when there's an apple in my hand, it triggers another glitch...the health glitch that says I'm energized and hydrated, but am starving. It's kinda funny actually, do I need to file another ticket on this?

May 11 2016, 6:50 AM · DayZ
kradarak edited Steps To Reproduce on T113237: Apple Glitch.
May 11 2016, 6:50 AM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T113236: The Apple Glitch.

Please destroy this duplicate. I had trouble uploading video for the first time.

May 11 2016, 6:50 AM · DayZ
kradarak edited Steps To Reproduce on T113236: The Apple Glitch.
May 11 2016, 6:50 AM · DayZ
kradarak edited Steps To Reproduce on T113173: White Arms.
May 11 2016, 6:48 AM · DayZ
kradarak edited Steps To Reproduce on T113107: Under Sea Broken Legs.
May 11 2016, 6:46 AM · DayZ
kradarak edited Steps To Reproduce on T113100: Barrel Tanning.
May 11 2016, 6:46 AM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T112941: Sheds with grass.

I figured this one out a bit. Sometimes when I drop things, it goes through the floor...happens on large building...if I go 2 floors down, I get my item sometimes..weird that I can drop something below my feet or under another object...

May 11 2016, 6:41 AM · DayZ
kradarak edited Steps To Reproduce on T112941: Sheds with grass.
May 11 2016, 6:41 AM · DayZ
kradarak edited Steps To Reproduce on T112716: Bugged Bolts.
May 11 2016, 6:34 AM · DayZ
kradarak set Category to category:weapons on T112708: Bolts.
May 11 2016, 6:34 AM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T112707: Bags and Landmines.

What is interesting about this one, is it has another layer to it. Activating a mine inside a bag should make it persistant....does that reset the mine? LOL

May 11 2016, 6:34 AM · DayZ
kradarak edited Steps To Reproduce on T112707: Bags and Landmines.
May 11 2016, 6:34 AM · DayZ
kradarak edited Steps To Reproduce on T112542: The Apple Glitch.
May 11 2016, 6:28 AM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T112112: M4´s Too Rare.

Done hundreds of helis, no m4. Don't think they exist. Would like to shoot one just once at least to see what it's like...otherwise, the idea of having to stick around helis just to find ammo for a gun seems ludicrous to me.

May 11 2016, 6:14 AM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T111799: Items able to be stored in clothing items not normally usable in this manner in inventory.

I would like to note, that holding an empty mountain backpack and some flare guns in my mountain backpack allows me to store guns and crossbows in my flare guns, and as long as I'm not holding something in my hands, it will go into the mountain backpack I have inside my mountain backpack. This also works for clothing. Assault vests are a plenty right now, and each only takes 4 slots, but holds double that. Though permanence is broken, I get double the space to hold gear it seems with this bug. Easy to reproduce, put an empty mountain backpack inside your mountain backpack and fill up your inventory...then pick something else up and then just keep going.

May 11 2016, 6:04 AM · DayZ
kradarak edited Additional Information on T111411: Blaze Durability.
May 11 2016, 5:51 AM · DayZ
kradarak edited Steps To Reproduce on T111410: Blaze Number of shots.
May 11 2016, 5:51 AM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T111394: Invisible zombie.

I had this happen twice. The first zombie was a female that I seen, and then I could not see her. I tried to kill her, but it was difficult to see where the attack was coming from. I tried to climb stairs to determine where she was, but still couldn't tell if I was landing anything. I died on those stairs inside that house. Just a few minutes ago, I was in Zelen, and I killed 2 zombies through a window sniping them, the 2nd one was a slow moving zombie. I waited a minute, then went out there to inspect the area when I got hit by something. I waited a second or two and there it was again. I ran inside and closed the door, but now I'm stuck inside potentially or maybe I can restart the game to see it...but I'm a goner. This is the 2nd time an invisible attacker has gotten me.

May 11 2016, 5:51 AM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T110949: Fishing.

Still, fishing needs to be easier to be more balanced.

May 11 2016, 5:37 AM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T110949: Fishing.

Hey, thanks paradox. After gathering everything to fish and waiting for that 1 second for a chance to get 1 filet, I get guts. I hate that. I shoot one cow and I'm fed and I get some cool clothing to boot.

May 11 2016, 5:37 AM · DayZ
kradarak edited Steps To Reproduce on T110949: Fishing.
May 11 2016, 5:37 AM · DayZ
kradarak edited Steps To Reproduce on T110948: Can't get seeds.
May 11 2016, 5:37 AM · DayZ
kradarak edited Steps To Reproduce on T110947: When placing large items in bag, they are resorted and sometimes lost.
May 11 2016, 5:37 AM · DayZ
kradarak edited Steps To Reproduce on T110946: Driving Underwater.
May 11 2016, 5:36 AM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T107954: Ghillie suit, rolled up attached to backpack..

I would agree that no backpack with ghillie suit, but there should be a place to stash your gear and hide it as well. When someone goes out in a real ghillie suit, their gear is stashed away and you throw a ghillie tarp over it. I think the creation of a ghillie tarp should be a craftable item to protect your small gear, like a backpack.

May 11 2016, 3:53 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

kradarak added a comment to T98615: Repeatedly pressing F can forage massive number of sticks / berries / apples.

I can usually get this one to work if I'm kneeling. I first noticed it north west of Zelenogorsk...there is a house near the woods with, I think, 4 apple trees, and a shed with an extended roof for storage...where you usually find an axe, hatchet or chainsaw, it's on a road that eventually leads to a military camp. Anyway, if I kneel and start spamming the F key with my finger or some macro program, doesn't matter, I soon get multiple attempts to get an apple. It usually triggers after the first animation sequence completes...then it triggers about 10 attempts, it looses the text to search for apples for a minute like I've overloaded a buffer or something, then it allows for more. I am curious whether it's overloading the system, and when something does that, if the game gives a cancel option by default when normally it wouldn't. I can create a video upon demand.

May 10 2016, 10:18 PM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T86838: Ladder glitch in firehouses still works.

Works on both ladders too. Also works in the school or anywhere else there is a ladder.

May 10 2016, 2:59 PM · DayZ
kradarak added a comment to T86644: Jumping is very unresponsive.

It works just like hitting a hotkey sometimes....delayed

May 10 2016, 2:06 PM · DayZ