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- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 8:19 PM (623 w, 6 d)
Sep 5 2024
>>! In T164915#2341665, @klamacz wrote:
All joysticks are unbound by default since
Jul 18 2024
Confirmed fixed. thanks though the AI seems to wait around for a while at each step of the process.
Jun 16 2024
Oct 17 2023
Aug 24 2018
Seems to work.
Just skims over the rock. Well done guys!
Aug 22 2018
Uploaded to additional information
Jan 18 2018
The issue occurs when the mod is updated by steam. though when I copy the mod back into the workshop folder it still doesn't pick up the optional mods
Jan 16 2018
Oct 3 2017
Sep 30 2017
Guess this can be closed now thanks
Nov 9 2016
Oct 3 2016
Oct 2 2016
Aug 23 2016
Is there a reason why the alternate idea in this post Isn't feasible?
Jul 22 2016
Jun 15 2016
Jun 2 2016
Confirmed Fixed
May 26 2016
I agree the sizing needs fixing, what would be even better is a eden specific override. As I prefer the Eden editor to be in a lower scale as the rest of the game
May 10 2016
@Fighting Power your note was not useful to the issue at all. The issue is in BattlEye's updating and therefore a issue for BI. Play with six has been running fine and hasn't had a update for a while. A change has been made to BattlEye as its running a update program where the issue is.
As a developer my self I know you always report the issue to the owner of the software that has the issue if they wish to pass it on to other parties that could be involved that's their decision.
1.50 still occurring Error found in server RTP
Error in expression <Global) then {
BIS_revive_iconsGlobal = BIS_revive_icons - [_unit];
Error position: <BIS_revive_icons - [_unit];
Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_revive_icons
File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveIconControl.sqf, line 574
I keep a eye on the Dev change log and I've seen nothing on revive stuff for along time. Do I consider Revive to have no more dev and therefore this issue to continue un-resolved?
Errors finally caught in client RTP
9:41:15 Error in expression <= false;
while {true} do {
waitUntil {BIS_revive_selected getVariable ["BIS_re>
9:41:15 Error position: <BIS_revive_selected getVariable ["BIS_re>
9:41:15 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_revive_selected
9:41:15 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveProgress.sqf, line 106
9:41:15 Error in expression <= false;
while {true} do {
waitUntil {BIS_revive_selected getVariable ["BIS_re>
9:41:15 Error position: <BIS_revive_selected getVariable ["BIS_re>
9:41:15 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_revive_selected
9:41:15 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveProgress.sqf, line 106
9:41:15 Error in expression <= false;
while {true} do {
waitUntil {BIS_revive_selected getVariable ["BIS_re>
9:41:15 Error position: <BIS_revive_selected getVariable ["BIS_re>
9:41:15 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_revive_selected
9:41:15 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveProgress.sqf, line 106
9:41:15 Error in expression <= false;
while {true} do {
waitUntil {BIS_revive_selected getVariable ["BIS_re>
9:41:15 Error position: <BIS_revive_selected getVariable ["BIS_re>
9:41:15 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_revive_selected
9:41:15 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveProgress.sqf, line 106
9:41:15 Error in expression <= false;
while {true} do {
waitUntil {BIS_revive_selected getVariable ["BIS_re>
9:41:15 Error position: <BIS_revive_selected getVariable ["BIS_re>
9:41:15 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_revive_selected
9:41:15 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveProgress.sqf, line 106
9:41:15 Error in expression <= false;
while {true} do {
waitUntil {BIS_revive_selected getVariable ["BIS_re>
9:41:15 Error position: <BIS_revive_selected getVariable ["BIS_re>
9:41:15 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_revive_selected
9:41:15 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveProgress.sqf, line 106
9:41:15 Error in expression <= false;
while {true} do {
waitUntil {BIS_revive_selected getVariable ["BIS_re>
9:41:15 Error position: <BIS_revive_selected getVariable ["BIS_re>
9:41:15 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_revive_selected
9:41:15 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveProgress.sqf, line 106
9:41:15 Error in expression <= false;
while {true} do {
waitUntil {BIS_revive_selected getVariable ["BIS_re>
9:41:15 Error position: <BIS_revive_selected getVariable ["BIS_re>
9:41:15 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_revive_selected
9:41:15 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveProgress.sqf, line 106
9:41:15 Error in expression <= false;
while {true} do {
waitUntil {BIS_revive_selected getVariable ["BIS_re>
9:41:15 Error position: <BIS_revive_selected getVariable ["BIS_re>
9:41:15 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_revive_selected
9:41:15 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveProgress.sqf, line 106
9:41:16 No owner
9:41:17 No owner
Tested with 1.48 Still doesn't work.
Issue seems to self fix on after re-spawning but first error still occures
Need More info?
Doesn't seem to be that simple i stripped the mission down and reduced it to a small size so it would still fail.
Did some more testing (wasn't restarting client game but was restarting server for each iteration) managed to get it to fail with just respawn and respawn template set.
thanks this can be closed I got it wrong
Or just addActionGlobal & removeActionGlobal.
Please same with remove, its just a headache atm
Thanks for the M-900 Wish it wasn't DLC considering it wasn't in there. But more of them will be better.
Maybe you could allow the handbrake key to be a toggle, so its possible to let a car role empty.
Hopefully, I've realised it would act as a good transport or MHQ. plus you could fire from vehicles with the sliding doors open :D
This has Been fixed but they cannot patch the game every time they have a fix. so it is currently running in development version waiting a stable patch. " Affected all modules with isGlobal=1 and isTriggerActivated=1. " this is a small bit of information on the route of the problem saying this was a problem for all modules with this code.
Yes that would be my example of a community version. Unfortunately its not much more than a massive list, and has limited navigational ability's. I was hoping for a more structured format e.g BLUFOR>NATO>Weapons>Rifles using a similar sorting tree as the ingame editor.
May 9 2016
yeah literally just found it feel like a fool :) close this report please
While moving at walking or tactical pace its more realistic for the rifle to be dropped and let hang by strap when changing to pistol. while the rifle is not secure it limits running and sprinting distances until the rifle is dealt with. For arma it means the dealing with the rifle means you have to be stationary and changing to pistol may be one of those animations that the player can't interrupt.
As for AT it seems fine to me but i would rather do without the automatic weapon switching. but prone AT would be nice.
yeah but its not about where you can aim its about reducing recoil.