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- User Since
- Dec 18 2013, 11:34 PM (584 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
Same with other pistols
Please fix right away.
I have to restart my game just to load a new server list.
This is a new problem for me with the new patch.
I never had a problem loading server lists.
Now with the latest patch...
I can load the whole server list most of the time on the first game startup. If I fail to connect to a server or sometimes just hit refresh the list will not load. To make it work I must restart my game. Sometimes it takes 2-3 restarts to load a server list.
No matter where anyone spawns they want to run to the only direction that has cities with people in them. THAT IS ELECTRO. I've only ever spawned East of Electro and it's only a matter of how long it will take me to get there no matter where I spawn.
The spawn points right now are shit. The game is far less fun because of it.
Logged out on top deck. Logging back in made me fall through the whole ship into water.
Both M4 and Mosin do it.
Happened to me too
Same here. Firing on the side of a hill hit the ground more times than not. Barrel looked to be a foot off the ground.
Zombies chase FOREVER and run through doors and walls. They also agro from insane distances.
Been happening for a few days now. It happened 3 times on 3 different servers within an hour of playing. Game is unplayable for me now.
Realism at the cost of a fun game?
Is this supposed to be a real life simulator?
For me people don't render past 1000M
I'm also stuck under a house after logging in.
We know the game is buggy. That's fine. LET ME SUICIDE FOR CHRIST SAKE.
Me and my friends are getting bad rubber banding from multiple servers. Both of our characters got deleted too.
Zombies are the Terminator confirmed.
Seriously though. It takes 4-5 minutes of running to get rid of a zombie. They also agro from insane distances (100-150 meters). Trying to kill it with my axe is too risky because the melee weapons suck for zombies.
Experienced on the newest patch
Same here. Be first person, see only flashlight shadow 6 feet away.
It takes long enough to run around everywhere. I should have the same running speed going up hills as I have on flat ground.
I'm having a hard time getting the icon to show up that will allow me to get down a ladder. It only shows for a brief instant.
My character was deleted and I'm starting out on a beach. Don't know how it happened but I'm thankful.
I am stuck. LET ME SUICIDE.
I can't play the game anymore!
Happened 2 times in one day to a friend that I was playing with. The last patch has made it worse. One was after a server restart and one was just him logging out.
Can we get a developer update on this? It's hard to test the alpha like you want us to when the games doesn't save your character.
Confirm zombies go through doors. Happened multiple times.