Yesterday i logged of inside an house, and today when i logged, i was stuck inside the ground of the house, but hopefully i could escape by rolling when being prone.
Yesterday i logged of inside an house, and today when i logged, i was stuck inside the ground of the house, but hopefully i could escape by rolling when being prone.
Log off inside a house and log back.
I think it happens after a server restarts, because it doesnt happen everytime.
can confirm this!
apparently one can escape, buy sprinting, while connecting and spawning.
I'm also stuck under a house after logging in.
We know the game is buggy. That's fine. LET ME SUICIDE FOR CHRIST SAKE.
Thank you for sending us your feedback regarding this issue.
Unfortunately, this problem is a known issue that has previously been reported.
Closing as duplicate of #101.
Please upvote the original issue to increase visibility and feel free to add any extra information (updated repro steps/screenshots) in the notes section.