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- Mar 7 2013, 12:33 AM (624 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
Hello Kumeda, I am reporting a bug, for some reason you are trying to rationalize the bug as if its okay and objecting an opinion that it is too bad I am in a lower setting?
This is not normal behavior and can not exist in a game. Thanks for understanding and leaving the topic and bug be as it is.
never seen a game where objects sink due to terrain settings... it aint minor... when 3/4 height of massive trees are submerged i seriously don't think its the clients issue
Screenshot is taken on standard settings.
more closely looked upon with a trained eye, trees and bushes are engulfed, all through the lands
in this case a fix was to lock vehicle, and unlock it after loading the weapons, but not sure this is possible in every scenario
error was
can't openobject "a3\air_f\asraam_rh_fly.p3d"
for position, also tried position Object and getMarkerPos "Marker" which mattered not
shouldnt there be collision arcs around the entire unit with weapon that wont let you in that close, or push you back if you do raise weapon in such a manner? Forcing weapon down is wrong logic in my mind..
As for difficulty, that comes into play with wind, bullet drop, having your scope set at 400m and adjust on the fly to acomodate a spotted target at say 280 or 550m.... in that split second you need too recognize and adjust to take the shot..
The difficulty should not be some stupid dot bouncing around and fighting it to a desired pixel to accommodate this unskilled uncoordinated soldier..
Sure under heavy breathing.. i have no problem with it saying you can't hold still, that is understandable/tolerable.. never when stationary
Trying to explain things much better.. So let me try again...
When lining up a shot.. whether in any position or how minimal its random sway is... "and whether holding breath or not" its mentally frustrating to be moving your aim up.. and the random sway is forcefully fighting the opposite way.. I call this mental frustration... how can you be moving UP.. but your aim is going DOWN...
If you are adjusting your aim.. i don't think the "sway" should come into effect at all.... when mouse movement is stopped.. then you can sway... and then we can adjust..... but again.. fighting down while pushing up.. is counter productive to why we are participating in using this software..
I'm well aware of hold breath, if you fight the sway during hold breath the reticle becomes a jagged jumping bean of a mental fighting game.. I'm lining up a shot, not inserting a .01mm needle into a .011 size pinhole.
I'm lining up my real gun now.. i don't have to fight my line up... i aim, and shoot, not aim... counter sway... fight sway... shoot...
When you come to the bottom line of point.. ITS GAME KILLING bad..
Difficult and fake are two different things entirely.
Move your finger up.. where does it go? It goes UP. So why do i mimic moving up with my mouse only to have the game say no, sorry, we won't let you aim up... we don't want you to get to that pixel.. no sir.. That is not difficulty, that's fake... and thats frustration.. has nothing to do with skill..
This game is simulation. but the shooting is arcade.. and not even fun arcade. that's just outright wrong.
The only reason i bring iron sites into the picture is to emphasis there is zero fun in scope shooting. And again holding breath is irrelevant.. the aim fights your movement.. how is that simulation..
I've never sat on a range going.. ya know.. that shot is hard.. the gun keeps wanting to go down, i cant move it up to get hit the bullseye... NEVER
Nor have i ever waited for the sway to bounce around till it came back and swayed into the desired "sweet spot" before pulling the trigger.. i aimed.. i fired.. i never fought a gun sight lining ever.
I rather have a more steady controlled shot and then just more deviation of where the bullet goes.. than fighting the random swayed "line up" shot. I have no problems with gun accuracy and missing. But trying to shoot in Arma currently is nothing short of frustration, and it should be fun.. that's what its all about is shooting when it gets boiled down. Heck, 90% cheating community might cut down to 89% (heh bad joke)
In response to your suggestion on computer controlled auto increase sensitivity.. not sure that is a solution to cater to, because it will just lead to a sensitivity monitoring software tool and mice who have the ability to adjust will have a huge cheat like advantage.
okay, more info, this is a issue with empty markers.. they are expanding on zoom more than they should
call me stupid but that rpt log shows MarkerPo and my guess the code should be
or rather
getPos MarkerPos (assuming MarkerPos is the name of a variable holding the data)
_trg=createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getPos player];
not using player in this scenario... (using the marker location in the dynamic spawn object)
sorry i do not visit forums, don't like moderation there.. its like visiting north korea. Probably would get banned for not searching before posting and reading 59 2,500 thread reply posts, and getting a lecture about what a privilege it is to be amongst the public community there and not a right.
Confirmed, had it happen to me earlier.
It's not a system hardware issue.
It might be not intended to use a trigger in this fashion??
We need clarification on how to use triggers to do dynamic spawns, if this is even a possiblity??
I think i meant to say in top report. that reveal target is bound action button, and not to reveal target, and you can not change this off action button... Its not a good solution for this feature because it causes constant weapon changing (double click) because of the menu it opens when clicking
For what its worth... CTRL 1 THRU + are also not possible to use... So many great keybinds wasted... ALT-1 THRU + not tested but sure they don't work either
And the more I play, CTRL-anything would trigger the normal key..
CTRL-Z would trigger z...
At this point I am wondering how the game even operates with its other multi key binds? Totally baffled why hitting SHIFT X would trigger X
Basically it appears you have no consideration to an outside keybind.. so binding SHIFT-X is not bound in game, but its bound to my teamspeak.. so for some strange reason, your engine goes, well its not a bound key lets just take the unMODIFIED version.. and process it....
Try a Steam "Check integrity of game files" under properties of the launch area and report back if okay...
that is not true at all.
Walking down the road jumping occasionally is not bunny hopping. Look at some very old BF2 videos to see what bunny hopping is, since that's where it originated from....
And please do not tell me to stop talking about my opinion... Jumping would destroy the integrity of this game far beyond your mental capacitiy.
imagine playing the game of VS mode. (pvp). You're in your enfilade down the west road, while enemy opfor, are coming down that very road, you dial in your sniper rifle only to see a bunch of panzies walking down the road jumping up and down, because they can.. NO THANK YOU
Exactly. This is not a Jackie Chan movie. Ever watch tankers getting out of their dieing tanks in WW2 videos? Did they jump over walls to safety. No, they got out and got shot/blown to crap because they are not in a movie.
Take a look at some old hostage rescue missions, if my memory recalls me right,
980: Iranian hostage rescue... Where a squad of seals landed off course across the runway... Did they jump from rock to rock to get teamed up on the other side? No, they hot wired a large dump truck/plow thing and walked behind it avoiding/taking in the small arms fire...
The military is a lot slower than you think I guess.. it doesn't happen. The only jumping going on, is that of out of an aircraft.
Your life expectency when in a bad situation is that of around 4 to 10 seconds... no time for jumping :D
This is not an action movie war game, this is a infantry simulator. Soldiers don't run around vaulting over obstacles.
Dev's please end this jumping stuff already. Do not sell out to this dumb request that will ruin the entire simulator.
no need for jumping so down vote here.
Let's just pretend it was implemented..
Now you have all sorts of clipping issues that would drive developers insane...
clipping thru small boulders, rocks, cars, trees, stumps, stairs, roof ledges, the list goes on beyond your immediate .. that brings in more problems such as hit detection and bleeds on with more problems..
To satisfy the masses.. implement a jumping jack emote :D
I rebinded my keys and not sure what OP is meaning by "Z"... But by guess.. "Z" is half of the rudders no?
From my experience.. Something is VERY WRONG with the right rudder.... It's almost as if its applying both "right rudder" and "pitch down"
when in sky and pressing left rudder, and i'm not moving and not in auto hover, the chopper turns left fine.. .when pressing right rudder the chopper nose dives and slightly turns.... Indicating something severely wrong with the keybinds.. If I was over 60 in speed or something, that I would understand... but i should turn right like I was a bowl of toilet water :D (without the being flushed down the drain action of course"
May 9 2016
Yes, amazing it never gets addressed.. Almost if they only have script kiddies working on the game, or they don't care.
One thing is evident, they don't document anything for its fanbase. They have no one to clarify any questions on anything technical. I recall in early Arma, there was a thread that explained difficulty control on AI.. it was like setting 0.9949923194 and 0.0474727323 for different aim, skill control.. these posts vanished from the internet, and the game has suffered since. I don't understand why they don't want to educate their fanbase which would only grow a huge fan base of hardcore players.
look at the vote ups.. 100% GREEN, insane numbers complaining for years about this.. nothing ever changes...
I actually want to go back and play original Arma demo , thats when infantry was the shit....
One point is obvious.. they instantly know where you are the second you fire... in short.. Supersonic hearing.. just because you fired.. Doesnt mean EVERYONE should know where you are... and everyone shouldnt know EXACTLY where you are.. just an area or direction... But once you fire... they just aimbot to the x,y,z and shoot you between the eyes.. faster than you can even catch a breath and shoot one dot, while your weapon is uncontrollable in a phoney swagging aiming reticule dot is trying to key in...
This makes me more pissed off at the actual aiming system then the AI aimbots... Way too much weapon sway!!! Not realistic at all.. Seriously If you shoot like that, please become a military cook. I can hold my rifle steady as a rock, and put a red dot on a target and stay there for as long as i want, while standing... no you can only do that while prone in grass where you can't see.. i mean.. come on already... no one is that retarded, and if you are, doesnt mean everyone else is..
the constant gas and breaking drives me insane in vehicles controlled by AI. I think reduce the break noise, wouldnt make it so nautious
confirmed, just came to report it
Last thing I want to hear while playing game is some idiot behind me going, "dam dude, you got a smoking ass"
It's not needed and disrespects no one by not being in game. Anyone can import a female model via modding at their will..... No reason to request it
And be careful what you wish for, they import 2 bufugly wildebeast chicks with no hair, no figure, and manly voices, which animations of them chewing on the tin spam can, and you regret your actions
no sh@t it sways... im talking about the fake counter movement when you try to adjust...... get a brain if you want to get personal.. lets rock
So you think fighting a phoney sway that actually moves against your movement is perfect? So you actually enjoy the mouse moving down, while you are trying to move up and have it got.. boop boop boop and move away?
Your an aimbotter who wants no one to be able shoot back.. plain and simple
It's really bad "FAKE" sway. It's completely game breaking bad. It creates nothing but mental frustration. Takes all the fun out of the game. and its completely unrealistic.
Half the time im shooting, I'm fighting the mouse and not enjoying the battle.. To the point it ain't worth scoping at all.
And this is experience in game from a 180 - 200m shot.
Anyone who says this is realistic moving up and having the pointer forcefully pull down, is completely full of it
Please refrain from personal negative opinion in the feedback forum. I will debate what I want and state what I want, without having you telling me what you think I am and know.
You don't have the slightest clue who I am or what my complaint is about.. To sit here and tell me I am ignorant, and never fired a gun before amkes you a blithering idiot at this point.
That's it.. even the dev feedback has been overrun with trolls... this game is doomed....
Not a pheasable fix because you can have conflicting keybinds yet be functional in some ways. Its not a big deal when you become more familiar with the control system... if anything a better fix would be "display all" type system. But it is nice enough to tell you exactly what its conflicting with... So not that hard to figure out.
Should not be W+W But Wx2 (double tap) just double tap when setting in the control keybind editor. However, a age old tip can be used here.. Set your turbo to W+S. (smiley face) So you sprint when holding down W and S, It saves a keybind. It works amazing and allows for a combat pace keybind to be easier accessible.
To me This would be working as intended... S+W on turbo is your problem, remove that from the Turbo keybind. S = backwards, so its conflicting.. W+S (w already held down, then adding "s" will sprint and all is good....
TO clarify just have W+S on turbo
Confirmed. I also found fish floating above the rocks that are near shore in the ocean.