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Keybinding conflicts resolving is annoying
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When changing my keys and i stuck on keybinding conflict, its quite annoying to go and find that second bound key and remove/rebind it.

Game should offer to remove the other key that is found conflicting automatically without doing that manually.

Ideally it would look like following:

  1. changing compass key
  2. game recognizes key conflict - shows popup with conflicted action and key

and buttons to remove conflicted keybinding, keep both or cancel


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

try to change keybind on any action using key that is already defined.

Event Timeline

yarex edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 6 2013, 7:31 AM
yarex edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
yarex set Category to Controls.
yarex set Reproducibility to Always.
yarex set Severity to Feature.
yarex set Resolution to Duplicate.
yarex set Legacy ID to 1393118424.May 7 2016, 10:50 AM

Not a pheasable fix because you can have conflicting keybinds yet be functional in some ways. Its not a big deal when you become more familiar with the control system... if anything a better fix would be "display all" type system. But it is nice enough to tell you exactly what its conflicting with... So not that hard to figure out.

yarex added a subscriber: yarex.May 7 2016, 10:50 AM
yarex added a comment.Mar 18 2013, 7:21 AM

Well, conflicting yet functional = not conflicting.
Game should recognize keys in cases when one key is bound to heli inside and another used by walking (as an example).

Now it's showed as conflict, but in reality it isn't, ergo its not completely correct.

Another disadvantage is move settings between profiles - you have to set all keys again manually.