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- User Since
- Apr 4 2013, 10:52 PM (624 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
#12482(c4) and #6096(explosives and mines) are related to this issue
Agreed, I removed the mention of duplicate. You might still want to mark them as related tough.
As this is fixed now and #14929 is closed you can close this issue.
(Using the close button next to 'monitor')
26-09-2013 Sochor and Scorcher dangerous recoil fixed
Fixed in dev build as of 17-09-2013:
Fixed: Ladder on hospital building has been reversed (
duplicate of #13339
I just tested a few cars on the airfield.
Getting them up to 100km/h and braking until the came to a complete stop.
The stopping distance for all the cars was between 35 and 50 meters.
Which is very realistic, have you tested on different surfaces?
Possibly a duplicate of #13925 'None of the new weapons sights work on any weapon'
Do you use the Alwarrens attachments mod?
Thanks for pointing this game out, it looks really interesting. The vehicle physics look great.
Arma isn't a specialized driving simulator and doesn't really need this level of realism, although it would be fantastic if it could do this. I don't see this working well in a big multiplayer game though. Can you imagine the amount of data required to keep track of dirt and mud shapes over a 270km² map? :)
Ok, it looks like this has been fixed. Probably today:
- Various characters models and textures tweaks, most notably the US flag being removed from AS and SMDI maps
They seem to work for me, night-vision and thermal on several different weapons.
What exactly is the problem you experience?
Does the normal 'visual light' setting on the scope work?
Duplicate of:
#0000928: Putting explosive on boat hull
#0005947: Planting charges on vehicles/buildings
In a lot of countries you need either an unobstructed rear view mirror inside or a right side mirror. One of the two is sufficient.
Have a look at #10671. All vehicles have problems with their mirrors. They either not mirror correctly and/or they all show an image from a 'camera' situated 1m behind the vehicle.
The rear view mirror in the offroad is the only vehicle mirror that works correctly at the moment, all the others have problems. (see #10671)
This issue is a duplicate of #3372 (which is reviewed)
Probably a duplicate of #3988
It would be great to have the ability to make amphibious landings. I would suggest that an actual
landing craft is more important for gameplay than a LPD. We already have amphibious vehicles,
but I dont't think they are seaworthy engough to be launched from a LPD (but I may be wrong).
It might maken more sense to include a large air cushioned landing craft. Large enough to land main
battle tanks. Like the United States Navy's LCAC. Altis has many places on it's coastline where
the vessels could land.
For the NATO side the successor of the current LCAC, the Ship-to-Shore Connector (SSC)
Current projections foresee the inventory rising to 60 SSC LCAC-100s in 2031 and 72 SSC LCAC-100s on 2034.
And for the CSAT side the Zubr-class LCAC. (
Apparently they are still being build, so they could be in service in the arma3 timeframe.
And the Greek navy has 4 in service at the moment, which suggests the are suitable for the Mediterranean environment.
Some forum dicussion on the forum about large ships and landing crafs and engine support:
The update of 28-08-2013 has the following in the changelog:
Fixed: Tasks were not updated for players waiting for respawn
Could this be fixed already?
Can you test if your issue is resolved with that update? If it is you can set the 'Resolution' to fixed.
Duplicate of #3988
Could this be related to #436?
Duplicate of #12556
Looks like this has been fixed in the dev branch as of 17-09-2013.
Fixed: Ladder on hospital building has been reversed (
Confirmed this works correctly now.
For high beam headlights have a look at #12808 (and vote)
Duplicate of #0012844
There is indeed only one 'rear view camera' approximately 1m behind the vehicle.
Related to #10671
This looks like a duplicate of #12657 , but I do agree
Well, I would rater keep the current angle as the light is less visible from a distance if you want to keep a low profile. I do think I would actually switch between low/high beam while driving.
It seems like a reasonably easy function to implement. Use the L key to switch on the light. Use the Shift+L combination to switch the upper limit of the light source.
High beam lights allow you to see further ahead when driving in the dark. As most road cars have dual lights this obviously has some usefulness. They could also be used for illuminating a larger area, for example when guarding a road.
I don't think this works at the moment, but a short flash from the headlights could be used to temporally blind an opponent. Giving you time to get away while their eyes adapt to the dark again.
There is no need to add new light sources to the vehicles. Only the light distribution of the existing lights needs to change when switching between high and low beam.
Agreed, in real life these repairs will take a long time. Track repair is probably the only one doable outside of a workshop with special equipment. And when the track damage was caused by an explosion the damage will not be limited to to track, but also affect road wheels etc.
Still, I think it will create interesting game situations. Providing security for the tank crew, deciding if it is safe enough to repair, getting a support vehicle in, etc.
Compare it to the medical system. That is even more unrealistic, patching up severely wounded soldiers and sending them back into battle. I will welcome a more complex system there, but absolute realism will not always create compelling gameplay.
Anyway, if the repair time is configurable you can always set this to 8 hours if you wish to do so.
Repairing the track should definitely take some time. 30 minutes is obviously to long for a game, but 3-5 minutes for a full repair would add interesting situations. Especially in cooperation with supporting infantry as they will need to secure area to allow the crew to repair.
Maybe the repair time should be configurable on er per-mission basis to allow for more and less realistic values.
Still true in 1.03.110300 (dev branch)
For both CSAT and AAF Zamak trucks.
Maybe you should be able to move your view around a little.
From side to side using the lean (Q and E) keys.
Up and down using stance adjust (Ctrl+W and Ctrl+S).
I think up and down is the most important. When cresting a hill for example you cannot see what is in front of you, you can't even see the hood of your vehicle.
When looking out of the smaller side window your view is also very limited.
Two or three different 'stances' would be useful here.
Yes, reported in this bug report.
Now you have created a recursive, never-ending bug report :)
Related to #10671
There is not enough information in this bug report. For the devs to be able to do anything they will need the error message at the very least.
I don't think Talia is a BIS map. Therefore this error is probably caused by a third party script. And the creator of that script is responsible for fixing this error.
Also I'm guessing you are using arma2 content. Arma2 units don't work well in arma3 because of the changes in the clothing system. Maybe this explains the error when you looked at another player.
The forum has some discussion about Java integation:
This is a duplicate of bug #3812 (that is closed)
A short update concerning the two new civilian cars added to the game.
left mirror is correct, shows part of the car and is placed correctly.
right side mirror shows the same image as left (but mirrored).
Has no mirrors but three camera feeds.
rear view: works, but is not mirrored. Which is strange if you are used to a mirror and takes some getting used to.
left(driver) side rear view: works correctly, but also not mirrored
front view camera: why? Would only be useful if it was night vision, like in some BMW and Mercedes-Benz cars.
Also you are not able to read the rear view screen in the dark without an external light source behind you.
Start the car away from any light source and the screens will be black, turn your rear to a street lamp and you
will be able to see the image.
They where added to the development branch today :)
Added: NVS optics (Image Intensification)
Added: Nightstalker optics (Image Intensification + Daytime + Thermal Imagery Amber)
Added: TWS optics (Daytime + Thermal Imagery White-Hot + Thermal Imagery Black-Hot)
Added: TWS MG optics (Daytime + Thermal Imagery White-Hot + Thermal Imagery Black-Hot)
This is a duplicate of bug #3812 (that is closed)
Looks like this has been fixed in the dev branch today. ( Related #12739 )
Fixed: Zamak driver can get in again, and also die
Duplicate of #10671
These reports are about the same bug: #10515 #10174 and #12739
This problem still exists in 1.03.110300 (dev branch)
I guess that when the implement the Java scripting api in arma3 it will be possible to connect to all popular database servers using standard JDBC drivers.
Seems to be a duplicate of
I was not able to reproduce this in 0.53.103721, it might have been fixed already.
The second bug(floating weapon) still exists, there is a separate bug report for this: .
Penetration is far better modeled now, I think this one can be closed.
May 9 2016
This issue is still present on the current dev branch (0.77.108982).
Related to #10671