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New optics not working
Closed, ResolvedPublic


With the release of Arma 3 there where some new optics added the Nvs, the Tws Tws mg and the Nightstalker. if you try to place them on any vanila gun in the game the optic slot stays red that means you can't place them on that gun. i have tried it with every vanila gun in the game but none of them work.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Go in editor and place a special weapons box from any faction scroll down till you see one of the sights i mentiont and try to place them on any gun.

Event Timeline

Jelskipro edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Jelskipro set Category to Inventory.
Jelskipro set Reproducibility to Always.
Jelskipro set Severity to None.
Jelskipro set Resolution to Duplicate.
Jelskipro set Legacy ID to 1362335108.May 7 2016, 4:44 PM
AD2001 added a subscriber: AD2001.May 7 2016, 4:44 PM

Unable to reproduce.

Koala added a subscriber: Koala.May 7 2016, 4:44 PM
Koala added a comment.Sep 18 2013, 3:49 PM

I don't know, what you were trying to do, but you can attach all optics on all firearms (except SDAR and pistols).

i mean that the new night vission scopes can't be used on any gun in the game.

Nope, not reproducible here.

Possibly a duplicate of #13925 'None of the new weapons sights work on any weapon'
Do you use the Alwarrens attachments mod?

This is likely a mod conflict and could be resolved with a new attachments system (more complicated now than before, since the game is now released and "set in stone".) such as asked for here:

aha it's a duplicate i will close this one