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- Mar 7 2013, 8:26 AM (628 w, 6 d)
Sep 13 2017
May 10 2016
Its about getting it in vanille version so that you can use it on every server there is not just through mods etc.
It would be nice to just hop on with normal vanille with a lot of friends or an clan and just use fastroping. So not the whole group of friends or youre clan needs to download all the same mod.. waste of time if it could be created in vanille and would be nicer :-)
@Oges03 I'm with you! Fastrope & Airlift is really an awesome aspect of the strategic points in the game and a MUST have in an military simulator!
AH alright.. read it but read it maybe to quick haha.. I see what you mean ;) Any how they do planned Fast Rope for in the Full Game.
You know that not all country's and troops do fast roping like that? Our troops are fastroping from inside to outside. They drop an rope and soldiers are from the cargo to the rope and going down. They don't hang out like that because its dangerous for enemy fire.
I agree but they already planned this for the Full Game.. So it will be available but not now.
Guys close this thread.. They will add it in the full game as an function. Even like shooting from the vehicles side like the mh-9 side rails. Sorry for typo's i'm on my iphone..
Yeap same problem
I didn't point out that females are weak.. I know some females that knocked down some guys in public lol..
I know that females aren't weak but the only thing I mentioned is that the MOST COMMON females don't know how to using an Assault rifle.. THATS what my point was.. If al the AI civilians are taking assault rifles when they find one why should that be realistic? Sure there are females that can handle them and this is nothing to point against them. But the most common females are ONLY using firearms .. And thats what my point was I SAID NOTHING that they are weak or something else.. Just that the MOST COMMON female are using firearms instead of Assault rifles or sniper rifles.. That was my whole point and I still votedUP? So, and this message wasn't for the people who CAN HANDLE an assault rifle cause I know some females can.. But the most apparently not and that was my whole point...
Make sense what I said now right? Cause its an fact that the most females are using firearms then assault rifles. Except for military females.
Dr Death simple cause Minecraft is an bullshiting game for kids of the ages 1 to 7..
And you don't see the fucking point I was talking about.. I SAID that the common FEMALES don't know how to handle assault rifles like MX EXCEPT if they are military Females.. I said that it would be more realistic if most Females only can be able to handle firearms and that they could use assault rifles IF there is an variable filled in.. Cause Females AREN'T using assault rifles or any other rifles a lot then an small firearm thats what I said. And how do I know this? Simple cause I'm an member of a shooting range....
I think if there might be Female Civilians I think they won't be able to get like every rifle.. Cause men does know a lot more of weapons then females know and not all females can handle guns well except for firearms.. Still upvoting but I don't think they should be able to arm with an MX rifle maybe shotgun or an firearm. Cause in real most females only use firearms and others are giving a lot more recoil to female body. And I'm an member of a shooting range so don't say anything on this comment cause I'm still upvoting..
What I know of is that my country doesn't use them like bez said.
I don't live in the same country as bez by the way.
But our army uses GL (We are using C7A1 and C8 as mobile transport and M249 Para.)
We only uses GL and works fine. Not heavy AT ALL!
Its just usefull and you can open fire and switch in 2 seconds to GL shoot and switch back.. Way usefuller.. But if you really wan't things like this you can wait till people are upvoting or creating it your self like a mod. But I think Bohemia isn't looking into this very quick.. They are busy with bugs / glitches and features that AREN'T in any way in the game. They will not create this faster than features like fast roping. Fast roping has more up votes and I think they will say you need to use the GL cause why should they put time in right now if there is an GL in game? They won't do it right now maybe later if there is enough time and other features that aren't in the game in any ways..
I hope it comes but actually I don't think it will come fast since they got GL's..
Don't have this..
This is more for own scripting and not to "improve" gameplay in ArmA sorry voting down since this is something the community has to script them self..
No mate I like you I have respect for anyone.
But after a while DEVs or Mods gonna say:
Duplicated thread
Most of the time they do then and then they won't read it anymore..
I'm just saying and try to help that it won't will happen.
Youre not gonna be happy if its gonna happen with something where
you tried your best on and they only gonna say:
Duplicated thread.
Thats only why. I'm not actually mad or something that you post the samething.
But I saw a lot of times that they respond with duplicated thread.
Oh and the thing you said about we want items dropped here about my post. NOT true. Its an feature not only for AI but also for Players in MP and every mission. And laywinn changed this text now to:
Adding a helicopter lift system to Arma 3 would be an insane new and perfect feature.
For those who tried this in Arma 2 " Script/Mod" It was fantastic, and the team gameplay raised again another level.
it doesnt need to involve new graphic elements, just the posibility to lift vehicles
So now they are duplicated and not different lol.
I agreed with you about the grahpicall but he now say its not about the graphic element?
Its NOT about only the AI but a feature fot the AI to DO it and also for the PLAYER himself :-)
And actually animating and all that stuff is to hard for the DEV's..
They can create it but not with like everything as in real.
Thats simply not possible to do.
Its about everything that can be dropped. Cars, Ammo, RHIBS, Arty. Things like that.
For DEVS its like the same request..
Dude duplicating my post..
Please check the other requests before posting one you're self..
Else DEV's will get the same request a couple of time and thats costing bandwith of there website and takes more time from them..
Not completely like that.. Thats just an very bad script lol..
Just want to create it awesome and good..
And for an vanille version it could be usefull no nonsense scripts and be allowed on every server. :) Much easier!
True ;)
Oh and the DEVS could be able to use and edit the A2 OA Chinook. If they change the animations and the texture / graphic then they already have an Chinook for it. :-)
@CSR Kryssar
Is there also an way for the AI to do it ? So both Player and AI can do it if its possible?
Yeah I know :-) Even though they ain't gonna do feature's in Alpha.
Features will come in full game. Hope they got Chinooks then.
And of course Littlebirds can't do that haha. :-)
There should be an way to create an Word Filter as an MOD and not necessarily as feature in an War Game. You can do this by creating an file that's looking on all the chat's then (Not real code just to example a bit) just like this:
if %p1% sidechat contain %word% echo javascript:alert('Watch you're language.');
%word% = Ducking Bell
Be warned I know a small bit of Java and a bit of PHP etc. But this is not an actual code. And possible not even working.. Any how %p1% is equal to the player. %word% is the words the script is searching on (NOT ACTUAL CODE). And so on.. If you publish it people who WANT'S it should download it and install on there servers. :-)
Steam Library -> Right Click ArmA3 -> Properties -> BETAS -> Choope Dev Build. But a warning!: Not all servers supporting the Dev build so you might can't join all the servers..
@Poldi I do get it but it make's no sense this whole thread is nothing than waste of time for any one even the game Dev's there is no way they gonna edit and delete source for just 2 seconds of an freaking intro.. Its just freaking text who give's a crap about text? There's nothing wrong with it..
"If only 1 alpha-player does have those feelings, how many will have them at release?" Not a lot.. Look how many Alpha Player there are and only about those people there is still 46 people who give a crap about this lol.. And don't forget that ArmA3 Alpha already has been sold for a couple of thousand copy's so if from all those people 46 doesn't like it.. Lol Why does any one give a thing about then? Stop whining its an freaking War Simulator so yes they can say it if they want and still its hilarious why people want to remove this. That screen only takes 2 seconds of time.. Do you really think they will remove an code and an picture what they make for just 2 seconds? No.. I voted down as it doesn't make any sense and people who play it are adults so doesn't matter and if there don't be adults or don't like the screen. Why bought you it in the first place then?! Its simulating war so yes people gonna get killed. And its an slogan lol. Do you guys send an letter to HBO because there slogan shit is like: We're not TV we're HBO? Why you don't send a letter to them because they are like TV so that's shit to? So send an letter to HBO and all the other company's with that stuff.. Sure they won't will remove it so this is hopeless..
I don't care about this thing I like the screen even how its just a couple of seconds so an not necessary thread I think this thread can be closed or be in the trash. Just add -nosplash most people love the picture's or find this thread weird. Even how add -nosplash and done. Don't bother other people with just an small screen with a couple of seconds. It IS an WAR simulator. And believe it or not.. But the most people do play this to play tactical like in WAR and shoot like this that is the whole point of this game.. an WAR SIMULATOR.. Mods should close this thread because it has no point just add an -nosplash to the command line and leave the 3 part of the players alone with an nonsense thread. Thank you.
Ying-Yang. Bad and Good. Dark VS White. Hell VS Heaven. They both are needed. There can't be an good side if there isn't an bad side. Just stop this discussion and freaking add -nosplash to you're screen or something else.. It's just an freaking 2 sec picture were people are gonna freaking crazy about. This is just awfull! Guy's act like adults.. For god sake its just an 2 second screen stop this whole discussion this thread doesn't need all these response... If people won't wanna see it skip it or just take an drink when it starts up like I do.. Chill down its an PICTURE..
"what is clearly not the case I´m absolutely sure that 99% of the arma players are aware how cruel disgusting and horrible war is in reality."
Clearly not if the 99% don't like this thread nor the message you try to bring. If you don't want it just look away 1 or 2 sec or just create an shortcut with the -nosplah thingy in it..
Very good.. You make me interesting into this one :-)
May 9 2016
Its about getting it in vanille version so that you can use it on every server there is not just through mods etc.
It would be nice to just hop on with normal vanille with a lot of friends or an clan and just use fastroping. So not the whole group of friends or youre clan needs to download all the same mod.. waste of time if it could be created in vanille and would be nicer :-)
@Oges03 I'm with you! Fastrope & Airlift is really an awesome aspect of the strategic points in the game and a MUST have in an military simulator!
AH alright.. read it but read it maybe to quick haha.. I see what you mean ;) Any how they do planned Fast Rope for in the Full Game.
You know that not all country's and troops do fast roping like that? Our troops are fastroping from inside to outside. They drop an rope and soldiers are from the cargo to the rope and going down. They don't hang out like that because its dangerous for enemy fire.
I agree but they already planned this for the Full Game.. So it will be available but not now.
Guys close this thread.. They will add it in the full game as an function. Even like shooting from the vehicles side like the mh-9 side rails. Sorry for typo's i'm on my iphone..
Not sure you need this but here ya go..
I had this issue with the latest DEV build..
So an thing to fix it without FRAPS is going to configure and set the display mode to "fullscreen window". Now when you will press Prt Scrn - Sys Rq (Print Screen button), you will get the image to youre clipbord. At least it worked for me. :-)
I know I was there about 4 time's.. Even though the idea of adding sharks to the editor so people can place them around where they want them.
And indeed Low priority.. Didn't changed it as I didn't saw that box.. Sorry anyway for that one.
Lol that would be funny
There was an mod made by ShackTac for ArmA2. It was awesome.. They could porting it into the ArmA3 game if the publisher (Dyslecxi if I'm correct) do agree.
Indeed.. Would be lovely to make missions with :) Any how.. The dev's are busy right now with bug fixing after that they will have an look at Idea's due that Bugs and Glitche's got an higher priority...
Chill down dude.. An moderator did it and said that he return it to new because he CAN'T Aprove an feature. As said above by MadDogX Qoute: "Setting status back to "new", since feature requests should not be approved by moderators."
That's why. So chill down seriously... Its an game it take's time you freaking think they ONLY look at Feature's, Seriously?! They are more looking at Bugs and Glitche's to fix then create new Feature's. Anyway THEY DON'T add them in the Alpha but later in B.E.T.A. or even the Full Game. So freaking chill down you're not the only one bought the Alpha. And its far way more important to fix glitches and bugs then create new Feature's already. If you want it so badly in the Alpha why you don't just create an Modifications (MOD)..??
Nice.. or an DUO climbing? There's an free game that support that someone gonna sit down in Multiplayer along an wall and some other one gonna run into his hands got launched on the wall and then he will take his friends hand.. Just in MP :O Awesome even this is also Awesome :)
Since Modders already can create female body's people who wants females in ArmA3 could download female models when they release it for ArmA3 (Current ArmA2).
People who not don't.
I'm an men and from the Netherlands. AND YES they do serve.
But in our country I actually never saw an girl patrolling.
More the time the are pilot or drive soldiers in armed vehicles.
Or are talking to political people (Like in Afghanistan they talk to the civilians).
But if people want to have Female characters in ArmA3 I can understand that actually.
Since they ARE part of the military I agree to add them. IF NOT
I could create them my self since I know a bit modding. (Takes actually long time).
But I actually vote up for this. Since yes it adds a part of the military.
And no I will not play as them but as a lot of people want them. Why NOT?
Its NOT like you NEED to play an Female if they gonna implant them in game!
Alex almost any feature request in the Feedback tracker are for the FULL game.
Even the Fastroping & Vehicle shooting & Chopper lifting.
ITS ALL for the full game almost..
Anyone knows they won't add it in the Alpha (Duh)
And BETA they will add a few things more to test out. (Most of them are improvements).