User Details
- User Since
- Aug 5 2013, 8:23 PM (602 w, 21 h)
Apr 19 2019
Solved with EXE rev. 145618
Jun 16 2018
Resolved in dev build Version: 1.83.144859
May 22 2018
Resolved with recent patch
May 21 2018
Ah yes, you probably did the mistake and placed the Target within the IR sensor range of the centurion, should have mentioned that. Even with Radar off, it can track targets that way.
Place the target outside the IR range (4km) and try again.
May 15 2018
May 11 2018
Apr 20 2018
Apr 19 2018
@Damian1990 Keep in mind the the Kuma is basically a Leopard 2 with additional armor on top, known as MBT Revolution.
So it uses the same base hull, turret and turret ring as the Leopard 2. The turret ring for the Leo 2 is 1980mm or roughly 2 meters.
Apr 17 2018
Linked to T127911 (having trouble to merge it as duplicate)
Apr 12 2018
I found this to be a vehicle desync (global - local) issue in multiplayer, occurring after abit of game time.
Apr 11 2018
Still present in live version, might be a major bug for ppl that rely on the attack power of AI gunships.
Apr 10 2018
Apr 9 2018
Mar 20 2018
Yes, thank you. This undocumented behavior lead to confusion from my side. After talking with @reyhard this was cleared up.
Mar 17 2018
I was unaware of the crew collision boxes.
also while we are at the position of the crew. The commander of the MBT-Kuma is still clipping out of the turret near the turret ring:
well on RC is no different from dev branch in these regards
Mar 16 2018
By default a crew member inside a vehicle can only be killed if he (his model) is present inside the vehicle.
Its best to show it at this example for AWC 301:
Mar 15 2018
Mar 1 2018
Can no longer reproduce the issue, tested on all armored vehicles. Seems to be resolved.
Feb 27 2018
Feb 24 2018
Feb 6 2018
Jan 31 2018
Jun 28 2017
Jun 12 2017
Was happening again, but this time in clash (directly the round after the one above). More errors this time.
Jun 6 2017
- He is a Teammate
- He spawned with the correct uniform and weapon
- He spawned at round start
- He was able to start running before the countdown ended.
Jun 5 2017
Occurs when your Character in your after life does not spawn correctly (inside object,inside another player, below the ground.....)
possible workaround would be:
Well im already using sceneComplexity=1.800.000
and changed it to sceneComplexity=18.000.000 no change.
and later to sceneComplexity=9e+009; but at that point some of the mid range models are starting to bug out when zooming in and out.
and that still had no impact on the lod shapes....
Jun 4 2017
@Vietwitch Issue tracked down:
This issue occurs when the server is not able to connect to the server that manages the xp and player profiles.
At that point you will receive no xp and only kills will give you 1 point.
After some testing, Conclusion:
This issues is an LOD based issue and will probably not resolved.
Over distance the rocks are being simplified. thus losing shaped and concealing the player that is hiding behind it.
Jun 3 2017
Additional information: seems to be related to the previous player in the slot you are joining in: The previous player was kicked and his "ai" is still considered to be alive, thus not allowing you to join it.
May 30 2017
Same here again:
May 26 2017
@Vietwitch the GPS with Grid information is displayed in all screenshots, that's not enough?
May 25 2017
May 23 2017
In the video that I linked above you can see multiple actions, such as @7:50 where I disturb the enemy note, but receive no Xp for it, same in clash, capturing gets you no xp. Only kills give you 1xp each.
May 22 2017
You were right, most weapons zeroing was changed, also the ASP-1 with level 2 scopes is zeroed in 200m, unlike most other weapons
May 21 2017
Zeroing of all Scopes:
May 20 2017
Well ASP-1, due to the giant silencer, has a heavy bullet exiting at a slow muzzle velocity --> massive bullet drop on range.
Arma 3 Scopes are zeroed on 300 or 200m, some scopes are even zeroed on 500m (such as lvl2 scopes), on that distance the bullet drop is already massive, that's the reason why you shoot to high on closer ranges.
May 18 2017
May 17 2017
May 16 2017
Some kinds of artifacts inside the score count
May 15 2017
@Vietwitch I know for 100% that it occurs on link under the following conditions:
- Your Team has No tickets left,
- You and some other ppl are dead and are waiting for a ticket.
- One of your guys gets a kill, thus giving your team a ticket.
- More than one guy are respawning on the same "ticket"
- Result you spawn in a random spawn point / enemy base / some node....
- Result you spawn with the default gun.
Raid on fuel station: Defenders are spawning outside the area to defend and are able to run around freely without leaving the combat zone
May 13 2017
Also I noticed it is more linked to a specific player, rather than being totally random. It never happened to me so far, but many times to the same guy, over multiple games / game modes.
May 12 2017
Also it appears that the Ak-12 is a tier 3 Assault rifle, while the AKM is a Tier 4 Rifle?
Well now you've done it.... instead of them wearing Nato/CSAT clothings they are wearing uniforms from the enemy team --> Clouds guy wearing Flames uniform. Hardcore gets interesting :D, Also im not sure if its a different bug as you cant see players that have a switched uniform on the map either, so you have no way of telling if hes enemy or not.....
May 11 2017
May 10 2017
Apr 10 2017
Apr 5 2017
Maybe just add a parachute?
This was just to good not to share it ;)
Apr 2 2017
I did some research, checked all drivers+controllers for updates, followed this guide:
Mar 26 2017
This Example shows its quite well:
The enemy is less than 10m away from my location, yet his marksman rifle sounds are less noisy than my own breath...
Mar 24 2017
An Option would be to fade in / fade out the icon if you directly look at it
This also effects the outcome of a round, the one that gets the first kill also gets the objective.
Mar 23 2017
This time not only the sound, but the hole game crashed when i used VOIP.
Though I would assume the reset of all I/O inputs was the cause of the crash, so the dumps probably dont contain any value able data