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- User Since
- Jan 31 2015, 10:40 AM (529 w, 4 d)
Jul 6 2016
Jul 1 2016
I can confirm that it's now working normally on RC
Jun 30 2016
Sorry I'm on dev branch ATM...I'll check when the MB gap between dev and RC is small
Jun 29 2016
Duplicate of
Jun 28 2016
Jun 25 2016
Jun 22 2016
Present again on RC
Jun 20 2016
Jun 18 2016
Jun 17 2016
Duplicate of :P though I didn't try it on St George airport
Jun 14 2016
Fixed itself for me in the Apex preview build
Jun 13 2016
Should be noted that if the Hellcat spawns with its engines on, the collision lights will be on and you cannot turn them off. Also, duplicate of
Jun 12 2016
Jun 11 2016
Thanks for correcting the grid, and wow, I honestly did not know that about those signs...
May 10 2016
Seems to be fixed now on RC.
Haha, no problem :)
Cannot reproduce on RC. I think this has been fixed. Also that window bug has been fixed on RC
Related to
Fixed in RC and dev. thanks, bis
Tested in latest RC build, seems to be fixed!
Present in RC build
Isn't it the actual player that's jittering? Look at it in third person
I can confirm that it's fixed on RC. I guess that means it's fixed on dev too.
Present in RC build
Tested with a whole bunch of different buildings and it seems to be fixed now in RC. Thanks, BIS!
It should also be mentioned that when shooting through destroyed windows bullets get deflected
This issue is present in RC build after latest update :(
I think its to make the action menu less cluttered
Fixed in current RC :)
Walking up and down stairs animation? Plus aiming down sights animation?
+1 here's another problem with the Hellcat
Isn't this more of a question than a bug? I know fog does change AI visibility, but it seems they can see through it slightly easier than players can
Well they are going to upgrade the water fog and give the water reflections (which is really awesome). And in the Tanoa trailer I think I saw shoreline waves
It seems to happen randomly for all vanilla aircraft gauges/monitors and cars' speedometers. Modded vehicles seem fine.
And I believe lights not turning on during the day is on purpose because they're useless during the day
Fixed in 1.54 (tested in RC build)
EDIT: restarted the game in vanilla and now they're pitch black seems this bug is a random occurance
EDIT: played with RHS Escalation on and all the vanilla cockpit monitors are now illuminted, except for the Buzzard, Wipeout, Blackfoot and Kajman
I don't understand BIS...why would they release a new uniform texture when its insignia is clearly not showing?
This bug now occurs for the Zafir and the Mk200 :(
Duplicate of
Well actually there is a hidden retexture of this uniform, place a CSAT soldier or someone who is wearing the CSAT uniform in the editor, and type this into their init box: this setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "\a3\characters_f\OPFOR\Data\clothing_rus_co.paa"]
To see more hidden retextures check this out
Fixed in RC
It says access denied when I try :\
It's broken again on dev branch without radios. AI now take long pauses in between each word. eg. "contact...rifleman...100 metres...north."
Fixed in 1.54 (tested in RC build)
This bug is fixed
^ Have not encountered that, but will edit OP if I do
Already fixed on dev branch
Fixed: Gorgon APC can no longer drive on the seabed and floats instead
from today's dev changelog
Note that this may or may not only be on dev branch
Fixed according to dev branch update 06-10-2015
Yes, but ctrl + hold right mouse button is not
Omg that second screenshot
that is just nasty
Need a new vanilla jet? Better call Saul
This bug is fixed
+1 I believe this is on stable build as well, and has been for a long time
What you mean is that there are for some reason American troops other than Kerry on Altis during the middle of Adapt, and it doesn't make sense because Kerry was the only American to survive the first episode (also they're wearing full US Army kit which doesn't make sense)
They should instead be CTRG (British) guys or just simple rebels
lol have fun getting banned idiot
Fixed in today's dev update
Also saw it with the ACO
They should also add MTP variants of the old (plate carrier) NATO vests
Also, the closest helmet available that almost matches the MTP camo is probably the dark paint SF helmet
Fixed in 1.54 (tested in RC build)'s bugged on dev could have been because I was using mods though...if some could please clarify that it's bugged on dev branch?
EDIT: Went on stable and it's completely fixed there