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- User Since
- Apr 18 2019, 8:32 AM (307 w, 3 d)
Dec 3 2019
If you get headshot, ir center of mass/upper body, it‘s one of the few good things in dayz that you instantly dead or after a few seconds. Good snipe, bad luck. Don‘t stand still in the open or any dangerous spots. .308 and 762x54 is strong ammo and bolt action rifles have their own disadvantages
Oct 10 2019
This game will bever get fixed, we‘ve all been scammed. Wake up. One day there will be another company releasing a game like that that works. And no one will ever play dayz anymore got easy 200 milliions just from console release. DayZ isnt preview anymore. But it still shows gsme preview in the xbox menue.
Oct 4 2019
Great comment. 100% agreed. DayZ/BI isa scam company full of lazy, cashgrabbing, lying and scamming twats. How much will players be paying for a sold idea that will never reach realization?
Sep 27 2019
They want money for the new map. BI scams us. They will never fix the game. They add new copy paste items without fixing the existing bugged items. Lame excuses, empty promises from BI ever since release. They just try to keep our expectations up to grab more money. I guess they take the console players money to invest in the development of arma4 that will be for pc players
Sep 20 2019
BI doesn‘t give a damn
Bi scammed us. We will never get a working game
We‘ve all been scammed with a unfinished game.
Its bugged. We had the same problem. BI doesn‘t test and doesn‘t give a damn
Sep 18 2019
You need a saw. You can only get planks from olank stacks with the axe.
Trust me, BI takes its time ever since. They take time to work on Arma4 and we pay for it. Minimal effort is invested in thes gane. Only empty promises and lame excuses
We‘ve all been scammed.
DayZ is a scam
Holy shit! Chivalry isn‘t dead...
Aug 28 2019
This just happened to two of my friends at the same time. Gate with barbe wire was open, i walked through, nothing haopened to me. One friend walked through, started the „hurt“ sound and dropped unconcious. Other friend wanted to help, both died within seconds... typically DayZ/BI- Bullshit. Adding new crap but no testing. When the game came out, what was in it isstill the same, what they added is just cheap crap. Cars, Basebuilding, it doesn‘t work and causes so much trouble. Gu play is shit, its frustrating that i‘ve spend that much loney on the game and server, i feel scammed
Aug 21 2019
Iit will be fixed when BI sells the game to a competent company
Aug 20 2019
Take a sea chest in your hands and press the heart animation and you can run as fast as without a seachest
Aug 18 2019
BI is trash and they scammed us
Oh come on grow some balls
It‘s very annoying. Happens with tents, cars, barrels, crates, seachests. The devs claim (in a video) that reloging would fix it, they can‘t be serious. If your a private server owner, you have to restart the server almost every half hour. How can they be so slutty in quality control? Every update it‘s worse. They trash things that even worked. And they add new things that don‘t work. I‘d rather wait for 1.05 for months if they would bring proper patches and bugfixes instead
Are your shoes ruined? If so, it causes bleeding over and over. The bleeding shouldn‘t be hard. I had that too and i had enough time to find new shoes. Repair damaged shoues with duct tape. Shoes wear off way too fast imo. Especially when jumping down from stuff
Aug 17 2019
This only happened to me when i was duct taped and at the same time the game/server crashed
I had that too. I oarked in a industrial building. After irestarted the server the car was sideways but undamaged. I restarted again and ut was flipped back to the wheels. I was lucky, in my case it stayed undamaged
Aug 11 2019
Lost two cars completely yesterday after restart. Doesn‘t happen all the time but its very annoying
We have the issue with one watchtowerwhere it doesnt build one side of a wall
I had problems with mp5 too. Itseamed to be dissapeared, also a mag seemed to be dissapeared after reloading it. I had the mp5 on the quickwheel and it was still shown in the quickwheel and i could put it in my hands that way. Also then i could swith mags and the mag reappeared. Not in the inventory, only in my hands. Relogging fixed it for me. But sometimes you pick stuff up that isn‘t there in reality
Yes, breaking into a base should be much harder. It should take 10-20 mins to break in a wall imo
I have a private server too and it happens all the time. We need to restart the server all the time to get items out of the trunk. Yesterday we were driving from the base to the coast to search industrial sites for stuff. With a Gunter and an Olga. After we had these issues with the items in the trunk, we decided to restart the server. As we relogged, both cars were despawned with lots of loot. Not the most satisfying experience...
Aug 9 2019
And in barrels
Happens in cars too
Aug 8 2019
BI doesn‘t understand the meaning if asap. It‘s gonna take them another 6 months
You shouldn‘t server hop anymore. It‘s so far one of the better changes they did. Play the game and deal with what you find, its dayz not fortnite
Your shoes are ruined after about 2hours of walking, and it causes your feet to bleed. Very realistic, thanks for that „improvement“ BI.
The servers crash a lot without kicking you in my experience. I had to relog a lot yesterday to fix the issue of failing inventory
The servers crash a lot since update. Also on private server. I had to relog a lot. Mark your server as favourite and set the filter at favourite to „show“, that will help
Jul 11 2019
The won‘t be able to fix this within the next 6 years, because they play around with their bobs and veganis
Jul 9 2019
The game doesn‘t work at all.
Steps to reproduce: play the game
Additional information: devs should commit suicide
Did you loose your duped gear?
The ghillie is shit anyways. If somebody aims with scope and klicks ads, then often the ghillie doesnt render in properly, appears even white and stands out harder than normal camo gear. That happens in long ranges too, no point wearing a ghillie it‘s a joke.
Jun 29 2019
Sloppy game programming, ever since and forever. Full release my ass
Its everywhere. BI doesn‘t give a shit. They just try some tweaks and players find a way around it within 1 hour. Broke game, scam.
Bohemia doesn‘t give a shit. They just say they do. I really diubt it that they even played dayz one single hour on consoles. We all got scammed, and we still play that pile if shit because if what it promises us wants to be, it could be, or should be. But it never will.
Very interesting
Same on xbox since cars came out. You get lag spikes everytime weather and lighting changes too. I play the game since it came out on xbox. Every update was more of a downdate. Sloppy devs, they dont care about the players imo. Actually i‘m sure we all got scammed. Today we drive a car since a long time, a friend drive it, i was passenger. I had endless lag, on my screen the car stopped and warped 3-4 times a second. You can doublecarry backpacks if you find out how. So you can wear ghillies and backpacks. The game is practically unplayable. Im a old dude, i olay games since 1990 and i‘ve never played such a bugged game before. People really want a game like dayz proclaims it wants to be. And that since years of developing. The game is in early access but the örice us full release. They must have got a million sales lately only on consoles. X50 euros thats 50 million euros. They just take the money and promise to do their best. I was construction worker and later architect, if i sold people houeses in the state of this game (no roof) as a finished product, i‘d be in jail. Fuck bohemia, you scammed us, you lied to us (pc players for years), and you laugh at us!
Jun 23 2019
Night vision scopes work
This problem is so old. When they „fixed“ it, it used 10 seconds to render, instead of 15 seconds. When they update, they dont test, they just throwgarbage out, so they look active to players who dont have a clue what really happens. Dayz givs a shit about what we need. Its a bicicle under a ferrari body
Jun 10 2019
Solution: if zoomed in to 12x, hold right dpad to go back to 8x. Then let go of LT. Hold LT again and hold x, you should be on 4x again
Its the only way to make this game enjoyable. Locked characters to servers.switch servers, new spawn or other character if you started on that server before. Everybody does pvp at solnichny factory. Gone north, build a base, looked around. Found tons of abandoned bases. Didnt see any players fir weeks. The game is braindead
May 16 2019
Also it only takes just a few seconds to dismantle a base from outside, it should be 15-20 mins at least
Its their problem if they forget what server they were in. Use a notebook or make a screenshot
Download the izurvive app. You will learn the map and to know and remember certain places soon. Soon you wont ev need a map
The dayz dev team is a lazy, greedy bunch of dudes. They just sell the idea of what the game once could be. Raise hopes and add little tle simple stuff free m time to time. They earned a lot of money since consoles and with new players on pc. I bet they didnt hire any additional programmers. If you see what modders are able too on pc it makes me think the game is a huge rippoff.
You can zoom out fully, we found out how it works.
- If fully zoomed, hold right button whilst aiming to get to middle zoom
- let go right button, then let go L2
- Hold L2 again (aim), then hold (not press) right button.
It should be back in lowest zoom level again
May 8 2019
I also think the same. Actually i begin to start that this game is a fraud. They are a little team, i know, but why dont they hire more people to get the game going? Im sure they made a huge load ofcash since they brought it on consoles, even on pc. They are holding up hopes of players, by constantly adding little bits of junk to the game. Why dont they work on fixed servers first even before adding basebuilding and cars? Ifyou are in full servers, you almost never see people away from thecoast. I stop playing the game until they add fixed to server characters or private servers. It seems they either dont want that or they are unable to do that. Everything they added since first release on console doesnt makeany sense without locked characters. I like the promoted idea of the game. I try to olay it legit. But i give up, its a dumb kids coastal pvp game, duping, glitching, toxic. Its just a rippoff trust me.
Apr 18 2019
I‘d suggest only fixed character servers. Make the game hardcore as it should be. New server, new Life. Limited amount of available characters per player. All problems solved plus hc game experience improved. Find no loot, you die. Please make private servers available for XBox too!