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Marine box or military tents
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There is a bug to run faster by having the sea chest or a military aunt in the hands

1: Squatting in front of the aunt or the chest
2: Take control of the coffer or aunt while squatting

3: The character will remain squatting with the aunt or the chest and the possibility of squatting trotinner with the hands that leave in chewing gum


Operating System
Windows 7
Game Physics
Steps To Reproduce


There is a bug to run faster by having the sea chest or a military aunt in the hands

1: Squatting in front of the aunt or the chest
2: Take control of the coffer or aunt while squatting

3: The character will remain squatting with the aunt or the chest and the possibility of squatting trotinner with the hands that leave in chewing gum

Event Timeline

Esteve created this task.Aug 17 2019, 1:00 PM
Esteve changed the task status from New to Confirmed Internally.
Esteve triaged this task as Immediate priority.
Esteve renamed this task from Camp dressing items plz ! to Marine box or military tents.Aug 18 2019, 1:15 PM
Esteve updated the task description. (Show Details)
Esteve changed Severity from Block to Major.
Esteve edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)

Take a sea chest in your hands and press the heart animation and you can run as fast as without a seachest

dedmen lowered the priority of this task from Immediate to Normal.Jul 13 2022, 2:47 PM
dedmen changed the task status from Confirmed Internally to New.