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- Mar 6 2013, 8:00 PM (625 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
I can confirm this issue, it makes mortars unusuable without the artillery computer. (At least in the French version of the game)
I can't find the WY-55 variant specifications on that page... :(
That's the Navy version isn't it ?
Wait how is a 25mm canon "less" than a 6.5mm gatling ?
At least in game I'm pretty sure the first one would wreck havoc on MRAP and light APC's while the 6.5mm is only really effective against non-armored targets (boats ? trucks n ATV)
(But considering I didn't check the damage output of the gatling since Beta I might be wrong there)
Quoting you.
"Just please bring Arma back to its roots"
Well the roots of ArmA ARE modding. This game has approximately the same amount of content OFP:R did. So your argument about ArmA III "not having the right amount and type of content" is subjective and as a matter of fact purely erroneous.
And for mission makers like "me" adaptability has ruled since OFP and so it's always nice to ask oneself "I'm making this mission with x and y addon but could I do it without them ?"
Once again : BIS provides a SANDBOX. If they had to add every little detail then the game would never be released and always bugridden. And there you're not asking about little details but for a complete overhaul. Basically what you are saying is : "Yup guys, I don't care about what you did and the effort you put into it but I don't like it so you're changing it to ArmA II but with ArmA III functionalities".
Anyways I would also add that the greek voicing is unlikely for now (even tho it would be logical to have it, it's one of the only "correct" points in your feedback). The Lemnos incident did leave its marks on the game after all, and if you don't believe me just open the editor and look up the group names for the AAF in the CfgGroup.
Well sir, I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy modding the game to make it "fit" your standards.
Gl with the tools ! :-)
If you don't want to get exhausted by zooming your binoculars you might maybe want to try to use the "+" key on the Num.Pad ?
Or maybe they did want ammo trucks to have low ammo resupply abilities. (Because let's face it, in ArmA/ArmA II you could just sit on a hill with a Shilka and raze cities with one ammotruck next to you - which was kinda imbalanced)
In any case the person handling the .cfg of those vehicles should give us some insight on the matter. (Even if there are probably more pressing matters)
You can probably use the "Set Ammo" module found in the Object Modifier as a workaround tho.
Interesting fact I apparently came across...
I wanted to test the amount of ammuntion it would resupply to different kind of vehicles however it seems that you can't rearm vehicles weaponry whose ammo is equal to 0. If you still have 1 shell it's okay but 0 will prevent any form of rearming it seems.
Also from what I tested it seems that an ammo truck will exactly give back 1666 catridges of "M200 LMG 6.5" which apparently equals 6 rounds of "120mm HE-T".
I guess the "transportAmmo = 2000;" is at fault here (it should be at least 20000 to be some kind of effective ?) but I'm bad when it comes to configs so...
Still not fixed in 1.10.
You can access the Dynamic Fog with the SetFog + [Array] command.
It seems MP-unfriendly tho... (but it might be the place I used to make my mission that was MP-unfriendly so... worth the try I guess)
And Altitians (?) shouldn't see any snow if they have the same climate we have here. :p
Well since you seem so eager to see it : DO IT. Shouldn't be hard huh ? At least it'll keep the guys from BIS onto real bugs and stuff. (Even if I agree seeing snow on... european maps and def. not on Altis/Stratis would be sweet)
I'm not mocking you anywhere but okay.
this setVectorUp [0,0,1] ? :/
But I agree objects should have a bit more I would say "consistance" under themselves. (like some bunkers in A2 for exemple)
I'm pretty sure Arrowhead features came from VBS rather than the community mods.
BIS might hold the rights for the game, the engine, et cetera... but I would say you might have to think again : Sure modders have the right to make MODS, however MODS aren't the GAME itself, you PAY for the game (supposedly) NOT for the mods.
And knowing BIS (I might be wrong tho) I actually don't see them take something from someone without hiring and/or paying him beforehand. AFAIC BIS respects modders works A LOT, enough to sacrifice a bit of developpement speed.
The problem I have with this is not about the concept but about the ability of realizing this.
What if someone who made a fix for the game was to see "his work" used by BIS and asked royalties for it ?
I think it has to do with a lack of information regarding if you're underwater or not. I've drowned a few times w/o SCUBA equipement and now I make sure to press X (at least 2 times) to make sure my character is a maximum "water-height".
It's actually the vest that comes into the sight.
I thought they were waiting for the beta to implement the stategic map ?
The lightning in ArmA III with DX11 cards is already stunningly realistic. '-'
"ArmA is meant to simulate the military"
Wrong, VBS is meant to simulate the military.
ArmA is made to be player friendly to start with, so if you join a server and crosshairs are ON please consider that :
- Maybe everyone is not as good as you;
- Maybe you should pick another server that fits your gameplay tastes better.
What could be a good idea tho is for BIS to add a filtering option about the default difficulty setting of servers. (For now it's indicated but I don't think you can filter per difficulty mode)
EDIT : Actually the browser could even give us more precise insight about which settings are ON and OFF with a button making a window pop-up and listing the settings/AI skills/and so on. Dunno how it would look like tho.
Should I actually change the issue name to make the issue clearer ?
As you ARE able to loot antitank rockets from bodies but STILL can't get the one "loaded" in the launcher of a dead body. (AFAIC)
Can't check atm, will do when my father is back from his "forced break". ;-)
Checked as of today with current DEV build [0.59.105679].
In LAN, with me hosting, while my father can loot rockets from the corpse (the one in the backpack for exemple) he is still unable to get the one "preloaded" inside the AT Launcher. I have no problem as host.
Confirmed with NATO soldiers looting RPG42 at least.
Locked into a tanning booth ?
More like in the mediteranean climate, tbf they should disable overcast on the islands if they have the same amount of rainy days on Altis/Stratis as where I live... :/
Back then in my first games in OFP's MP I got taught a nice way to enable the "Safety" on a gun : By placing the idle finger on the mousewheel instead of the left mouse button.
Trust me it still works in ArmA III ! ;-)
So, downvoted...
Burning is a new feature in ArmA III. Maybe the "Area of Effect" damage radius should be reduced for normal fireplaces but it's not really a bug.
May 9 2016
Upvoted, I feel like the good'old "Addweapons"/"AddMagazines" is starting to become a little bit too heavy for A3 with all the Vest/Backpacks/Uniform/Attachements comming up.
To the question : Hey, why is there no 3d editor?
The answer : Alpha Release. It might come around, just wait for it. ;-)
The first aid kit do what it's supposed to do : First Aid.
Adding First Aid kits that would totally heal players would remove the point of having medics in missions. However since bleeding was added in the game it allows you NOT to die from bleedloss while waiting for a medic.
@Wallace: I'm pretty sure the Medkit throws 100% heals with all the electronic stuff beeping.
"specific difficulty settings"
That's my problem, there's only ONE community of ArmA, you don't go around throwing hardcore features that might delay the release of the final game for a minority of people that enjoys picturing themselves as "better" in a GAME because they have a better grasp at gamemechanics. (Because it's all about the gamemechanics in the end)
If the features were planned by BIS from the beginning I have no problem against it, if it's just something they "HAVE TO ADD CUZ ITS PRO" then I have a problem :
Again, don't get me wrong, I played with the WGL 5.1 in OFP - MP included; I played ACE/ACE2 with "simili-militari" structures, it's fun... a little bit, but you shouldn't abuse it else you loose the "game-aspect" of the hybridish Infmilsim/Game ArmA is.
I'm not quite opposed to ALL the features from the ACE (would love to have bipods for exemple), what I'm against here is the mentality of some people that disregard the community they are part of.
severgun, I advise you enlisting yourself in the army since everyone playing this game not like you is a "noob". Stop trying to act like a "pro" and become one I say... in real life that is.
Now ACE and ur "uberleet" features splits the community in two kind and I'm pretty sure that's not what BIS wants. (Else there would be no A3, only game would be VBS3 with full ressources of BIA and BIS behind it).
@goldblaze : WGL was the "Ultra duper mega swag realistic mod" for OFP (now known as ArmA Cold War Assault), flying an AH1 never have been more fun... being interrupted every 20 seconds by engine/hydraulic/weapon system/radar failure :p
Great mod nonetheless.
@Luckz, I don't know if you looked into the Mission Editor but since A3 you can define the direction/strength/gusts in the "Advance Intel" part. (That wasn't available before).
As for the bipods, I'm for them but as a bonus feature rather than a "MUSTDOOMGNOTREALISTIFDONT". Weapon colliding with terrain/objects... I would say the engine limit this, but I ain't any expert in that area.
Sorry but ArmA II balances Game with Milsim. ACE unbalance toward the Milsim part a little too much in my opinion. (Heck if you want real milsim just get VBS or go to the closest army recruitement building).
Anyways there'll be a ACE3 mod (at least I hope), just wait for it and stop trying to push on other people your favorite mod because it's "t3h sw4g l33t 0mgZ"
And before any of you can cry because "I just don't like ACE" or that I'm a "noob" : WGL was one of my favorite mod. ;-)
How to fix this issue :
- Open internet browser.
- Use your internet search engine to find "Armaholic".
- Download the Blitzkrieg for A3.
- Enjoy PvP in ArmA III
Kudos to Kju for the fast release as well.
Imo the recoil is manageable... as long as you don't fire standing up/walking/leaning/being out of breath.
As for you Rogue Warrior, that's a nice talk about 5.56mm caliber, unfortunately the game weapons uses 6.5mm (it's clearly written basically everywhere in the game).
Indeed this has been a constant "mosquito-bite-sized" bother for MP mission-makers since OFP.
I guess it's because the "Playable" status fall in the same category as the "Player" one... but it's been 3 versions of the engine by now, I think something could be made to make it so only the "Player" status can't get copied.