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- User Since
- Aug 13 2019, 4:39 AM (290 w, 5 d)
Nov 13 2024
Hello @Geez
Thank you! In release 1.26 the server debug side works fine!!!
This ticket can be closed.
Mar 7 2024
And this servers with fake online!
@Geez you official server list is hacked
@Geez ???
Jan 4 2024
Hello @Geez !
I made this video for you. Please have a look and sorry for my bad English.
Dec 27 2023
Hello @Geez! Any news about this bug? When developing mods, every time there is a need for debugging on the server side when multiplayer is running, but debuging on server side does not work. Often i need to look at what data was transmitted by the client and what was received by the server, and then debug the received data on the server side. Unfortunately, the operation of single-player mode and multiplayer mode differs in terms of client-server interaction. This makes working with mods very difficult when server debugging is broken.
Mar 28 2023
Mar 27 2023
Similar problem. My code:
Jan 23 2023
Hello @Geez! Any information on how to create custom animations for DayZ?
Jan 22 2023
Thank you @Geez, this is exactly the information I needed!
Jan 17 2023
Any information on when this might be fixed?
Jan 12 2023
Oct 16 2022
Jan 25 2022
@Geez hello!
I think it's time to open this issue again, this video from Play Station console.
Jan 21 2022
@LouMontana Hello!
A sufficient amount of time has passed, but there is still no answer to this question. Is this a very difficult question or you just don't have time to answer it and need wait?
Jan 19 2022
DayZDiag_x64 running in multiplayer mode
@Jacob_Mango please tell me, debugging on the server does not work, what did I do wrong?
When i choose
Script editor say:
When i choose
Script editor say:
@Jacob_Mango the -mission parameter is missing. Thanks!
Correct server start line:
start /D "c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ" DayZDiag_x64.exe "-mission=.\Missions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus" "-mod=p:\RMClientPacked" -filePatching -server -config=serverDZ.cfg
Jan 13 2022
Dec 30 2021
@Jacob_Mango isn't work
Dec 19 2021
@Geez, are you ignoring me?
Dec 14 2021
Hello @Geez
More than 8 months have passed but the problem has not been resolved and there is no answer for it. Unable to start DayZDiag_x64.exe with the -server parameter.
I need to debug my scripts directly during client-server interaction, but I am not able to do this because the debug server just won't start.
The application works only in a single offline mode, where the concept of client-server interaction is extremely vague.
As far as I understand, the DayZDiag_x64.exe application cannot receive the Steam policy and cannot continue to launch further.
Jun 18 2021
May 15 2021
May 11 2021
By offering such a solution, you have not thought about honest players and thousands of servers on which they play. By proposing to solve problems in this way, you want to take away honestly earned loot from even players who killed other players (dishonest ones using duplication).
Player 1 has the original weapon and stores it in a box in the base.
Player 1 duplicates the weapon and leaves the original in the base. Goes to play with a copy of the weapon.
Player 2 killed Player 1 and took a copy of the weapon.
There have already been a lot of such situations all over the community and on official servers.
And then suddenly you appear so smart, and offer to remove all copies of the weapon that are, leaving the originals. It turns out that dishonest players will only benefit from this.
In general, your folding scheme assumes a significant load on the already not optimally working DAYS server applications.
I will repeat again - Bullshit
May 4 2021
Dear Bohemia, it seems to me that the time has come to focus all our efforts on this problem. Otherwise, the slogan "This Is DayZ - This Is Your Story" may turn into "This Is DayZ - This Is End Of Your Story"
Mar 11 2021
Mar 1 2021
This bug work only consoles
Feb 26 2021
It work always, and for everybody
Feb 25 2021
@Geez Soon it will be a year since I asked you to fix this important mistake, instead you fix batteries and other useless nonsense. Thank you. This once again confirms your attitude towards the old players, and tells me that there is no point in informing you about even more important problems in the game.
Feb 22 2021
Feb 19 2021
Feb 17 2021
Dec 2 2020
Nov 12 2020
Geez Turn off it fucken rain forever!!
Nov 8 2020
Just change the server
Oct 29 2020
Hi Carter643. Just describe the step by step so that the developer can reproduce and fix it. Thanks.
Oct 24 2020
Sep 24 2020
Aug 28 2020
Aug 27 2020
Hi Geez! Just see this video. That will explain everything.
По английски писать нужно бестолочь, здесь на русском никто не понимает.
Aug 2 2020
Jul 24 2020
Поплакать то не забыл деточка?
Jul 19 2020
Jul 18 2020
Jul 17 2020
It's work sometimes after bad weather.
Jul 16 2020
Yes. It's need!
Jul 13 2020
the codeine’s description says that it cures coughs, but actually it’s not, I tried to use two packs and it didn’t help cure the character
Jul 12 2020
Inventory stops opening. For a game where inventory is such a huge part of it, not being able to open the inventory menu is insane. Relogging fixes this. - Just jump!
Jun 18 2020
Jun 16 2020
May 6 2020
May 4 2020
Feb 25 2020
This also happens to me every day on the PS4. It is impossible to take items from other died players, it is impossible to take items from boxes.
Feb 21 2020
This is done so that clever people like you do not drag out items to an indestructible base, this will sooner or later lead to abnormal production on the server and you will remain to play with yourself, because everything items will be at your base. Other players will not be able to find anything on the server and will leave the game as There are restrictions on the amount of items on the server.
The very meaning of the game is that you have to constantly go around the map and look for things, meet other players face to face in various situations, and not sit at your super base, on which all things are collected, and wait for somebody will come for you. A raid system has been introduced for this, so that you can make a choice - sit and guard your base but sooner or later it will be opened during the raid, or not build a base and go look for things directly at military facilities and cities.
And if you are tired of the game and you stopped playing it, other players could open it in your absence and pick up items because you no longer need them but at the same time are absent in other places on the server due to the limit on the number of items
You need to be treated for paranoia bro, DAYZ has nothing to do with it.
You're damn right bro. I have been playing the game for more than 1500 hours since the release of the release on the PlayStation 4, and only after almost 900 hours of the game I accidentally captured two M4A1, one SVD, two LAR and one AK-101, I repeat this for 1500 hours of the game! And I took all this from other players by killing them. During the whole time of the game, I found such weapons only at the very beginning of the game, approximately September 2019. These are patches 1.02, 1.03 and 1.04, while my weapon was breaking every time because of a bug of a “stuck magazine that cannot be removed from a weapon” when you reload a weapon into a triangle. Since the massive problem of duplication of items began, I have not found a single good weapon, only any rubbish with which it is almost impossible to play and enjoy the game.
I have not met players with good weapons for a long time (LAR, M4A1, VSD, VSS, AK-101, KA-M), and also it is not present at any military facility and at no helicopter crash on any official server.
Bohemia strongly refuses to perceive and does not want to hear anything about wipe servers or introducing a system for controlling duplication of items (for example, by their unique identifier so that the copied item has exactly the same identifier as its original, after which the duplicated item is automatically destroyed on the server), or simply overcome the problem of duplication once and for all, but no! Instead, from patch to patch, Bohemia releases new bugs that allow you to crash the server and thereby begin to duplicate items over and over again, breaking the game to other honest players.
Many times I knew how to crash the server and knew the duplication methods, but I never used them and always played honestly. Once I sent a feedback message about one of the servers that there are at least 200 military tents in the area of the "factory (Solnichniy)" on one of the servers and asked to wipe server as he was full of duplicate items. There were "Fresh spawn" with LAR in his hands! And killing them, new ones appeared from other accounts again with LAR in their hands. Bohemia ignored this feedback, and the tents after a long time collapsed themselves, had no objects inside .I understand that Bohemia does not give a damn about me as an honest and experienced player, they don’t want to erase the servers, they don’t want to fix the problem of duplication, they don’t want do anything, just say "soon" and "soon".
The inventory bug has not been fixed, they boasted this for players on the PC but on the PlayStation the items still do not rise from corpses, boxes, barrels and cars. Instead, they scoffed and introduced increased hunger, as well as the never-ending rain that makes you very cold and you starve even more, if you are Fresh Spawn, then you run in the rain like a homeless person, from one empty house to another empty house in which there is a helmet or pants in search of at least one can of canned food so that you just don’t die. As a result of a rage you just turn off the game. All this damn unbalancing and just want to remove the game once and for all.
All this sincerely discourages me from continuing to play this "shit" (excuse me, but I can’t call it a game by paying $ 60 for Chernorussia and $ 15 for Livonia) expecting for 1500 hours of the game to finally fix everything and wipe the servers and duplicated items.
Bohemia, I know that you threw all your energy into a new project and are working on it, it’s probably damn cool and motivates you, but know that not a single player who has ever played DAYZ will ever buy your games anymore, and all the forces that you threw into the new project are in vain. You are wasting your time and your money.
Ghost01Alpha and ban you
Feb 6 2020
Bohemia don't give a shit about you bro. They can't hear you.
Jan 28 2020
Bohemia! When do you plan to fix it?!
Dec 12 2019
Bohemia can't hear you bro!
They add rabbits to the game and draw leaves for trees or do some other nonsense.
They do not care about you and your problems, I wrote many times here about serious problems and even about how they are reproduced, but they have not been fixed.
Money is already in their pocket and why should they do anything for you?
Dec 11 2019
Bohemia you killed the game!
Dec 6 2019
Dec 5 2019
Poor child, toys were taken from him and he is crying ...
Nov 28 2019
your shoes were destroyed it's the cause of the bleeding
Nov 27 2019
I think your requests are too fantastic and supernatural
Many times I fell in heavy rain, did not see a single lightning and did not hear a single thunder!