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- User Since
- Apr 13 2013, 9:09 PM (620 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
Can confirm it is still occurring in 0.58 stable.
This definitely deserves a review from development team. Upvoted.
obviously you can script lot's of things, but that's not the matter. We need an option to ingame order your subordinates to use their silenced weapons.
I think it is specially needed to separate the command "stealth" and the commands "silent" and "loud".
As I conceive it:
-The stealth command should remain as it is now. Soldiers behave quietly and try to remain hidden, but they use their default weapon.
-The "silent" command ( As I named it in additional information: "Use silenced weapons" ) should make them use their silenced weapons if possible. This command would also make them behave quietly as if the stealth command had been activated.
-Last, the "loud" command would order the use of specifically non-silenced weapons.
Anyway, In my opinion, the combat modes (Stealth, Aware, Danger, Relax) should not be modified at all, and the two options we mention should be added, i.e. you should be able to use the "silent" or "use silencers" order and still order them to behave "aware".
I have noticed that that the seventh menu ( Clicking seven ( 7 ) after selecting some of your soldiers) lacks the option associated with five ( 5 ) and goes from 1 to 9.
The option I suggest fits perfectly in this menu(The menu options could be reordered), adding these two options: (As an option could be allocated in number zero ( 0 ) ).
- Use silenced weapons
- Use non silenced weapons (OR any negation of the above.)
It fits the menu because it's the one that includes subordinates behavior options like stealth, danger and aware.
Stop adding notes to this issue. Instead let it drown.
I have also observed this. I have put three snipers from Blue force under my command, they have primary weapon and ammo. When they have enemies located(I can't exactly precise which action triggers this), they switch to secondary weapon.
If you order them to shoot at even very far located targets(More than 300 meters), they shoot their silenced pistol.
I have also tested this with Green army snipers.
Thank you.
This bug deserves more attention,
I have also noted that they not only use their secondary, but also tend to lower it and alternate between weapon raised and weapon lowered.
Thanks, I will use that command as a temporary solution.
Absolutely upvoted.
It would be obviously an awesome feature, but I suppose devs have already looked into this. They will have to decide if the performance loss worths a try.
Maybe it could be left as an option, to leave "three maps", Altis and Stratis; Altis and Stratis.
That way you could create missions in the map you prefer and make it so that it only renders what you need.
Yeah, they are probably going to fix it, but I don't know...
Not only they are arcade since the last patch, they were already arcade before the last patch.
For a game that claims to be a simulator, flight dynamics are almost as arcade as the ones in Battlefield, which are the most arcade flight dynamics I've ever seen.
This is specially necessary for a game that claims to be a simulator. I also proposed this but the moderator misunderstood what I was asking for and merged some topics.
I haven't even played multiplayer, but I don't want it to be COD-style, where you can shoot someone in the back with a not-very powerful rifle and he can turn around and even kill you.
It is unrealistic how you can shoot an enemy and he can even run after that...
@ahmedabdo you simply don't get the idea.
Imagine you use the key 'c' for crouching, then you could assign '2 x c' to select another crouching stance. Or pressing '2 x shift' for standing up directly, without having to pass through all the stances.
Agreed. C'mon BIS this is a simulator, not GTA
Stop adding notes to this topic, let it drown.
May 9 2016
What does feedback status mean?
ARMA really needs this, make it optional.
Why the hell does people downvote this?
A bipod only helps to have a steady aim specially while wielding heavy weapons, and it doesn't diminish recoil.
Please, if you implement this, implement it in a realistic way.