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- Nov 27 2014, 4:59 PM (536 w, 2 d)
Dec 1 2018
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May 11 2016
DayZ is a hardcore game thats the key difference. Its about realism and its part of what makes DayZ exciting and unique. Doing anything in the game takes a lot of time so when you are faced with a PvP situation its intensity is much higher than any other game.
The tire or jerry can sizes should not decrease. It is realistic, no way would you be able to fit a tire into any backpack. If the Devs really wanted to assist in this situation then maybe they can add a craftable tire carrying kit with rope or something. Hang 1 around your back (although this would be pretty uncomfortable in reality) or perhaps make a sled to be able to lug more than 1 tire around. But I doubt the latter would happen.
As it is now is not too bad. Getting a vehicle working is very much so an "end-game" thing. Its another task that you can decide to do and it shouldn't be easy.
You seem to be on to something here. Voted up so the dev's will hopefully take a closer look at these packets. I also really want to see desync issues like this eradicated.
I can confirm this. Been using the sedan extensively and I like it overall but it does go to the right naturally, even with all 4 wheels pristine condition.
Yes this is very annoying on a new character and can confirm it. After a few logins somehow eventually the "fake" battery disappeared and no longer experienced the issue, but definitely reproducable on any new spawn character. Its weird that it only seems to apply to the battery.
I believe this is just an issue of driving. Its hard to get used to the manual transmission and true the car does slide around too much but after playing with it for several hours I can say I'm a pro at the Sedan. Ruined spark plugs or ruined battery's have no effect.
Take TimF's advice he has the right idea. And indeed there should probably be some kind of interface showing you which gear you are in.
May 10 2016
I'm wondering if DayZ devs will eventually implement this down the line? It doesn't really make sense to not be able to rotate a rifle and making it fit in a container that has the amount of slots available.
Can confirm. Have not seen any loot in cars in the past 2 patches.
Many new players including my friend who just got the game are having this problem with their first play experience. Its a terrible introduction to the game, they literally can not play it until this is fixed. This needs to be fixed ASAP.
Theres also another helicopter crash just south of Novy Sobor and Stary Sobor. In a new destroyed town or ruins called "Komuna"
That one doesn't spawn any loot either. I believe they are supposed to.
This is a major issue. This doesn't seem to happen to all players but does to many. Even if the guy has a good internet connection they still experience this problem. The game is unplayable as the player sees something completely different from everyone else and they are desynced 90% of the time. This is a severe issue that needs fixing ASAP
Yea can happen just from sprinting to fast into one or someone can literally just push you through a railing. Happens on many occasions and results in death if its high up.
This also happened to me. However in slightly different circumstances. It was the same type of barn but in Vybor and my friend somehow pushed me through the railing accidentally. Stupid engine, why isn't there a solid barrier there, it should never be possible to go through a metal railing.
Yes pretty annoying. After eating it should not automatically remove the objects from your hands, it should stay there. Or atleast give us the option to choose what it does.
This depends entirely on the type of night. Has nothing to do with the recent patch. In the middle of the night without a moon it should be pitch black. Closer to sunrise or sunset with a moon theres still a fair amount of visibility in an open field.
Double-tapping shift sometimes fixes this. Double-tap of shift is a toggle to permanently be either in walk or sprinting mode. This may untoggle it if this is the problem.
Yes especially with a "headlamp" it seems to be difficult to get that to come up in Vicinity. The take command is usually much easier to use for this object.
No, this is how night is. Go walk around at night its pretty difficult to see colors without light reflecting off objects. This is intended, night works well right now in my opinion.
With an axe melee seems to work properly. I've found it works very well actually. Other weapons seem to be broken at the moment.
Can confirm this does not work. You can chamber a single bullet into an M4A1 without a magazine but it seems you can not chamber a single bullet into the FNX 45.
Can confirm. Never seen loot in deerstands yet. They will probably add it later.
Split second zombie sounds too
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