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- User Since
- Mar 29 2014, 3:52 AM (573 w, 3 d)
Mar 17 2024
I'm not sure if the two issues are related, but today on 1.24 I had the hotbar disappear and then a bit later I had blood spatter that did not clear after bandaging.
I encountered this today on 1.24 on a Vanilla community server.
Nov 27 2022
Sep 24 2022
Later I got stuck on a cabinet in one of the holiday cabins.
Jun 9 2022
@mrdarn !!! You have just vastly improved the quality of my life! :)
Jun 6 2022
Hi ParanoiaLP. Yes I am aware of the little arrows to scroll through the characters. The problem is that after playing on server A then I switch to server B, my character for server A is no longer in the rotation of characters that appear in the scrolling list. I am suggesting that BI change it so that the least recently used character falls off the list instead of the most recent character.
Jun 5 2022
Apr 1 2022
I don't work for BI, but this issue is still marked "open", you do not need to comment saying it still persists. They are aware. Unfortunately it seems like we are still waiting on the fix.
Oct 14 2021
I experienced this as well. I had setup a tent and a generator next to it. Every day I interacted with the tent and generator (but only by flipping it on and off). Today the generator is gone. I too would kindly request that turning the generator on should reset the interaction timer. Thank you!
Sep 10 2021
You can close this issue, I believe your first update to 1.14 experimental has resolved the problems.
Sep 4 2021
Aug 22 2021
Today I was able to confirm that was indeed the case. I had just crafted an improvised fishing rod and I placed it on the ground so that I could dig up worms. The dig worm action was stopped before I could finish and I became desynced. This time I was able to jump and that sorted everything out.
Jun 6 2021
May 12 2021
The resolution of this ticket is still open so you can assume the issue still exists.
May 3 2021
May 2 2021
Thank you for the video, that was very similar to what I experienced. When you go to dig worms the action is immediately stopped. If you try again you get stuck like that. Jumping did not work for me to fix it. I had to re-log.
Apr 8 2021
Sorry, I am not certain about exact reproduction steps. It only happened for me about 2 out of 5 or 6 times. I will continue to try to reproduce.
Apr 3 2021
Mar 1 2021
I had a similar problem with a Glock, in worn condition. I was single chambering rounds (no magazine) and eventually the gun jammed. I could not clear the jam by holding or double tapping the charging button. When I examined the gun in the inventory by middle mouse clicking it, it showed a round jammed in the chamber. I logged off and back on. The jammed round was missing and I was able to reload.
Feb 18 2021
I don't have any screenshots yet but I have noticed there are many issues with the in-game map in Livonia. The map shows ponds where there are none and lots of trail information seems to be missing or wrong.
Nov 28 2020
This happened to me as well, although in my case I only had the propane tank attached to the stove. Upon relog the tank was gone.
Aug 21 2019
May 17 2019
I can confirm that on stable 1.0.3 that this is no longer a problem.
Apr 25 2019
Jan 17 2019
I can confirm the problem does not exist on the latest experimental version.
Jan 16 2019
May 26 2017
Mar 5 2017
Nov 12 2016
I did some further troubleshooting on this. I was forgetting to hit the final "apply", so I was wrong about making the changes stick. I was able to remap vault to another key, but no matter what I tried, my old combination of 2 x NUM0 no longer seemed to work. I checked and made sure there wasn't any conflicts or reuse of NUM0 (there wasn't an exclamation point next to the binding in the options).
Jun 7 2016
I noticed a similar problem with the big office building aka tech building:
May 11 2016
I have seen this as well. I had two zombies outside a closed door at a jail house. They could not get in as the door was closed. I then locked the door with a lockpick and they immediately came through the closed door to attack me.
This might also be related:
On another occasion a zombie was outside a closed door. His arm was partially glitching through the door. I decided to see if I could shoot him through the door. As soon as the bullet hit the door the zombie came running through the closed door.
May 10 2016
I saw this tonight. My black painted fire axe was hitting zombies but it had no effect on them at all. I am playing stable: 0.47.124641.
Oops, this is a duplicate of 0010859.
I had this issue tonight on a hardcore server. From memory, I did have a full inventory, if that matters. I could not eat, drink, or use a bandage. All I could do was "inspect" various items with the right mouse button on the inventory screen.
This was on 0.44 stable.
I think there is another shed next to the hospital that blocks one of the exterior hospital ladders, but as I remember you could still climb down it.
I can verify that 3 sticks works.
I could not make one with 2 sticks. Perhaps the recipe changed to 3 as Cabbage suggests.
I've seen it too.
The rocks next to the shack also protrude into the shack.
This is near Devil's castle.
I also experienced this in the apartment building right next to the store in Novoselky. I climbed to the very top roof. Then when I climbed down the topmost ladder, I could not get into the hallway from the elevator door.
I just noticed this today. I tried customizing my character to one of the new custom female models. I hit set as default and exited the menu. Immediately if you go back to the customize character screen your character is reset back to the female very dark model. I tried this with Kamila, Henriet, and JanaZ.
I am on 0.48.124737.
Also happens when writing on paper in-game.