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Locked inside trailer caravan
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I got locked into one of those single door trailers that you find out in the woods. I cannot get out now. See steps to reproduce.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Enter the caravan trailer
  2. Close the door
  3. Lock the door with a lockpick
  4. Logoff
  5. Log back on a few hours later

When I logged back on the trailer door was still closed and I got the prompt to open it. Pressing the key to open the door did nothing. If I equip the lockpick in my hands I get prompted to "Lock the door". Performing this action does nothing. I also tried using a melee weapon on the door but that didn't seem to open it either. The door seems to be in a weird state where it cannot be unlocked or opened.

Additional Information

1.12 stable on PC

Event Timeline

Gremmie created this task.May 3 2021, 1:12 AM
andro_dawton added a subscriber: andro_dawton.EditedMay 3 2021, 8:40 AM

Server restarted in between? Can other players unlock the door?

Heared from other players which had the same problem with different doors last couple days. So maybe the door state bugfix has something to do with it.

Can report the same.
Also heard from various players about the problem described above.

Additionally, I noticed in several different buildings (sheds, garages, industrial buildings) I can't open the door, even though it is not locked. Simply no interaction possible.

I also tried locking these doors, also not possible. The action will not be executed.

Neither relog nor server restart did anything to solve it.

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.May 3 2021, 2:49 PM
andro_dawton added a comment.EditedMay 3 2021, 3:24 PM

Was able to recreate on an Exp server.
Locked up the doors with a lockpick yesterday. It is not possible for me to open them today.

Geez changed the task status from Assigned to Acknowledged.May 3 2021, 3:34 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Thank you for your report and all the information you have provided.
We have confirmed the issue and it has been scheduled for a fix.

can confirm this issue still exists, as my character has been locked in a barn since the last update!

Rafain added a subscriber: Rafain.EditedMay 6 2021, 1:05 AM

Também estou preso, quando isso vai ser solucionado ? Quero jogar e não posso sair de dentro do local, porta está trancada e não abre. E agora ?

Servidor: DayZ HC BR 4 -001

Urs0815 added a subscriber: Urs0815.May 7 2021, 3:05 PM

Was able to recreate on an Exp server.
Locked up the doors with a lockpick yesterday. It is not possible for me to open them today.

was it solved?

The resolution of this ticket is still open so you can assume the issue still exists.

andro_dawton added a comment.EditedMay 13 2021, 10:14 AM

Yeah, tested it yesterday on serveral doors on this server. Some doors (without context between them other than that they are doors) are still bugged till now. Some doors was never bugged.

abed added a subscriber: abed.May 15 2021, 3:16 PM

Got the same bug now after locking myself in a train wagon before logging off.

@Geez Any chance there will be some minor patch released and fix for this issue will make it into such patch? This is quite game breaking bug (even though might not seems like one), I noticed some people abuse it to completely lock out high tier locations (military bases etc.). This is especially apparent on servers with smaller maps like Livionia, Namalsk, Deer Isle.

Geez added a comment.May 19 2021, 2:57 PM

@Geez Any chance there will be some minor patch released and fix for this issue will make it into such patch? This is quite game breaking bug (even though might not seems like one), I noticed some people abuse it to completely lock out high tier locations (military bases etc.). This is especially apparent on servers with smaller maps like Livionia, Namalsk, Deer Isle.

Hello kubas246.
While we understand this is an inconvenience, the fix for this will be most likely released with the next major update.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jun 8 2021, 2:33 PM
Geez claimed this task.

Hello everyone.
The issue has been fixed internally and the fix will appear in the next update.

rashii added a subscriber: rashii.Sep 8 2021, 11:22 PM

This issue still exist so the fix was not in the next update. Locked inside a one door house after using lockpick. logged back in and now door is still locked and door wont open

This issue has happened to me yesterday and it is still happenning. I locked a door with a lockpick, logged out and when i got back in it won't let me unlock it.